Is really that Modafinil in boosting brainpowder work well After taking?

Is really that Modafinil in boosting brainpowder work well After taking?



What is kind of Modafinil?

Modafinil is used to treat excessive sleepiness caused by narcolepsy (a condition that causes excessive daytime sleepiness) or shift work sleep disorder (sleepiness during scheduled waking hours and difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep during scheduled sleeping hours in people who work at night or on rotating shifts). Modafinil is also used along with breathing devices or other treatments to prevent excessive sleepiness caused by obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS; a sleep disorder in which the patient briefly stops breathing or breathes shallowly many times during sleep and therefore doesn't get enough restful sleep). Modafinil is in a class of medications called wakefulness promoting agents. It works by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the area of the brain that controls sleep and wakefulness.

Modafinil is a smart drug,also known as a nootropic from AASraw steroids powder.How does Modafinil Work?

Modafinil is a widely prescribed smart drug designed to do one thing: keep you awake.By now you’ve probably heard that everyone from Tim Ferriss to Dave Asprey to President Obama has taken Modafinil at some point.

They’re not alone.Entrepreneurs, doctors, programmers and just about everyone I know has heard about Modafinil or used it themselves.Yet despite its growing appeal, few people know how Modafinil actually works.

That’s a minor issue, given that 1) most of Modafinil use is off-label, meaning it’s made in random labs in India, and 2) it’s only going to get more popular with time.As such, it’s worth stepping back for a minute and learning about this little white pill we take for work.

How To use modafinil?

Modafinil comes as a tablet to take by mouth. It is usually taken once a day with or without food. If you are taking modafinil to treat narcolepsy or OSAHS, you will probably take it in the morning. If you are taking modafinil to treat shift work sleep disorder, you will probably take it 1 hour before the beginning of your work shift. Take modafinil at the same time every day. Do not change the time of day that you take modafinil without talking to your doctor. Talk to your doctor if your work shift does not begin at the same time every day. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Take modafinil exactly as directed.

Modafinil may be habit-forming. Do not take a larger dose, take it more often, or take it for a longer period of time than prescribed by your doctor.

Modafinil may decrease your sleepiness, but it will not cure your sleep disorder. Continue to take modafinil even if you feel well-rested. Do not stop taking modafinil without talking to your doctor.Please adjust modafinil schedule and you will feel better.

Modafinil should not be used in place of getting enough sleep. Follow your doctor's advice about good sleep habits. Continue to use any breathing devices or other treatments that your doctor has prescribed to treat your condition, especially if you have OSAHS.

How should I take modafinil (Provigil)?

Take exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Do not take in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended. Modafinil is usually given for 12 weeks or less. Follow the directions on your prescription label.

This medication comes with patient instructions for safe and effective use. Follow these directions carefully. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions.Modafinil is usually taken each morning to prevent daytime sleepiness, or 1 hour before the start of a work shift to treat work-time sleep disorders.

If you are taking modafinil to treat sleepiness caused by obstructive sleep apnea, you may also be treated with a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. This machine is an air pump connected to a mask that gently blows pressurized air into your nose while you sleep. The pump does not breathe for you, but the gentle force of air helps keep your airway open to prevent obstruction.

Do not stop using your CPAP machine during sleep unless your doctor tells you to. The combination of treatment with CPAP and modafinil may be necessary to best treat your condition.

Modafinil will not cure obstructive sleep apnea or treat its underlying causes. Follow your doctor's instructions about all your other treatments for this disorder.Talk with your doctor if you continue to have excessive sleepiness even while taking modafinil.Taking this medication does not take the place of getting enough sleep.Store at room temperature away from moisture and heat.In addition,the momafinil dosage will be recommend is 30-50mg.

The effects of Modafinil raw powder

Benefits of Modafinil raw powder

The benefits of modafinil are manifold and have been researched extensively over the past decade. Partially, this is due to the military and government interest in modafinil as a tool for soldiers and pilots who engage in combat activity under sleep-deprived conditions.

According to multiple studies, there is a significant decrease in fatigue when using modafinil . Users that experience sleep deprivation or have hyperinsomnia find that their mental performance is heightened after using modafinil (or the downsides are negated).

Another benefit of modafinil is with regard to general cognitive abilities. Modafinil can improve cognitive abilities, which are measured by reaction time, working memory , and other tests. While the benefits are less for non-sleep deprived individuals, it is obvious that healthy adults can still see cognitive benefits from using modafinil.

One of the favorite uses for modafinil is attention, alertness, and concentration. While all of these are similar in their mechanisms as “wakefulness”, they are slightly different from a scientific perspective. The quantity of research literature shows that modafinil has a positive impact on all of these factors.

The side effects of modafinil raw powder

Headache, nausea, nervousness, dizziness, or difficulty sleeping may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects.

Tell your doctor right away if you have any serious side effects, including: fast/pounding/irregular heartbeat, mental/mood changes (such as agitation, confusion, depression, hallucinations, rare thoughts of suicide).

Get medical help right away if you have any very serious side effects, including: chest pain.

A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rare. However, get medical help right away if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, including: fever, swollen lymph nodes, rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, trouble breathing.

This is not a complete list of possible side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.

It is great for modafinil in boosting brainpowder

People have been searching for ways to boost their brainpower perhaps for all of history. In the past century scientific efforts have revealed a few promising chemicals, but only modafinil has passed rigorous tests of cognitive enhancement.

There is,however,a real contender for that title:modafinil(also sold as provigil).This drug-normally used to treat a sleep disorder-may be the world’s first true smart drug,according to a new systematic enchances attention,improves learning,and boosts “fluid intelligence”-which we use to solve problems and think creatively.and it does all that without the addictive qualities of caffeine(also without the delicious variety of drinkable formats,but that’s arguably a small price to pay).

Modafinil, which has been prescribed in the U.S. since 1998 to treat sleep-related conditions such as narcolepsy and sleep apnea, heightens alertness much as caffeine does. A number of studies have suggested that it could provide other cognitive benefits, but results were uneven. To clear up the confusion, researchers then at the University of Oxford analyzed 24 studies published between 1990 and 2014 that specifically looked at how modafinil affects cognition. In their review, which was published last year in European Neuropsychopharmacology, they found that the methods used to evaluate modafinil strongly affected the outcomes. Research that looked at the modafinil effects on the performance of simple tasks—such as pressing a particular button after seeing a certain color—did not detect many benefits.

From the above analysis, each of the drugs to enhance intelligence has side effects and needs to be taken carefully.If you're afraid of being eaten away by side effects, then take Modafinil may be your best bet.

It is great for modafinil in boosting brainpowder and it also can improve your productivity.

Some Intelligence Drug in the market

After many years of medical data and clinical experience has shown that we have found the following can effectively improve the intelligence, but need to remind each drug is associated with certain side effects, need a cost.

Caffeine: One of the oldest and most popular stimulants. People recognized caffeine's stimulant properties hundreds (perhaps thousands) of years ago. It can enhance alertness and attention; however, effects are short-lived, and tolerance builds up quickly.

Nicotine: Also a stimulant, used for hundreds of years for a range of medicinal purposes. It is very addictive and has many dangerous side effects.

Amphetamine (Benzedrine, Adderall): First synthesized in 1887. Benzedrine was the first drug to treat hyperactivity in children. Amphetamine can enhance attention and memory by increasing levels of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain, but the compound can be addictive and comes with a range of side effects, including hyperactivity, loss of appetite, disturbed sleep, even psychosis.

Methylphenidate (Ritalin): First marketed in 1954 and prescribed in the 1960s for treating hyperactivity. It became popular for ADHD in the 1990s. As with amphetamine, it can improve memory and focus for those with ADHD, but it is also used off-label as a study and work aid. Some individuals build up a tolerance to Ritalin over time.

Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (Aricept): Approved to treat Alzheimer's disease in the 1990s. It has been shown in some studies to enhance memory and attention in healthy individuals.

Armodafinil is used to treat excessive sleepiness caused by certain sleep disorders. This includes narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. 

Modafinil: Originally used to treat narcolepsy. It can also enhance cognitive function, especially when completing difficult tasks. Experts are not quite sure how modafinil works or what long-term effects of modafinil would look like.

Armodafinil vs Modafinil: Which is Better?

“So, which one is better for you then? This question is near impossible to answer as everyone is truly different, however I will share my experience with both drugs which may help you decide.

A quick but important note: before I go on I would like to disclose that I do not work for any pharmaceutical company or any drug reseller. I don’t have any ties to these industries.Secondly, I have a legal prescription for modafinil which I obtained from my local general practitioner. I am not a doctor, I do not know your medical history and I do not know your genetic makeup, therefore this article is not intended as any form of medical advice whatsoever.I insist that you speak with a knowledgeable, licensed medical practitioner before taking modafinil or armodafinil.

To make my comparison as accurate as possible, I implemented the following rules whilst ingesting these compounds. Firstly, I decided to use a manufacturer that supplies both modafinil and armodafinil.I decided to use Sun Pharma, who are based in India and manufacture modafinil and armodafinil under the labels ‘Modalert‘ and ‘Waklert‘ respectively.I acquired these from two different suppliers who are both located in India (I’ve written a review about one exceptional supplier here).

I also personally verified batch numbers, manufacturing dates and confirmed the compound via mass spectrometer to ensure that I was ingesting an authentic product.Tolerance is also an issue with modafinil and armodafinil as they have a long 15 hour half-life.To manage this I decided to cycle my doses of each: two days on / four days off, which gave my body sufficient time to metabolise the compound completely before switching compounds.

Finally, as armodafinil contains only the ‘active’ half of modafinil, the effective comparative dose is 0.50:1.00. I will generally take 300mg of modafinil to achieve an exceptionally focused and driven mind, so 150mg armodafinil was the comparative dose that I used.

The review of modafinil from some experiences

“I think the best way to compare the two drugs is to firstly describe the effects of each individually. Firstly, I’ll describe modafinil. The effects of modafinil begin to take charge about 40 minutes after consuming the dose.You will not experience a sudden rush (as you do with other drugs) but rather a realisation that your eyes are wide and your brain is ‘firing’.

