Anavar is one of the best cutting steroid used by men and women

Anavar is one of the best cutting steroid used by men and women



1.What is Anavar?

Anavar represents one of the most popular oral anabolic steroids of all time, and this is largely due to its well-tolerated nature. This is one of the few anabolic steroids that can be used safely by men and women, and it’s also one of the most side effect friendly. However, in some circles Anavar is greatly underappreciated due to its mild nature, but this is generally due to unrealistic expectations. Many tend to assume all anabolic steroids should yield a set of specific effects at a specific rate of power, but reality tells us varying steroids carry varying results and purposes. Anavar is without question an extremely beneficial anabolic steroid, but in order to appreciate its benefits we must understand it.


2.Effects of Anavar

[1] Muscle Growth

Bulking/Off-Season: As the Oxandrolone hormone does not aromatize, any weight gained due to use will be lean muscle mass. Water retention is impossible due to the use of this steroid. However, massive gains often associated with steroid bulking cycles should not be expected with this steroid, it simply isn’t cut out for it. The individual should be able to gain some solid lean tissue and many report Anavar gains are easier to hold onto. But it won’t provide gains similar to well-known mass agents like Anadrol, Dianabol, Nandrolone or Testosterone. Some may find despite moderate gains that is all they want.

While Anavar is not the best off-season bulking steroid for men, when it comes to female use we must make an exception. Women are far more sensitive to Anavar than men, and it can be a very effective off-season agent. Further, most women are not looking for gains in size anywhere near male levels; often a slight increase in muscularity can be transforming.

Regardless of sex, all who use Anavar for off-season mass gaining phases will appreciate its metabolic enhancing traits. Those who supplement with the Oxandrolone hormone will find they gain less off-season body fat than they would have otherwise. Due to the increased levels of free testosterone, individuals will also find other steroids being used to be more potent. It may not be by a lot, but every last bit helps.

[2] Cutting

Fat Loss: Without question, male or female one of the best times to supplement with Anavar will be during the cutting phase. This will also be the most common purpose of use as the vast majority who use anabolic steroids participate in no competitive sports taking them out of the athletic enhancement category in an official sense. Due to its powerful anabolic nature, Anavar is one of the best steroids on earth for preserving lean tissue during the dieting phase. In order to lose body fat, we must burn more calories than we consume. The key to successful dieting is losing the desired fat while maintaining as much lean tissue as possible; however, muscle loss will occur. It does not matter how well-planned your diet is, some muscle loss will occur if a powerful anabolic agent is not present. Anavar is the agent you need due to the facts discussed above regarding its effects.

Those who supplement with Anavar during the cutting phase will also burn fat at a more efficient rate. Regardless of how powerful the direct lipolysis trait is or isn’t, the metabolic rate will still be greatly enhanced. Once lean, the individual will also find he appears harder and more defined. This is often accompanied by enhanced vascularity, and an overall tighter look.

[3] Athletic Enhancement

Anavar is greatly appreciated by many athletes for a few specific reasons. This steroid will increase strength; the total increase will not be as significant as steroids like Dianabol and nowhere near the level of Halotestin, but it will be notable. Strength is one of the primary factors of successful athleticism as it translates into speed and power. Athletes also appreciate Anavar due to the fact that it won’t produce a large buildup in mass. In some cases, added mass might be a hindrance depending on the sport, and in other cases, it will bring about prying eyes that no athlete wants on them. When we further consider this steroid cannot lead to water retention, a possible burden to many athletes, Anavar rest as one of the top athletic choices.

[4] Enhanced Performance

Priority: Regardless of the purpose of use, all those who supplement with Anavar will find their rate of recovery is enhanced, as well as their muscular endurance. The individual will not tire out as fast, and he will be able to push longer and harder. This does not mean we should increase the duration of our training sessions, which may or may not be the case depending on the situation. However, we will make better use of each training session, we will make better use of our time on the field and all in all more quality work will be done.