I strongly suggest that you make a list of important things to do before taking modafinil (and armodafinil) as you will be able to control your focus more effectively.It gets better. After two hours you will notice a mildly elevated mood and an intense drive to accomplish something great. You will feel pride as you smash through your designated task and feel satisfied that you are working towards something great.At the four hour mark, your brain will still be firing strong and you will be immensely focused on your work.

If your line of work requires an extroverted personality (as mine does) you will feel very talkative, but only about work related topics (no slacker talking). You will become a man/woman on a mission and those around you will notice an increase in your productivity.When the 6 hour mark rolls around, you will find yourself at a crossroads. You can either continue to push out an immense amount of work for the next 5 hours, or you can begin to relax and have an ordinary evening.The morning after, you shouldn’t have any ‘hangover’ and you will experience similar effects for the next two days when dosage is repeated.

I do not recommend that you take this drug for more than 3 days in a row (and take 4 days off) as the effects will be dulled due to the quick tolerance build-up. Give your body time to flush the compound in your system so you can enjoy the full effects consistently.

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Modafinil – Top Smart Drug with Nootropic Benefits

Modafinil – Top Smart Drug with Nootropic Benefits



1.What are Smart Drugs?

Nootropics, or smart drugs, are being used around the world by students, entrepreneurs, small business owners, athletes, poker players and housewives. They are used to boost learning ability, improve memory function, enhance focus and concentration, and even to improve verbal and written communication skills.


2.What is Modafinil?

Modafinil is an wakefulness-promoting analeptic drug distributed by Cephalon Inc. and approved as a drug by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the United States. While originally tested as a drug to treat certain sleep disorders, it is sometimes classified as a “smart drug” that is known to improve the performance of a subject who is impaired by fatigue and a lack of sleep.

You will also see it sold under the names Provigil, Sun Pharma Modalert, Alertec, Modapro, and Modiodal.

Modafinil was originally discovered in 1976 by a French medical professor Michel Jouvet in combination with the pharmaceutical company Cephalon. After it was seen to cause hyperactivity in animal studies it went on to be used for the first time in humans as an experimental treatment for narcolepsy in 1986.

Since then, the uses of Modafinil have expanded onto other sleep-related conditions, such as shift-work sleep disorder and chronic daytime sleepiness associated with obstructive sleep apnea.

Modafinil is also famously used by the British and American military for keeping soldiers awake and functioning at high levels for up to 40 hours at a time. Studies have also determined Modafinil to be effective at reducing or eliminating the damaging effects of short-term sleep deprivation on the brain.

For this reason, it is commonly used as a nootropic to enhance cognitive performance especially in individuals who otherwise do not get enough sleep.


3.How Modafinil Works?

The exact mechanisms of action of Modafinil in the body are unknown. Research has shown that this medication has effects on various neurotransmitters in the brain and central nervous system including Histamine, Dopamine, Epinephrine (Adrenaline), Norepinephrine (Noradrenaline), Serotonin, and Orexin (Hypocretin).

Taking Modafinil has been seen to raise histamine levels and and locomotor activity in the central nervous system. Modafinil’s effects are shown to wear off once the natural neuronal histamine concentration has been depleted by a powerful inhibitor. This runs counter to a similar drug called methylphenidate, which does not react in the same manner to fluoromethylhistidine, a histidine decarboxylase inhibitor.

Modafinil, the drug’s main active component of the same name, has not yet been fully researched to the extent that could reveal all the principles behind the way it operates. Several studies have discovered that it works by altering the CNS levels of histamine in the human body.

Controlled studies on mice revealed that the drug makes its way into the orexinergic system. Orexin is a peptide that acts as a neurotransmitter and is involved in the regulation of sleep/arousal states and the maintenance of vigilance. Test subjects that lacked the appropriate neuron failed to react as expected, pointing out the utmost importance of orexin in these processes.

In research Modafinil has been seen to affect Dopamine and its signalling pathways. In a study that looked at many different pathways and their neurotransmitters, Modafinil was seen to affect the Dopamine transporter, acting as a Dopamine reuptake inhibitor. An additional study using PET scans in human patients saw that by occupying the Dopamine transporter sites, Modafinil significantly increased levels of Dopamine in the brain.


4.Modafinil Uses and Benefits

Modafinil has been shown to help people stay awake and active, as well as make their mind much clearer if their memory has been previously worsened by the onset of sleep deprivation.

Studies have successfully shown a correlation between the use of this drug and retaining cognitive function in a healthy state against factors like a lack of sleep. However, not all of them could connect Modafinil to an improvement in psychomotor function in human test subjects.


Narcolepsy, Shift-Work Sleep disorder, and Sleep Apnea
Narcolepsy is a neurological condition that affects control of wakefulness and sleep. The condition causes excessive daytime sleepiness, and can even cause people to randomly faint and fall asleep throughout the day. The exact cause of narcolepsy is unknown, although there are several possibilities, and a strong link with certain genetic factors. Part of the mechanism is due to a loss of orexin releasing neurons in the brain.

In multiple double-blind placebo-controlled research studies, Modafinil has been seen to be an effective treatment for reducing daytime sleepiness in people with narcolepsy. Scores on the Multiple Sleep Latency Test and the Maintenance of Wakefulness Test are greatly improved using Modafinil over placebo. Nighttime sleep monitored during trials using polysomnography has been found to not be negatively affected using Modafinil compared to placebo.

Upon discontinuation of treatment, symptoms of narcolepsy were seen to return in patients to their baseline levels when not receiving treatment. There have not been reports of people developing withdrawal symptoms seen with other stimulants like amphetamines, and development of dependence does not seem to be an issue either. The most commonly reported adverse effect in studies of Modafinil for narcolepsy has been headaches, and the levels were not significantly greater than what was reported with placebo.

Researchers have therefore concluded that Modafinil is a generally well-tolerated treatment option for managing narcolepsy, and it most commonly prescribed for this original treatment purpose. Usage for other sleep disorders has grown as well, especially shift-work sleep disorder and obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome.

Shift-work sleep disorder is a circadian rhythm disorder that occurs when people have jobs that they work during normal nighttime sleep periods. This can be people who consistently work the night shift of various jobs or those that have a rotating schedule that causes them to intermittently work night shifts. This is also seen in some people who work very long shifts, such as doctors.

Like narcolepsy, people with shift-work sleep disorder experience excessive daytime sleepiness. Additionally, they may experience insomnia when trying to sleep outside of normal sleep hours (i.e. during the daytime). If people are able to return to normal sleep patterns than symptoms will resolve themselves, however this is not an option for most people.

In one study, patients with shift-work sleep disorder were given either 200 mg of Modafinil or placebo before their shifts. Patients treated with Modafinil were seen to have a reduction in frequency and duration of attention lapses when tested on a vigilance test. A modest improvement in latency to sleep time was also seen.

However despite these improvements, patients continued to have some excessive sleepiness and impaired performance at night. Researchers have said that because of this residual sleepiness that still occurs that the development of even more effective treatments is necessary.

Obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) is a potentially serious disorder that occurs when the muscles supporting the tongue and soft palate in the mouth relax and cause the airway to be partially or completely blocked. Apnea refers to periods of total blockage and no breathing, while hypopnea refers to slow or shallow breathing that occurs with partial airway obstruction.

Symptoms of sleep apnea include loud snoring, observed periods of breathing cessation while sleeping, waking up choking, awakening with dry mouth and sore throat, morning headaches, and excessive daytime sleepiness.

Modafinil is therefore sometimes used as an adjunct therapy for treating the symptoms of sleep apnea. Its use is not to try and cure the disorder, but rather to improve the daytime sleepiness that often occurs due to the disrupted sleep patterns caused by breathing troubles at night. Multiple double-blind placebo-controlled research studies have shown that Modafinil significantly improves daytime sleepiness compared to placebo.


Attention Deficit disorder & Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity disorder
One of the most common off-label uses of Modafinil is for Attention Deficit disorder (ADD) and Attention-deficit Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Many people use Modafinil for these conditions because of the stimulant effect it has. Many user reviews online state that using Modafinil for ADHD helps them stay motivated and focused on the task at hand.

Other review also mention that Modafinil use doesn’t have some of the more serious negative side effects (e.g. anxiety, depression) experienced with traditional medication such as Adderall, Ritalin, dextroamphetamine, and dexmethylphenidate.

Multiple research studies have tested using Modafinil to manage ADHD in adults. Some studies compared Modafinil to a placebo, while others compared both Modafinil and conventional medications to placebo.

One study tested the effectiveness of Modafinil compared to the conventional drug dextroamphetamine. Patients who took either of the active medications were seen to have significantly improved scores on the DSM-IV ADHD Checklist when compared to placebo. The researchers concluded that Modafinil pills are a viable alternative to conventional stimulants in adults with ADHD.

A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled crossover study found that a 200 mg dose of Modafinil was able to produce a similar pattern of cognitive enhancement in patients with ADHD compared to healthy patients. The researchers concluded that Modafinil has potential as an alternative treatment therapy for ADHD compared to traditional stimulants.

Use of Modafinil in children for ADHD is not recommended at this time. A study conducted using a specific high dose form of Modafinil called Sparlon in children with ADHD ended with some serious negative side effects in a small number of the participants.

Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a rare and serious disorder of the skin and mucous membranes. Its primary symptoms are fever, fatigue, widespread skin pain, a red or purple spreading rash, and blisters on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, eyes, and genitals.

Multiple studies since that time have shown the efficacy and safety of Modafinil use in children for ADHD, however it is not approved for use in this group. Additionally, Modafinil is currently not approved by the FDA as a drug to treat ADD or ADHD in adults, and more research is still needed to determine its full effects on these disorders.


Symptoms of Fatigue in Depression and Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
One of the most commonly reported symptoms associated with chronic depression is fatigue. Even in patients who are successfully being treated with conventional antidepressants like Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and having improvement in other symptoms associated with depression, fatigue and excessive sleepiness can still persist.

Additionally, some patients do not respond as well as wanted to conventional medications, and the combination of those antidepressants along with Modafinil has been seen work in some cases.

Multiple double-blind placebo-controlled studies have looked at the Modafinil augmentation in patients with fatigue and sleepiness who are only partially responding to traditional SSRI treatment for depression. In three separate but similar studies, Modafinil was used as an adjunct treatment with SSRI antidepressants in patients who were partial responders or nonresponders to the SSRIs alone.