3.Positive Effects for Men

1. The popularity of the product is secured by its great properties. The use of Anavar cycle brings multiple dividends for any athlete. Its major properties are as follows:
An anabolic effect of a huge potential. It is able to enhance the amounts of testosterone up to 400%.
2. Androgenic improvements. Due to the influence of the product, a man can gain about 25% of testosterone.
3. A total absence of estrogen. There will be no estrogen issues.
4. The improvement of hardness of muscles. The muscle toughness will increase for many a time.
5. A sufficient sustenance of performance. The athletes will be able to enjoy better results.
6. A significant enhancement of the presence of growth hormone. This component will improve merely all capabilities of the athletes.
7. An efficient and rapid melting of fatstores. The metabolic rate hugely increases.
8. A usability of both genders. Male and female athletes can almost safely use this product.
9. A lasting period of action. Anavar provides a long period of duration, which reaches 12 hours.

4.Positive Effects for Women

As it has been already mentioned, Oxandrolone can be used by both genders. Thus, Anavar for women has definite improvements as well.

It is obvious that men and women have various systems. Accordingly, the influence of different preparations will have various results. Therefore, the muscle growth will be more profitable for women athletes. They will gain muscle weight faster and easier.

Another advantage is a preserving function of lean muscle. Though the calorie amount might be limited, Oxandrolone enables an increased metabolic rate.


5.Anavar Cycles and Uses

Although Anavar has gained popularity as being a ‘cutting agent’ or ‘cutting steroid’ throughout the past, its capabilities are not limited strictly to this. Although it can perform and assist quite well in the area of achieving fat loss and physique definition, it is an excellent compound for mass gaining, strength, and bulking. Being that it is 3 – 6 times the anabolic strength of Testosterone, Anavar cycles can indeed be bulking cycles without issue.

However, because Anavar does impose some strain and toxicity in the area of liver function, it cannot be utilized for the same length of time as those core injectable compounds can. Therefore, it is often included at the beginning of any cycle for the first 6 – 8 weeks before it is discontinued. Anavar cycles can be extended to a maximum of 10 weeks at a reasonable dosage, however, due to its lower degree of liver toxicity than other oral compounds. For the purposes of bulking, Anavar cycles are normally run with similar compounds used for bulking, such as a long-estered Testosterone (e.g. Enanthate) and possibly a compound such as Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate).

For its use in fat loss and cutting, Anavar cycles are often shorter and utilized with compounds used for achieving similar goals. These can be anabolic steroids such as Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate, Masteron (Drostanolone Propionate), etc. These compounds generally hold the same characteristics as Anavar and promote very little to no water retention or bloating that is often not desired during cutting and fat loss phases where it is important for the bodybuilder to observe changes in physique definition.


6.Anavar Dosages and Administration

Standard Anavar dosage for therapeutic treatment will normally fall in the 5-10mg per day range with 20mg per day normally being the maximum dose. Such use will normally last 2-4 weeks with a small break after use before implementing the next 2-4 week cycle. Such use will continue as long as deemed necessary.

For the male performance enhancing athlete, a 20-30mg per day dosing will provide athletic enhancement, but most will find 40-50mg per day to be far more efficient. 80mg per day is not uncommon, but this will increase the risk of side effects. Standard male Anavar cycles will last 6-8 weeks.

For the female performance enhancing athlete, regardless of the purpose of use, 5-10mg per day is normally the perfect dose. Very few women will need more than 10mg per day. If more is desired and 10mg per day has been well-tolerated, 15mg per day can be attempted the next go around. However, every increase in dosing will increase the risk of virilization. Doses of 20mg per day will strongly increase the risk with doses above this mark all but guaranteeing some level of virilization. Standard female Anavar cycles will last 6-8 weeks.

The vast majority of medical applications called for an Anavar dosage in the range of 2.5 – 20mg per day, which was of course heavily dependent on the type of sickness, disease, or disorder that Anavar was intended for. Within medicine, Anavar has been utilized as an example in AIDS patients within the range of 20 – 80mg per day in order to combat and/or reverse muscle wasting. The same has also been demonstrated with burn victims. This is a solid indication of the general dosage range that would be effective for muscle growth and athletics. As Anavar is a drug with plenty of experience with different ages of patients, the effects of Anavar are also not dependent on age.

anavar pills Balkan pharmaAlthough Anavar has been wrongfully touted as being a ‘mild steroid’ in the area of anabolic capability, studies have shown otherwise, and as previously mentioned thus far, it is a compound that is 3 – 6 times the anabolic strength of Testosterone. Therefore, in the athletics and bodybuilding world, Anavar dosages for beginners tend to start and stay in the 25 – 50mg per day range and should provide great results whether bulking up or trimming down the fat. Advanced users tend to venture between 50 – 80mg per day, and there is usually no need to exceed this range due to the dramatic results that such an Anavar dosage can provide. Very rarely, however, experienced advanced Anavar dosages venture within the 80 – 100mg per day range.