In all three trials, Modafinil was seen to significantly improve fatigue and sleepiness in patients in the short term (less than 6 weeks). The researchers concluded that Modafinil may be a useful adjunct treatment for some patients with depression, especially those with fatigue issues.

As seen in patients with depression, one of the most common symptoms associated with Multiple Sclerosis is fatigue. Less research has been done on patients with this condition, however what has been done is promising.

One study was a single-blind, phase 2, two center study that compared Modafinil to placebo in improving fatigue severity in patients with MS. The patients were first given placebo for weeks 1-2, then 200 mg Modafinil pills for weeks 3-4, 400 mg Modafinil pills for weeks 5-6, and then placebo again for weeks 7-9.

The investigators were not blind to treatment to ensure safety of the participants. To ensure unbiased results, efficacy of treatment was evaluated using self rating scales, the primary test being the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS).

It was found that fatigue and daytime sleepiness was significantly improved using the 200 mg dose of Modafinil, compared to both the 400 mg Modafinil dose and the placebo. The researchers said it was unclear why the higher 400 mg dosage did not maintain the improvements seen with the 200 mg dosage, concluding that it may have been due to tolerance or possible dose-related adverse effects that masked any possible benefits on fatigue.

Overall the researchers concluded that Modafinil may be a well tolerated and effective treatment for improving fatigue and sleepiness in people with MS.


Nootropic Cognitive Enhancement Effects
Some of the most common off-label uses of Modafinil are using the drug as a nootropic drug for cognitive enhancement. Various people from university students to Wall Street bankers to entrepreneurs use Modafinil to improve memory, learning, focus, and attention span.

One review study that examined the findings of previous research studies found that Modafinil specifically shows improvement in working and episodic memory following use.

Another review concluded that Modafinil primarily improves cognitive function in relation to executive function, especially when planning and executing difficult and complex tasks.

One double-blind between-subjects research study looked at the potential cognitive enhancing effects Modafinil had on healthy adult males.

It was found that Modafinil use significantly enhanced the participants performance on various neuropsychological tests including visual pattern recognition, spatial planning, and a stop-signal reaction test. Conversely, responding to certain tests was seen to be decreased, suggesting that Modafinil may help inhibit impulsivity and improve response accuracy.

Similarly to user reviews found in online nootropic forums, participants in the study reported feeling more alert and attentive on Modafinil, and having improved energy levels.

More research is needed in this area to full determine the effects Modafinil may have on healthy individuals to improve cognitive abilities.


5.Modafinil Side Effects and Dosages

Modafinil is considered to be safe with no dangerous side effects when used as directed. There are some mild Modafinil side effects which you may encounter during the course of normal use.

Through careful medical studies of the drug, researchers have determined the following list of potential adverse effects that can be caused by Modafinil:

Rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa)
Lack of appetite
Rapid weight loss
Dry mouth
Some of the more rare but serious potential side effects of Modafinil are various different skin rashes and reactions, including the previously mentioned Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS), and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN).

If you encounter any of these side effects while taking Modafinil pills, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist. If you would like to use this medical product, ask your doctor for a prescription or investigate whether you are eligible to buy Modafinil online in your country without a prescription.

When used for on-labels uses, Modafinil is typically prescribed at doses of 200 mg per day. Sometimes a lower dose of 100 mg per day is used to start, and then the dosage is increased to 200 mg gradually in individuals who may be sensitive to the full dose to start.

There are no commonly recommended dosages for Modafinil for off-labels uses. Most people will follow similar dosages to prescribed dosages, typically around 200 mg per day.

It is a good idea to read Modafinil reviews and user experiences before you take your first dosage so that you know exactly how this drug may affect you.


6.Adrafinil vs. Modafinil vs. Armodafinil

Adrafinil is a compound that is very similar to Modafinil in structure and usage. The two compounds are very similar in molecular structure; the only difference in composition is Modafinil is lacking an amide hydroxyl group that Adrafinil has.

Adrafinil acts as a prodrug of Modafinil. This means that it converts to Modafinil in the body, and then acts in a similar manner. Adrafinil was actually discovered two years prior to Modafinil in 1974 by the same pharmaceutical company that first discovered Modafinil.

Because it needs to be converted into Modafinil in the body, Adrafinil is not as potent as Modafinil. Not all of the Adrafinil in a dose of this drug will be converted into Modafinil, most is converted into the inactive modafinilic acid.

Modafinil is technically a 1:1 combination of two enantiomers, R-Modafinil and S-Modafinil. Enantiomers are mirror image versions of the same compound; therefore they have the same molecular components, just the structure is different.

On its own, the R enantiomer of Modafinil is known as Armodafinil. As a drug, Armodrafinil is used for the same purposes as Modafinil, namely improving wakefulness in people with sleep disorders and excessive sleepiness. The half-life of Armodafinil is longer than Modafinil, which can make it more effective in some cases.

The most popular name brand version of Armodafinil is Nuvigil, which is produced by the company Cephalon, which also produces the most popular brand name version of Modafinil – Provigil.


7.Where to buy Genuine Modafinil raw powder online

You can find many Modafinil powder source online, but it is hard to buy Genuine Modafinil raw online. There are many sources selling fake products at the market. so when you buy Modafinil raw material online, you need to choose an realiable source

Human Hormone Growth: Must know the facts before doing the injection of HGH!

Human Hormone Growth: Must know the facts before doing the injection of HGH!


Human Hormone Growth(HGH)?

Human growth hormone can turn back your body’s internal clock, helping you rapidly build muscle, slash fat, and increase libido, all while sending energy levels through the roof. But when it comes to discussions on HGH, there are often more questions than answers. To help you decide whether you need HGH, check out our straightforward Q&A, which answers some of the more commonly asked questions and learn how you can boost your own natural levels of this powerful anabolic hormone.

The body naturally produces growth hormone (HGH or simply GH) in the pituitary gland, and, as its name implies, it is responsible for cell growth and regeneration. Increasing muscle mass and bone density are impossible without GH, but it also plays a major role in maintaining the health of all human tissue, including that of the brain and other vital organs. When secreted, GH remains active in the bloodstream for only a few minutes, but this is enough time for the liver to convert it into growth factors, the most crucial of which is insulin-like growth factor-1, or IGF-1, which boasts a host of anabolic properties. Scientists began to harvest GH from the pituitary glands of cadavers in the 1950s, but didn’t synthesize the first HGH in laboratories until 1981, with its use as a performance-enhancing drug becoming popular shortly thereafter.

the right dosage of Human growth hormone(HGH) can helping you rapidly build muscle.

Be sure to know how HGH works if need?

by is designed to work by using two methods which may help increase the body's production of HGH. First, Somatropinne may provide the building blocks of the 191 amino acid human growth hormone, predominately L-group amino acids such as L-valine and L-arginine. Once these HGH components have been introduced into the body, your body may use them to produce more growth hormone.

Secondly, Somatropinne contains secretagogues. Secretagogues contain minute amounts of human growth hormone substance. Absorbing small amounts of a synthetic hormone may cause the pituitary gland to secrete more of its own natural human growth hormone into the bloodstream.

Somatropinne by is a unique human growth hormone supplements that combines both releaser amino acids, and secretagogue human growth hormone into one supplement.

Somatropinne also contains specialized Growth Factors; hormones and nutrients which may increase the levels of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) and Human Growth Hormone in the bloodstream. Somatropinne's chemical composition is produced in GMP labs and is an human growth hormone supplements backed by a 90 Day Money Back Guarantee!

HgH works by revitalizing the function of the pituitary gland to deliver more growth hormone. Growth hormone replacement may help rebuild and revitalize organs of the body, which is why it claims to make you feel younger.

The Injection of HGH which often used

Arguably the most effective way to raise your HGH levels is injection. Provided there is a doctor’s prescription, you can legally obtain and use human growth hormone to help speed along recovery after a severe surgery or injury. However, illegally obtaining and self-injecting HGH is highly illegal, and self-prescribing is a bad idea.

Of course, it’s the increasing volume of success stories that is driving the demand for HGH through the roof. Justin Hull played college football in Connecticut and tore his ACL in his last year of eligibility. In 2008, he had surgery to repair his right knee and received a doctor’s prescription to inject himself with HGH after the surgery. Afterward, his body healed fast and Justin found the increased energy and endurance that typically accompanies a boost in growth hormone levels. After injecting himself with 2cc of HGH each day over a six-month period and working out twice a day, Justin says he bulked up from 215 to 235 pounds and saw increases in areas he wasn’t specifically seeking improvement in.

When should I take hgh?

It is important to first understand the nature of this “ Master Hormone”. HGH, or human growth hormone, also known as somatotropin or just GH, is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. This hormone is in charge of aging in our body as it regenerates tissues for growth and cells. During the youth years HGH secretion is at its peak. Then after the ages of 18 to 25 Growth Hormone levels decrease by 50 percent every seven years according to the Life Extension Foundation.

The best time to take HGH will mostly depend on your individual situation, as HGH injections are totally absorbed in the bloodstream within 3 hours . The body produces naturally HGH throughout  the day, with the heaviest secretion taking place 2-3 hours after going to bed as you fall into deep sleep.

HGH dosage:What is the right HGH dosage?

What is the HGH right dosage that an adult with a suspected growth hormone deficiency should take? That question cannot be answered in a cut and dried manner? It is a perfect example of putting the cart before the horse. The key word in that sentence is “suspected”. This is not a common cold or flu that can be diagnosed simply by the symptoms exhibited. Whereas fever, chills, body aches, and sneezing may point to the flu being present, the underlying symptoms associated with a GH deficiency can point to many different conditions. In order to determine if a person is a candidate for treatment, there are some steps that must be taken to diagnose whether or not HGH therapy will be of benefit, and only at that point can the proper dosage be determined. There are websites that provide dosage amounts that are generic. Many of these sites operate from outside the country, and they engage in a one size fits all approach to this treatment. It doesn’t matter if the person is a 130 pound woman or a 300 pound man; they give the same guidelines for everyone. Under no circumstances should human growth hormone therapy ever be entered into in that type of manner. The dosage prescribed must fit the person’s individual needs to prevent unwanted side effects of HGH.

Experience and HGH dosage

Results you get depend on not only your experience with growth hormone but also your results in You will build muscle according to the experience and hgh dosage.bodybuilding at all. If you run HGH for the first time and your body is relatively “natural” and weak, you need a lower dosage, about 4-6 IUs. And if you are an experienced guy (I am sure you know your HGH dosage), you need more, up to 10 IUs. Only professional athletes need a higher amount.

HGH Cycle duration

The shorter your cycle is, the more HGH you need. The optimal duration of HGH cycle is 3-4 months, but you can cut it and run only for 1-2 months, for example on cutting. But in this case, you will need more growth hormone.

Short cycles (1-2 months) will improve the state of your cartilage, heal joint traumas and improve the state of skin. Due to the improvements in the cartilage, you will experience a nice rise in strength.

Also, short cycles are perfect for intensive cutting because HGH prevents muscle loss during dietary restriction (which is the main problem of cutting) and possess strong fat burning potency.

Experiments with women showed that females who were taking HGH had 30% higher fat-burning rate than women who had only diet restriction [1].

Long cycles with a relatively low dosage are better for bodybuilding than short cycles. Longer duration is great because you can burn fat without a diet and, at the same time, get efficient muscle gains.

Another advantage is hyperplasia, due to which growth hormone can induce division of skeletal muscle cells, thus significantly increasing your bodybuilding potential. [picture]

Also, long cycles help you achieve the more significant improvements in skin, nails, and hair, as well as heal old traumas.

When choosing you cycle duration and HGH dosage, remember that a shorter cycle with the high dosage shows stronger side effects than a long one. However, long using of HGH increases risks of antibodies occurring. Antibodies significantly decrease the efficacy of growth hormone.

5 benefits of HGH(human growth hormone)?Many bodybuilder get lots of benefits by injecting human growth hormone(HGH).

1. Increase muscular size
Human growth hormone has been known to improve physical capacity of individuals through stimulating collagen synthesis in the skeletal muscle and tendons, increasing muscle strength and improving exercise performance as a result.
2. Increase metabolism
The pituitary gland stimulates the release of growth hormone and is essential for regulating bone growth, especially during puberty. Growth hormone stimulates the production of IGF-1, which is produced in the liver and released in the blood. With age, human growth hormone decreases and may be the cause of older individuals not being able to form or replace bone rapidly. The IGF-1/growth hormone duo stimulates bone-forming and bone-resorbing cells, leading to increased bone mass.
3. Reduce fat mass
Insulin resistance and visceral/abdominal obesity are common in adults with hormone growth deficiency. Abdominal obesity is prevalent in individuals who show low growth hormone and insulin-like growth hormone serum concentrations as well. Human growth hormone treatment has demonstrated positive results in adults who are growth hormone-deficient in treating obesity naturally.
4. Perceived quality of life
Quality of life and psychological well-being are restored when growth hormone therapy in growth hormone-deficient adults is administered. A Lithuanian study investigated the changes in cognitive function, mood and concentration from baseline after six months of treatment with human recombinant growth hormone. Eighteen adult patients with HGH deficiency participated in the study, and growth hormone was administered in 12 IU per week.As a result, cognitive function and mood significantly increased after six months of therapy, according to mood scales. This study suggests that administering growth hormone can be a possible treatment option to improve cognitive function and mood in adults who are growth hormone-deficient. 
5. Improve appearance of skin
More women are now using HGH for its anti-aging and weight-loss properties. Deficiency in human growth hormone in women is due to pituitary gland not producing enough HGH.
In women, human growth hormone levels start to decline in their early 20s, and signs of HGH deficiency include dry skin, thinning hair, greater belly fat and the development of wrinkles. 
It’s been reported in studies that women secrete greater amounts of growth hormone than men, despite having similar reference ranges of serum IGF-1. Recently, there are significant clinical differences in the responses of HGH treatment in adults with HGH deficiency and a need to adjust the dose of recombinant human growth hormone. Adequate HGH levels help women improve an appropriate body-fat ratio and elasticity in skin. Risk of osteoporosis is reduced when HGH levels in women are balanced. Intramuscular HGH injections can help normalize sleep patterns, improved skin elasticity, help lose excess fat and enhance the immune system.

Need to know HGH Side Effects :

  1. Insulin resistant diabetes
  2. Changes in bone structure
  3. Enlarged or inflamed organs, especially the pancreas
  4. Sleep disorders
  5. Carpal tunnel syndrome
  6. Increased cranial pressure
  7. Bleeding
  8. Growth of internal organs leading to what is known as HGH Gut
  9. The appearance of moles on the skin
  10. High HGH levels could cause Gynomastia which means basically Breast growth in males
  11. Cancer that might take years to grow could with HGH spread much faster thus shortening the life expectancy of the sufferer

While the studies are as yet inconclusive, some experts are linking high HGH levels in adults with adult onset cancer. Cancer is, by definition, uncontrolled cellular growth. Since HGH injections in part encourage cellular growth and regeneration, it is thought that raising the levels of HGH (Somatropin) can encourage the formation of cancerous tumors as well.

People who have certain conditions are not good candidates for Human Growth Hormone injections and should avoid this therapy entirely. These conditions include:

  1. Any type of cancer
  2. Scoliosis
  3. Organ diseases, especially in the liver, pancreas and kidneys
  4. Any type of diabetes
  5. High blood pressure
  6. Joint and limb disorders, especially carpal tunnel syndrome
  7. Any issues with the thyroid gland

While interest in Human Growth Hormone injection therapy continues to grow, these potential side effects should be considered carefully before committing to this expensive and potentially dangerous treatment option.

HGH supplements like Genf20 Plus, Genfx, Somatropinne and Sytropin are less expensive, do not require a prescription, and use natural ingredients to encourage your body to produce higher levels of HGH on it's own without the risk of serious side effects.

How it works about HGH for bodybuilding ?

After the injection of growth hormone, it enters the bloodstream and then spreads around the body, concentrating in the liver, where it converts into IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor). This substance is responsible for muscle growth, which is the main effect of HGH for bodybuilding. IGF-1 binds to its receptors in skeletal muscle tissue, thus accelerating protein synthesis.

The fat burning function of HGH is performed by growth hormone itself. The hormone binds to somatropin receptors, which leads to elevation of the level of free fatty acids (FFA). So, the body starts using fat, instead of carbohydrates, as an energy source.

Fat loss neither interacts with muscle growth nor interferes it. It is a unique feature of HGH, which allows you to gain lean muscles and lose fat altogether.

Another unique feature of growth hormone is hyperplasia, the increase in the number of muscle cells due to their proliferation. This effect is significant because HGH-induced muscle gains are permanent, and divided cells allow you to exceed your genetic limit for muscle mass.

HGH for Weight Loss

With the problems that obesity poses in our society it’s no wonder that people are interested in different forms of weight loss. Some people go to fitness classes, whereas others use special diets. However, did you know that human growth hormone could actually help you to lose weight? This is quite true.

According to the “Journal of the American Medical Association, “The global sales HGH is estimated at between $1.5 to $2 billion in 2008.” A lot of the interest behind HGH products is because consumers believe that the HGH supplements can not only turn back the clock of time (anti-aging) along with fat loss. There has also been a promise for effective weight reduction with human growth hormone.

In one study of HGH in older men and women, scientists found HGH therapy significantly increased lean body mass and decreased fat, especially belly fat, in both men and women.

When testosterone was added to the HGH supplements, it improved cardiovascular endurance in the older men. However, when the two were combined researchers did find a few side effects were reported in the men, including an increase in glucose intolerance and diabetes.

The prevalence and use of human growth hormone among women who want to lose weight has become more and more common, but is using human growth hormone safe for women? Well, it is perfectly safe, because as you probably know, human growth hormone is a substance that a pituitary gland in your body produces in the natural course of events all through the course of your life.

Generally speaking, the most human growth hormone is present in your body during your teens.

Well, when you are growing up it tends to boost up growth. However, in later years it adds to the body’s ability to benefit from exercise, as well as speeds up the body’s metabolism. Generally speaking, you feel much better when you have a normal level of HGHwithin your system, and if your human growth hormone levels are low, you can feel less energetic and even depressed.

How long does it take to see HGH results?

We’re all different. So it’s only natural that we don’t all see HGH results in the same time frame.

With that said most can make a HGH before and after comparison within a week, while others need to wait at least a month to notice any results.

Bottom line: Be patient, there are no magic pills out there.

How to choose HGH brand from market?

Since bodybuilding purposes require larger dosages of HGH, you need to choose a cheap, high-quality HGH brand.

There are many brands of human growth hormone for sale in the market, such as Jintropin, Hygetropin, and Ansomone, aasraw, ok- biotech…All of them are familiar to users, Jintropin, Hygetropin, and Ansomone provide HGH, which is very expensive.

The best choice is AASRAW,Ok-Bitech because they possess the highest purity (99%) ,it is Pharmaceutical grade and are cheap comparing to HGH from the pharmacy industry.


Hygetropin                           Ansomone                           Jintropin                        AASRAW
$190.00                                 $240.00                              $280.00                         $120

You can buy these brands in aasraw for great prices!



Best Hair Loss Treatments for Men: Cortexolone 17α-propionate powder(CB-03-01)

Best Hair Loss Treatments for Men: Cortexolone 17α-propionate powder(CB-03-01)



1.Why You're Losing Your Hair?

Male-pattern baldness, more properly called androgenic alopecia, affects a significant proportion of the male population and quite a few women. In this condition, inherited genetic factors cause the hair follicles on the head to be abnormally sensitive to the presence of a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). An enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase turns testosterone into DHT. The DHT then binds to androgen receptors in the hair follicles. In susceptible hair follicles, prolonged exposure to DHT causes the hair follicle to spend more time resting rather than growing hair, and over time, the follicle undergoes a gradual miniaturization process, eventually producing only tiny fine hair called vellum.