Being that Anavar is a great anabolic steroid for the female athlete and bodybuilder that wishes to minimize and eliminate androgenic virilization side effects as demonstrated in studies, most females will utilize an Anavar dosage within 5 – 10mg per day. Advanced female users that may want to push the envelope tend to rise up to 20mg per day, though it is recommended that any and all female use of Anavar for bodybuilding or athletic purposes be limited to no longer than 4 – 6 weeks at a time.

There is also something to be said about combining an Anavar dosage with caffeine. One study has demonstrated that just 300mg of caffeine administered alongside Anavar increased subjects’ blood plasma levels of Anavar by 15 – 20x compared to baseline levels.


7.The Benefits of Anavar

As a very mild anabolic steroid Anavar is not well-suited for bulking cycles or gaining phases; you will not produce a vast amount of lean muscle tissue through its use when speaking of performance enhancing purposes; however, what is produced will be solid muscle tissue. The greatest benefits associated with this particular steroid lie within muscle preservation and metabolic activity. This simply means Anavar has the ability to not only aid in reducing body-fat but preserving muscle tissue while on a calorie restricted diet; further, the more muscle tissue we have the greater our metabolic activity will be thereby increasing the rate in-which body-fat is utilized for energy. Because Anavar is apt for fat reduction and muscle preservation it is commonly used by physique athletes during their competition preparation, as well as by common gym rats who simply want to look leaner and tighter at the beach.


8.Anavar Side Effects

As previously touched upon, Anavar is hailed with praise among bodybuilders, athletes, and the medical community for its incredible side effect-to-benefit ratio and its general lack of negative side effects in comparison with many other anabolic steroids.

Estrogenic side effects are completely nonexistent with Anavar due to the fact that it is a derivative of DHT, which is an androgenic hormone that is already unable to convert into Estrogen. As such, Anavar retains this characteristic. In other words, the side effects typical of Estrogen (such as water retention, bloating, fat retention/gain, and development of gynecomastia) are completely unseen. In addition to a total lack of Estrogenic activity, Anavar also completely lacks any Progestogenic activity as well, thus negating any potential negative effects there too.

Although Anavar is comparably less androgenic than Testosterone by a great deal, side effects here can still surface especially in those individuals who may be sensitive to androgenic side effects. These can include increased oily skin, acne, hair growth increases in the face and body, and risks involving male pattern baldness (MPB) as well as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

Despite what is commonly touted about Anavar being “mild on the endocrine system”, there is evidence to the complete contrary where studies have demonstrated almost 40% suppression of endogenous Testosterone production and testicular function after only 5 days of use at 15mg per day in healthy young men. Therefore, Anavar should not be taken lightly in the area of suppressed and disrupted hormonal function. If it can suppress the HPTA (Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis) after a mere 5 days of use at 15mg per day, it can and will induce complete shutdown over weeks of use at higher ‘bodybuilding doses’.

In comparison with other oral anabolic steroids, studies have demonstrated that Anavar expresses the least amount of hepatotoxicity and strain on liver function of all of them. It should be noted that Anavar still expresses a degree of toxicity in this area, so it is still advisable not to utilize Anavar for an 8 – 10 week period at reasonable dosages. Proper supplementation with good liver support compounds is also always essential when utilizing oral anabolic steroids, no matter how mild they may be claimed to be.


9.Where to buy Genuine Anavar raw powder online

You can find many Anavar powder source online, but it is hard to buy Genuine Anavar raw online. There are many sources selling fake products at the market. so when you buy Anavar raw material online, you need to choose an realiable source