Many researchers have identified the androgen receptors as good targets for treating androgenic alopecia. If the androgen receptors in the hair follicles can be blocked or disabled, then DHT cannot affect the hair follicles. However, systemic administration of androgen receptor blockers, such as the drugs used to treat prostate cancer, cause a lot of serious side effects. Since baldness affects the skin, which is readily accessible, topical application of an effective androgen receptor blocker should stop the balding process without causing any systemic side-effects. Researchers have already identified molecules that function in exactly this way.


2.How to treatment Hair Loss?

There is no doubt that antiandrogens are among the most effective treatments for male balding (androgenetic alopecia, AGA) in the present year. Antiandrogens like finasteride and dutasteride stop hair loss in a high proportion of users and even improve density in a good proportion as well. However they don't help everyone and side effects (sexual dysfunction, depression, etc) limit their wide spread use.  Safer anti androgens, if they worked well, would be a great addition to the treatments we currently use. 

We've seen an increasing interest in topical anti androgens in recent years, including agents such as topical finasteride, topical Fluridil, topical RU 54481 and others. 

To date there is no topical anti androgen approved by the FDA for use in male AGA. In theory a good topical anti androgen should have potent activity that is confined to the skin, have no systemic side effects and have good tolerability.


3.What is Cortexolone 17α-propionate?

Cortexolone 17α-propionate (developmental code name CB-03-01; tentative brand names Breezula powder(for acne), Winlevi powder(for androgenic alopecia)), or 11-deoxycortisol 17α-propionate, is a synthetic steroidal antiandrogen – specifically, an androgen receptor antagonist – that is under development by Cassiopea and Intrepid Therapeutics for use as a topical medication in the treatment of androgen-dependent conditions including acne vulgaris and androgenic alopecia (male-pattern hair loss). It is the C17α propionate ester of 11-deoxycortisol (cortexolone); C17α esters of 11-deoxycortisol were unexpectedly found to possess antiandrogen activity, and cortexolone 17α-propionate CAS 19608-29-8 was selected for development based on its optimum drug profile.

In rats, the drug has been found to possess strong local antiandrogen activity, but negligible systemic antiandrogen activity when administered via subcutaneous injection. In addition, cortexolone 17α-propionate is not progonadotropic, suggesting that it is peripherally selective.In a bioassay, the topical potency of the drug was greater than that of progesterone, flutamide, and finasteride and was equivalent to that of cyproterone acetate.

A pilot clinical trial in 2011 of men treated with topical cortexolone 17α-propionate 1% cream for acne found that the drug was very well-tolerated and significantly reduced symptoms of acne. Moreover, its effectiveness was significantly greater than that of the active comparator, tretinoin 0.05% cream. As of 2017, the drug is in phase III clinical trials for acne vulgaris and phase II clinical trials for androgenic alopecia.

CB-03-01 is a topical anti-androgen compound patented by Cosmo and investigated under the name Breezula. It is an androgen receptor antagonist rather than an inhibitor of 5 alpha reductase. It has good penetration through the skin.  Studies are underway to determine if the drug has benefit in male pattern balding or not.  In fact, a 26 week study by Intreprid is now underway to compare 5 % CB-03-01 to 5 % minoxidil and placebo. It will be interesting to see if CB-03-01 has any benefit and if so, how it compares to topical minoxidil.  

To date, there are only two published studies in the medical literature about CB-03-01. So we have limited information on the drug. It appears that CB-03-01 is rapidly metabolized to cortexolone which does not have any anti androgen activity.  Second, it appears that CB-03-01 has an anti-inflammatory effect which could be important in treating AGA which is known to be associated with inflammation in many cases.  Studies in rats and rabbits showed that it is not mutagenic. Studies in humans have not shown any significant adverse events. 

4.Topical hair loss treatments: what is the difference between RU58841 and CB-03-01?

  • RU58841

RU58841 is an androgen receptor blocker that was first discovered in the early 1990s, and it has been extensively studied in animal models. When applied topically, it is highly effective in stopping the progression of balding and can even stimulate some hair re-growth. No systemic side effects have been found in monkeys treated topically with RU58841. However, due to issues unrelated to RU58841 itself, it has never gone through the formal human testing processes to allow it to be approved by the FDA and other regulatory agencies for marketing as a balding treatment. It is available for purchase as a research chemical, and many individuals have been using it to treat balding over the last few decades. It is reported to be very effective in stopping hair loss with minimal side effects. A few individuals report that it stimulates hair re-growth as well.

  • Cortexolone 17 Alpha-Propionate, or “CB-03-01″

CB-03-01 is an androgen receptor blocker first discovered in the 2000s. Initial studies in animal models found it could block androgen receptors when applied topically but not when given systemically. Its lack of activity when applied systemically means it exhibited no systemic anti-androgenic side effects in rats injected with the drug. Its ability to block topical androgen activity was described by the early researchers as being about three times more potent than flutamide. The fact that it has no anti-androgenic activity when applied systemically is probably due to the fact that after it enters the body it is almost immediately metabolized into an inactive form.

  • Strength Comparison

Early studies of RU588541 also compared its efficacy to other androgen receptor blockers, such as flutamide, nilutamide, and bicalutamide. When taken systemically, RU58841 has strong side effects similar to any oral androgen receptor blocker. In studies of RU58841, it was found to a much more potent blocker of androgen receptors than any previously-known androgen receptor blockers; in fact, the researchers concluded it was the “most potent antiandrogen” known at that time (1998), with up to 100 times the activity of flutamide, suggesting it is a much more potent androgen receptor blocker than CB-03-01.

Although the two agents have never been directly compared, they have both been evaluated in similar tests against reference drugs. Hamsters have a special glands in their skin that develop in response to male hormones. The ability of anti-androgenic drugs to block this gland development is commonly used in the laboratory. In hamster skin gland tests, at a dose of 400 micrograms per day, CP-03-01 was less effective than flutamide (84% vs. 55%, respectively) in blocking development of the organ in response to male hormones but it was slightly more effective than cyproterone acetate (only 93% blockage)

However, at a dose of only 10 micrograms per day, RU58841 was capable of blocking development of the gland by 60%, and it was found to be a much more potent topical androgen receptor blocker than either flutamide or cyproterone acetate. Simple deduction suggests it is also a much more potent agent than CP-03-01.

  • Acne Treatment

Unlike RU58841, which appears to have been abandoned by the pharmaceutical industry, CB-03-01 is being actively studied, primarily as a treatment for acne. CB-03-01 is manufactured by Cosmo Pharmaceuticals, an Italian company. The company licensed the drug to Medicis in 2012 for development in the US. Early studies of the drug as a hair loss treatment required a special method of delivering the drug to the hair follicles using an electrical current (iontophoresis), but once delivered, it did seem to be reasonably effective in treating hair loss. However, few patients are going to be willing to be treated several times a week for decades by iontophoresis.

The study evaluated the efficacy of CB-03-01 in 40 men with androgenetic alopecia grade 1-4 according to the Hamilton scale, and in 30 post-menopausal women with androgenetic alopecia grade 1 according to the Ludwig scale.

A presentation by Cosmo in 2013 indicates they may have solved the delivery problem. They have performed skin permeation tests, and have shown that a 5% solution of the drug in a special carrier cream is able to penetrate the hair follicles. They have also performed toxicity and irritation tests in pigs. The 2013 presentation suggested they were about to begin studies in human volunteers. A more recent report from the company indicated that the results of a trial comparing it to minodoxil in 120 human volunteers will be available in late 2015.

Although both RU58841 and CB-03-01 are available for purchase as research chemicals for individual use, it is difficult for a casual purchaser to “try out” CB-03-01 at home. Unlike RU58841, which can be dissolved in alcohol or other readily available carriers, CB-03-01 apparently needs to be prepared in a special carrier cream in order to get it to enter the hair follicles. Therefore, because none of Cosmo’s studies on hair loss have been published as of yet, and no one has been able to “try out” CB-03-01 at home, it is unclear how effective it is relative to RU58841 for treating balding. CB-03-01 appears to have a much shorter half-life than RU58841, and it may be a less potent blocker of androgen receptors. When applied topically, neither product should exhibit any systemic side-effects.


5.Where To Buy Cortexolone 17α-propionate powder?

It is quite easy to Buy Cortexolone 17α-propionate powder. The internet is known as the fastest and safest way to buy products like CB-03-01 CAS 19608-29-8. You are provided with different options for your purchase. What’s more is, you’ll be given discounts for every gram you purchase. Even money-back guarantees are offered. But to consider online sellers, you need to be cautious as well. No matter how cheap the price of per gram is, which uniquely delights your eyes, must be well-inspected. For this, you need to know the background of the vendor first before giving your trust.

6.Advantages of Buy Cortexolone 17α-propionate powder from AAS Cortexolone 17α-propionate powder supplier:

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The most commonly used SARM: Where to buy SARM raw powder on strong price?

The most commonly used SARM: Where to buy SARM raw powder on strong price?




1.SARM raw powder

SARM stands for selective androgen receptor modulator, and it’s a type of drug that’s chemically similar to anabolic steroids.

SARMs were originally developed for people with diseases like muscle wasting, osteoporosis, anemia, and chronic fatigue.

They were intended to be a healthier alternative to testosterone replacement therapy. Whether they’re going to fulfill that vision is yet to be determined.

Now, bodybuilders usually take SARMs for one of two reasons:

(1)To “get their feet wet” with anabolic drug use before going into traditional steroid cycles.

(2)To increase the effectiveness of steroid cycles without exacerbating side effects or health risks.

Many bodybuilders also believe that SARMs are especially helpful for cutting because they help retain lean mass but don’t seem to increase water retention.

SARM stands for selective androgen receptor modulator, and it’s a type of drug that’s chemically similar to anabolic steroids.

2.How well do sarm drugs work?

Well, research shows that SARMs aren’t as powerful for muscle building as traditional steroids, but they’re certainly more effective than anything natural you can take (like creatine).They’re also popular among athletes because they’re harder to detect in drug testing.Now, if everything I’ve said so far has you wanting to run to Google, wallet in hand, not so fast…we’re not done yet.

There are quite a few SARMs on the market, and some are stronger and have a higher risk of side-effects than others.

The more popular ones are:

  • MK-677/Ibutamoren
  • RAD140/Testolone
  • MK 2866/Ostarine
  • LGD-4033/VK5211, Ligandrol
  • GW 501516/Cardarine



Mk-677 ibutamoren is the type of medication that can help you to improve your metabolism, bone strength, health as well as your days in this world. The product works by promoting the growth of essential hormone and insulin like growth factor 1, also known as IGF-1. It also promotes the growth of IGFBP-3 secretion.

MK-677 has 5 major benefits, which are :

  • Improves Body Shape
  • Increases Bone Strength
  • Increases Endurance
  • Prevents Tumor Growth
  • Increases Longevity

Bodybuilders, athletes and strength trainers are always looking for ways that can help them to improve their performance and gain more muscles. Of course, there are many products out there that can help you achieve whatever you want, however many of these products have side effects that you definitely do not want to be a part of.

Some of the most common side effects include high blood pressure, pattern baldness, infertility and many other health related problems. Lucky for you, Mk-677 ibutamoren has been tested and proven to be ideal for bodybuilding and any other strength training activity. Make sure to check out our product review on other popular SARMS Ligandrol and Ostarine, which give great results too.

4.Dosage Of Mk-677 Ibutamoren

According to several studies, MK-677 Ibutamoren doses of between five milligrams to twenty five milligrams (5-25mgs) per day have really shown significant results. There are a few individuals who have shown great results with higher doses, but 5-25 mgs is what is recommended. In fact, if you are a beginner, it is highly advisable that you start with a dosage of five milligrams.



Testolone (RAD140) is the newest compound in the family of selective androgen receptor modulators, or as they are better known – SARMS. Therefore, its major advantage over anabolic steroids is that it offers similar positive results, with barely any side effects at all. Indeed, this is quite a unique compound, even when it is compared to other SARMS.

In the studies involving RAD140, also known as Testolone, testing was carried out mostly on mice and monkeys. However, the results of these studies have shown to be very promising. For instance, it was proven that RAD140 has the unique property of countering the prostate-enlargement caused by testosterone use, which makes it a perfect stacking agent for highly androgenic steroids that can cause this undesired effect.

Furthermore, when Testolone was given to monkeys, there was a drastic increase in lean bodyweight during the administration period. This increase in lean mass was dosage dependent, so with bigger dosages there was a more pronounced increase in lean mass and loss of fat tissues. Hence, testolone is a true SARM with all the properties that are expected from compounds of this kind – safety and effectiveness.


6.Dosage Of Testolone (RAD140) Raw Powder

The recommended dosages of RAD140 vary from 20 to 30 milligrams (mgs) per day, and the optimal cycle duration is 12-14 weeks.

As a research chemical, RAD140 should come in liquid form to be taken orally. It is important to drop the liquid directly into the mouth, as it may stick to the walls of the glass if mixed with liquids. After dropping it into the mouth, you can chase it down with water or grape juice. Due to the relatively long half life, RAD140 can be dosed just once per day, and there is no need to be taking it several times per day.


7.MK 2866/Ostarine

Enobosarm, better known as as Ostarine or MK 2866, is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) developed by GTx (GTx-024) to combat muscle wasting and osteoporosis. Many speculate Ostarine may find uses in hormone replacement treatment plans, as well as in the treatment of sarcopenia, cachexia and muscle atrophy. This is a highly valuable benefit to those suffering from muscle wasting diseases, more so because SARM’s have been shown to not have an impact on non-skeletal muscle.

Ostarine, also known as MK-2866 is a SARM (selective androgen receptor module) created by GTx to avoid and treat muscle wasting. It can later on be a cure for avoiding atrophy (total wasting away of a body part), cachexia, sarcopenia and Hormone or Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

This type of SARM cannot only retain lean body mass but as well as increase it. Ostarine is often mistaken as S1 but S1 was created earlier and is no longer going through more expansion.

8.Dosage Of Ostarine (MK-2866) Raw Powder

MK 2866 is an orally administered SARM. For the purposes of muscle preservation when dieting, a minimum of 15mg per day is normally taking. For growth to be spurred, most users will find 20-25mg per day to be a good place to start. Some heavier individuals may find 30mg per day to be needed, but most data shows such doses often make little difference compared to the 20-25mg ranges in most men.

Total use will normally last 6-8 weeks with 4 weeks of no SARM use once a cycle of Ostarine is complete. Although testosterone suppression may not be heavy, PCT may or may not be needed. However, some suppression will exist and it’s best to give the body a chance to normalize. MK 2866 carries a half-life of approximately 24 hours; once daily dosing is sufficient. There is no advantage to multiple doses per day.


9.LGD-4033/VK5211, Ligandrol

LGD-4033, better known as Anabolicum is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that like testosterone is anabolic but without the effects that display significantly outside muscle tissue. Ligand Pharmaceuticals, ligand, referring to functional binding molecules, developed LGD-4033. Ligand Pharmaceuticals has made a name for itself with SARM research along with GTx, the two representing the bulk of SARM creation over the past decade.

LGD-4033 is one of the newer SARMS that has come out. It is a non-steroidal oral SARM that binds with AR which produces steroid-like results minus the steroids. It is the closest SARM that can be equated to an anabolic in terms of strength. LGD-4033 is the strongest of all the SARMS in terms of the size you can gain.

It’s in a group of androgen receptor (AR) ligands that are tissue selective, created to cure muscle wasting linked with acute and chronic diseases, age-related muscle loss and cancer. LGD-4033 is anticipated to yield the healing benefits of testosterone with better safety, admissibility and patient acceptance due to tissue-selective mechanism of action and its oral form of administering.

LGD-4033 is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARMS), and a novel non-steroidal oral SARM that binds to AR with high affinity (Ki of ~1 nM) and selectivity. It's in a class of androgen receptor (AR) ligands that is tissue selective, developed to treat muscle wasting associated with cancer, acute and chronic illness and age-related muscle loss. LGD-4033 is expected to produce the therapeutic benefits of testosterone with improved safety, tolerability and patient acceptance due to tissue-selective mechanism of action and an oral route of administration.

10.Dosage Of LGD-4033 (Ligandrol)

Anabolicum (LGD-4033) carries a half-life of approximately 30 hours and is best taken once daily. 10mg per day is the most common dose with some going as high as 20mg per day with little to no complications. Anabolicum can be stacked with other SARMs such as Ostarine (MK 2866) or Cardarine (GW-50156).


11.GW 501516/Cardarine

GW-501516, better known as Cardarine, is a unique medication officially classified as a PPAR receptor agonist (PPAR-RA). Research for this medication began in 1992 in a conjoined effort between GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Ligand Pharmaceuticals. Research into this product was set forth in an effort to provide treatment for various cardiovascular diseases, as well as diabetes, obesity and other conditions.

It was soon discovered that the PPAR-RA was highly effective at enhancing endurance, but it was also shown to carry a high potential cost. It was discovered that Cardarine increased the chances of cancer significantly, and as a result, GSK dropped all further research. However, the studies that produced cancerous results used doses of Cardarine that were 500 to even 1000 times the amount that a human being would take. If cancer is a risk with standard dosing is unknown.

Cardarine (GW-501516) is drug that binds to the PPAR receptor. It was first created by Glaxo Smith Kline and Ligand Pharmaceuticals in 1992. It was discovered that Cardarine, when binding to the PPAR receptor, recruits what is called the coactivator PGC-1α enzyme, which then increases the expression of genes involved in the expenditure of energy. Rats treated with Cardarine were shown to have increased fatty acid metabolism and increased protection against obesity from eating a bad diet, as well as an increased protection from type-2 diabetes. In another study on Rhesus monkeys, cardarine was shown to increase HDL (good cholesterol) and decrease LDL (bad cholesterol).  

Reasons for this effect appeared to be caused by an increased expression of the cholesterol transporter ABCA1. In other words, cardarine activates the same genetic pathways that are involved in exercise. In addition, cardarine was studied for use in treating cardio disease before its development was halted in 2007.

12.Dosage Of GW 501516 (Cardarine)

GW-501516 is taken orally. The most common dosing range for this PPAR-RA is 10-15mg per day for 8 weeks. However, some reports state the medication needs to be used for 12 weeks for optimal results, with 20mg per day being well tolerated by most individuals.

fits in both endurance and fat oxidation at 10-15mgs per day for an ideal 8 week cycle; however, 20mg per day for 8-12 weeks is the recommended dose to get you the absolute optimum results in and out of the gym. Cardarine is a banned substance in certain sports, so it's recommended you are careful with its use if you're a tested athlete.

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13.Where to buy SARM raw powder on strong price?

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Where to find a reliable 17-Methyltestosterone powder supplier online?

Where to find a reliable 17-Methyltestosterone powder supplier online?



What is 17-Methyltestosterone ?

17-Methyltestosterone,common called Methyltestosterone,is an orally available form of the primary male androgen testosterone. Methyltestosterone is a man-made form of testosterone, a naturally occurring sex hormone that is produced in a man's testicles. Small amounts of testosterone are also produced in a woman's ovaries and adrenal system.Methyltestosterone is used in men and boys to treat conditions caused by a lack of this hormone, such as delayed puberty or other hormonal imbalances. Methyltestosterone is also used in women to treat breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body.

Looking at the structure of this steroid, we see it is basically just testosterone with an added methyl group at the c-17 alpha position (a c-17 alpha alkylated substance), which allows for oral administration. The resultant compound “methylated-testosterone” was among the first functional oral steroids to be produced. This field of research has consequently improved greatly over the years, and today methyltestosterone is quite crude in comparison to many of the other orals that were subsequently developed. The action of this steroid is moderately anabolic and androgenic, with high estrogenic activity due to its aromatization to 17-alpha methyl estradiol. This generally makes methyltestosterone too troublesome (in terms of estrogenic side effects) to use for muscle-building purposes.


17-Methyltestosterone powder description

17-Methyltestosterone Powder, is a kind of white powder.As the raw material of 17-Methyltestosterone ,17-Methyltestosterone bulk powder is one of  hot selling among the sarms,not only because of 17-Methyltestosterone powder cost,but also beacuse of high purity of 17-Methyltestosterone raw,yeah,if I buy 17- 17-Methyltestosterone raw PowderMethyltestosterone bulk powder for sale,or lab use,I prefer to buy 17-Methyltestosterone raw online,choose a reliable 17-Methyltestosterone powder supplier and keep stable relationship.Details of 17-Methyltestosterone bulk powder description in AAS as:


Appearence: White powder

Cas 58-18-4

Assay: more than 98%

Solubility: Insoluble in water or alcohol, soluble in Acetic acid, ethyl ester

Loss on drying: less than 0.5%

Heavy Metal : less than 0ppm

Dosage: 20-50mg

Onset time:  20 minutes

Grade: Pharmaceutical Grade


Effects of 17-Methyltestosterone powder

When it comes to the effects of Methyltestosterone, it’s important to understand that the primary catalyst behind this is the saturation percentage of the androgen in your bloodstream. This is where it starts for most compounds, but with Methyltest, it’s especially potent. Once you sharply increase just how much of it is in your system, you’ll notice very quickly how effective it is. Reasons for using Methyltest could be related to deal with low levels brought about by an outside condition. You might also need to treat a different problem altogether, so the test increase would be much-needed. Regardless of why you would want to use it, the immediate effects you’ll notice will be the increase in sex drive (libido) as well as the feelings of motivation and energy returning back to normal. These things tend to go down with lower test levels, but if you feel them again after starting Methyltest, that’s your answer as to why you should definitely try supplementing with it. These aforementioned effects in particular are why people suffering from menopause or andropause will really enjoy using it, and without a doubt, people that fall into those problem categories should be the main individuals that should think about using it in the first place.


How to use 17-Methyltestosterone powder correctly?


Studies have shown that taking an oral anabolic steroid with food may decrease its bioavailability.This is caused by the fat-soluble nature of steroid hormones, which can allow some of the drug to dissolve with undigested dietary fat, reducing its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. For maximum utilization, this steroid should be taken on an empty stomach.

17-Methyltestosterone powder dosage for man:(For references)

To treat androgen insufficiency, prescribing guidelines call for a daily dosage of 10-40 mg. The dose is reduced by 50% when administered in sublingual or buccal form. The drug would be used for extended periods so long as the patent’s laboratory results (hepatotoxicity, serum lipids, etc.) do not necessitate its discontinuance. When used for physique- or performance-enhancing purposes, a daily dosage of 10-50 mg is most commonly used, taken in cycles lasting no more than 6-8 weeks in length. Methyltestosterone is most commonly used not as an anabolic, but to stimulate aggression in the user. Powerlifters, bodybuilders, and competitive athletes often attempt to harness this effect, looking for extra intensity in a training session or competition. Aside from this, methyltestosterone offers little except side effects. It is quite toxic, elevating liver enzymes and causing acne, gynecomastia, aggression, and water retention quite easily. Were one to tolerate these side effects, methyltestosterone will offer only poor quality (bulky) gains. One should also be prepared for a substantial loss of size and bodyweight at the conclusion of each cycle with methyltestosterone, due to the high level of water excretion once the drug is discontinued (during administration water retention will account for a considerable percentage of the total weight gain).

17-Methyltestosterone powder dosage for woman:(For references)

Methyltestosterone is not widely used with women in clinical medicine. When applied, it is most often used as a secondary medication during inoperable breast cancer, when other therapies have failed to produce a desirable effect. The dosage used for this application can be as high as 200 mg per day. Low doses of methyltestosterone have been used in recent years to treat the symptoms of menopause. An example is the product Estratest, which contains esterified estrogens and 2.5 mg of methyltestosterone. A dosage of 1 tablet per day may improve energy, libido, and overall wellness of the patient, as well as combat osteoporosis (while estrogen replacement may halt calcium loss in the bones, testosterone tends to increase calcium stores). Methyltestosterone is generally not recommended for women for physique- or performance-enhancing purposes due to its strong androgenic nature and tendency to produce virilizing side effects.

What Are the Possible Side Effects of 17-Methyltestosterone?

Call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects:

feeling short of breath, even with mild exertion;

swelling, rapid weight gain;

increased or ongoing erection of the penis;

bone pain, increased thirst, memory problems, restless feeling, confusion, nausea, loss of appetite, increased urination, weakness, muscle twitching; or

nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, loss of appetite, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes).


Women receiving methyltestosterone may develop male characteristics, which could be irreversible if testosterone treatment is continued. Stop taking this medication and call your doctor at once if you notice any of these signs of excess testosterone:

changes in menstrual periods;

male-pattern hair growth (such as on the chin or chest);

hoarse voice; or

enlarged clitoris.


Less serious side effects (in men or women) may include:

acne, changes in skin color;

breast swelling;

male pattern baldness;

headache, anxiety, depressed mood;

mild nausea;

numbness or tingly feeling; or

increased or decreased interest in sex.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Tell your doctor about any unusual or bothersome side effect.


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Sex hormore tadalafil powder: 12 facts about the sex enhancing drug you should know!!!

Sex hormore tadalafil powder: 12 facts about the sex enhancing drug you should know!!!


What is Tadalafil?

What's tadalafil?Tadalafil,trade name:Cialis,is a kind of sex enhancing hormore.

Tadalafil/Cialis is one of a class of drugs known as PDE-5 (Phosphodiesterase type 5) inhibitors. sex enhancing Tadalafil/Cialis relaxes muscles of the blood vessels and increases blood flow to particular areas of the body. Tadalafil/Cialis and the other PDE-5 inhibitors can help men with erectile dysfunction (ED) by enhancing the erectile response when a man is sexually stimulated.It's used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) and symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy (enlarged prostate). Aside from Tadalafil/Cialis, the other drugs in this class are Viagra (Sildenafil) and Levitra (Vardenafil),and Flibanserin.


What is tadalafil powder?


Tadalafil/Cialis raw powder,the material of Tadalafil/Cialis,a kind of White powder,many sex hormore products supplier usually buy high purity Tadalafil/Cialis powder online,make it into all kinds of brand finished Tadalafil/Cialis,the detail of the Tadalafil/Cialis raw as below:

CAS: 171596-29-5
Molecular Formula: C22H19N3O4
Molecular Weight: 389.4
Melt Point: 298-300°C
Storage Temp.: RT
Color: White Powder


What is ED?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get or keep an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. It’s also sometimes referred to as impotence.Occasional ED isn’t uncommon. Many men experience it during times of stress. Frequent ED can be a sign of health problems that need treatment. It can also be a sign of emotional or relationship difficulties that may need to be addressed by a professional.

Common symptoms of ED include:trouble getting an erection,difficulty maintaining an erection during sexual activities, reduced interest in sex

There are many possible causes for ED, and they can include both emotional and physical disorders. Some common causes are:

some cardiovascular disease,hypertension,damage from cancer or surgery,obesity or being overweight,anxiety,drug use.

The treatment for erectile dysfunction depends on what is causing it. After your doctor checks you for medical problems and medicines that might cause ED, he or she may recommend a medicine to help with it. Sildenafil (brand name: Viagra), tadalfil (brand name: Cialis), and vardenafil (brand name: Levitra) are medicines that are taken by mouth that help maintain an erection.


How does tadalafil powder work for ED?

Now we know more about tadalafil,let's try to understand how tadalafil works for ED? In the paragraphs above we said that Tadalafil is a PDE5 inhibitor – but what exactly does that mean? Let’s take a closer look at the chemistry that stands behind the power of this medication.

PDE5 is an enzyme found in most men suffering from erectile dysfunction. It suppresses another very important substance – cGMP, or cyclic guanosine monophosphate, which is a crucial component in the process of healthy erection. Thanks to cGMP the signals from the nerve endings in your pelvic region trigger the release of nitric oxide, which, consequently, relaxes the smooth muscles lining the blood vessels in your pelvis. As the result, more blood can flow through them, filling the cavernous structures in the body of your penis, making it become hard and engorged. When there’s too much PDE5 and not enough cGMP, your body simply cannot decipher the signals coming from your nerve endings, which results in complete or partial inability to obtain an erection.

When you’re taking Tadalafil, it reduces the effect of PDE5 in your system fairly quickly, making the concentration of cGMP return to normal levels in as short as 15-45 minutes,thus  blood vessels that bring blood flow to the penis dilate, increasing the blood supply.At the same time, the blood vessels that remove blood from the penis contract. The blood accumulates in the penis, causing an erection.

mechanism of action

An erection is the result of increased blood flow into your penis. Blood flow is usually stimulated by either sexual thoughts or direct contact with your penis.When a man becomes sexually excited, muscles in their penis relax. This relaxation allows for increased blood flow through the penile arteries. This blood fills two chambers inside the penis called the corpora cavernosa. As the chambers fill with blood, the penis grows rigid. Erection ends when the muscles contract and the accumulated blood can flow out through the penile veins.

At the same time,nitric oxide is released into the penis. Nitric oxide enables the production of cGMP, which controls the dilation and contraction of the blood vessels that carry blood to and from the penis.Another substance, PDE5, destroys cGMP. When this occurs, the blood vessels return to their normal size, and the erection ends. Tadalafil stops PDE5 from destroying cGMP. This causes the erection to last for longer.

However, as the half-life of Tadalafil is relatively short, its effect wears off in the course of 2 days making PDE5 come back and your sex health – get worse. On the contrary, when you are taking low-strength Cialis daily, it helps to maintain healthy levels of cGMP in your body, giving you the long-awaited chance to enjoy sex again. It takes low-strength Cialis 4-5 days to start working, so don’t expect to turn into a real macho after taking the very first pill. However, the good part is that you will never experience any difficulties in bed again – as long as you keep taking Cialis daily.


Why so many people love this sex enhancing drug?

Why people love this sex enhancing drug?Because Cialis has a longer duration of action. Viagra and Levitra last for around four hours, but Cialis lasts for 36. If a man takes Cialis on Friday evening, he has erection assistance through Sunday afternoon. Both men and women say they like the fact that Cialis allows them to take their eyes off the clock and make love whenever they wish. So Cialis has a clear advantage for dating couples or new lovers still in the hot-and-heavy period who value sexual spontaneity.


How to use tadalafil powder?

Tadalafil powder is usually oral used,it’s was commonly made into tablets, pills, capsule,how to use tadalafil correctly,it must be a question that most people focus on,so please read following information carefully before use.

Before taking tadalafil powder
  • tell your doctor and pharmacist if you are allergic to tadalafil, any other medications, or any of the ingredients in tadalafil tablets. Ask your pharmacist for a list of the ingredients.
  • tell your doctor if you are taking or have recently taken riociguat (Adempas) or nitrates such as isosorbide dinitrate (Isordil), isosorbide mononitrate (Monoket), and nitroglycerin (Minitran, Nitro-Dur, Nitromist, Nitrostat, others). Nitrates come as tablets, sublingual (under the tongue) tablets, sprays, patches, pastes, and ointments.
  • Ask your doctor if you are not sure whether any of your medications contain nitrates. Your doctor will probably tell you not to take tadalafil if you are taking nitrates.
  • tell your doctor if you are taking street drugs containing nitrates ('poppers') such as amyl nitrate, butyl nitrate, or nitrite while taking tadalafil. Your doctor will probably tell you not to take tadalafil if you are taking street drugs containing nitrates.
  • you should know that tadalafil is available under the brand names Adcirca and Cialis. You should only be treated with one of these products at a time.
  • tell your doctor and pharmacist what other prescription and nonprescription medications, vitamins, and nutritional supplements you are taking or plan to take. Be sure to mention any of the following: alpha blockers such as alfuzosin (Uroxatral), doxazosin (Cardura), dutasteride (Avodart, in Jalyn), prazosin (Minipress), silodosin (Rapaflo), tamsulosin (Flomax, in Jalyn), and terazosin; amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone); certain antifungals such as fluconazole (Diflucan), griseofulvin (Grifulvin, Gris-PEG), itraconazole (Onmel, Sporanox), ketoconazole (Extina, Ketozole, Nizoral, Xolegel), and voriconazole (Vfend); aprepitant (Emend); bosentan (Tracleer); carbamazepine (Carbatrol, Epitol, Tegretol, Teril, others); clarithromycin (Biaxin, in Prevpac); diltiazem (Cardizem, Cartia,Tiazac, others); efavirenz (Sustiva, in Atripla); erythromycin (E.E.S., E-Mycin, Erythrocin); HIV protease inhibitors including indinavir (Crixivan), nelfinavir (Viracept), and ritonavir (Norvir, in Kaletra), lovastatin (Altocor, in Advicor); medications for high blood pressure; nefazodone; nevirapine (Viramune); other medications or treatments for erectile dysfunction; other medications or treatments for PAH; phenobarbital; phenytoin (Dilantin, Phenytek); rifabutin (Mycobutin); rifampin (Rifadin, Rimactane, in Rifamate, in Rifater); sertraline (Zoloft); telithromycin (Ketek); and verapamil (Calan, Covera,Verelan, in Tarka). Your doctor may need to change the doses of your medications or monitor you carefully for side effects.
  • tell your doctor what herbal products you are taking, especially St. John's wort.
  • tell your doctor if you smoke; if you have ever had an erection that lasted more than 4 hours; and if you have recently had diarrhea, vomiting, not been drinking enough fluids, or sweating a lot which may have caused dehydration (loss of a large amount of body fluids. Also tell your doctor if you have or have ever had pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD; blockage of veins in the lungs); any condition that affects the shape of the penis; diabetes; high cholesterol; high or low blood pressure; irregular heartbeat; a heart attack or heart failure; angina (chest pain); a stroke; ulcers in the stomach; a bleeding disorder; blood circulation problems; blood cell problems such as sickle cell anemia (a disease of the red blood cells), multiple myeloma (cancer of the plasma cells), or leukemia (cancer of the white blood cells); or heart, kidney, or liver disease. Also tell your doctor if you or any of your family members have or have ever had an eye disease such as retinitis pigmentosa (an inherited eye condition that causes loss of vision) or if you have ever had sudden severe vision loss, especially if you were told that the vision loss was caused by a blockage of blood flow to the nerves that help you see.
  • if you are a woman and you are taking tadalafil to treat PAH, tell your doctor if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. If you become pregnant while taking tadalafil, call your doctor.
  • if you are having surgery, including dental surgery, tell the doctor or dentist that you are taking tadalafil.
  • talk to your doctor about the safe use of alcoholic beverages during your treatment with tadalafil. If you drink a large amount of alcohol (more than five glasses of wine or five shots of whiskey) while you are taking tadalafil you are more likely to experience certain side effects of tadalafil such as dizziness, headache, fast heartbeat, and low blood pressure.
  • if you are taking tadalafil to treat erectile dysfunction, tell your doctor if you have ever been advised by a health care professional to avoid sexual activity for medical reasons or if you have ever experienced chest pain during sexual activity. Sexual activity may be a strain on your heart, especially if you have heart disease. If you experience chest pain, dizziness, or nausea during sexual activity, call your doctor immediately or get emergency medical treatment, and avoid sexual activity until your doctor tells you otherwise.
  • tell all your health care providers that you are taking tadalafil. If you ever need emergency medical treatment for a heart problem, the health care providers who treat you will need to know when you last took tadalafil.
When you taking tadalafil powder

When you decide to take tadalafil,yuou should adjust the dose according to your need.For most individuals, the recommended starting dose of tadalafil is 10 mg per day ,usually taken 30minutes before sexual activity (tadalafil for use as needed). Depending on the adequacy of the response or side effects, the dose may be increased to 20 mg or decreased to 5 mg a day. The effect of tadalafil may last up to 36 hours. Individuals who are taking medications that increase the blood levels of tadalafil should not exceed a total dose of 10 mg in 72 hours (See drug interactions). For once daily use without regard to sexual activity the recommended dose is 2.5 to 5 mg daily. Tadalafil should not be taken more than once daily.

After taking tadalafil powder

Keep this medication in the container it came in, tightly closed, and out of reach of children. Store it at room temperature and away from excess heat and moisture (not in the bathroom).

Unneeded medications should be disposed of in special ways to ensure that pets, children, and other people cannot consume them. However, you should not flush this medication down the toilet. Instead, the best way to dispose of your medication is through a medicine take-back program. Talk to your pharmacist or contact your local garbage/recycling department to learn about take-back programs in your community. See the FDA's Safe Disposal of Medicines website ( for more information if you do not have access to a take-back program.

It is important to keep all medication out of sight and reach of children as many containers (such as weekly pill minders and those for eye drops, creams, patches, and inhalers) are not child-resistant and young children can open them easily. To protect young children from poisoning, always lock safety caps and immediately place the medication in a safe location – one that is up and away and out of their sight and reach.


What's the dosage of tadalafil powder?

Usual Adult Dose for Erectile Dysfunction:

tadalafil powder dosageUse as needed for ED:

-Initial dose: 10 mg orally once a day, as needed, prior to sexual activity

-Maintenance dose: 5 to 20 mg orally once a day, as needed, prior to sexual activity based on individual efficacy and tolerability.

Comment: Tadalafil should be taken half an hour before sex , will work within 15-20 minutes, and last for as long as 36 hours.

Once a day use for ED:

-Initial dose: 2.5 mg orally once a day at approximately the same time, without regard to timing of sexual activity

-Maintenance dose: 2.5 to 5 mg orally once a day based on individual efficacy and tolerability.

Once daily use for ED and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH):

-5 mg orally once a day at approximately the same time, without regard to timing of sexual activity

Usual Adult Dose for Pulmonary Hypertension:

Adcirca (R):-40 mg orally once a day

Comment: Dividing the 40 mg dose over the course of the day is not recommended.

Usual Adult Dose for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia:

Once daily use for BPH:-5 mg orally once a day at approximately the same time

Concomitant administration with finasteride:

-5 mg orally once a day at approximately the same time, for up to 26 weeks

Comments: The incremental benefit of this drug decreases from 4 weeks until 26 weeks. The incremental benefit of this drug beyond 26 weeks is unknown.

Once daily use for ED and BPH:

-5 mg orally once a day at approximately the same time, without regard to timing of sexual activity

Use: Treatment of the signs and symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH


What's tadalafil powder's Application?(candy,coffee,wine,drink)

In the local drugstore, or in the hospital, we can easily see cialis, which is tadalafil. Yes, this is tadalafil powder – one of the most common application is made into drug for the treatment of ED, it is usually in the form of pills or tablets, in addition to this, in fact, tadalafil also used in other occasions, what is, let's look at.

Tadalafil powder for Sexual candy

Tadalafil can be added to candies to make ordinary candies to enhance men's sexual needs. There are very many types of sexual sweets in Malaysia, the main ingredients are usually tadalafil powder,and sildenafil powder.

Tadalafil powder for Sex coffee

In market,there are some kinds of sex coffee.Mainly  Ingredients usually are:Coconut Milk,Honey,Cinnamon,Cacao,Maca.Sex coffee is late-type of drink with an Aztec twist to it. The flavor is slightly spicy, but sweet enough to appeal to anyone’s taste buds. This sex coffee has the ingredients to effectively boost your libido. Maca, Cacao, Cinnamon, Honey and Coconut Milk collectively help boost hormone production, improve semen quality, delay menopause, lower blood sugar, improve stamina and improve sex drive.

For us,sometimes in order to have stronger effects or weaker effects,we can made sex coffee by adding sex enhancing powder tadalafil, according to client's need to make different degree effects coffee. That means, tadalafil powder can helps to be made into sex coffee.

Tadalafil powder for Sex wine/drink

He could also be added to health care. Alcohol itself has increased the effect of blood flow, it is understood that we have common red wine can increase blood flow for women, for men to increase the level of testosterone in the blood, but the effect of the wine to be mild. And the addition of the powder to the powder can be adjusted to the amount needed, and the health drink is more popular with men in the market, especially middle-aged men.

Also,there is a piece of good news,that is,there is another kind of anti-test tadalafil in AAS,it’s really a good products to try.

What are the Side effects of tadalafil powder?

Tadalafil may cause side effects. Common side effects may include:
indigestion or heartburn
pain in the stomach, back, muscles, arms, or legs

The above side effects of Cialis should last no more than a few hours if they occur and are due to the drugs ability to widen blood vessels. If such effects occur most men will find a lower dose fixes the problem. However, in some cases they may need to seek out alternate PED5’s for their ED or BPH needs.

Kindly remind: this list don't include all the side effects,before you take it,please check more information.


What's tadalafil powder/tadalafil drug interactions?

When you use tadalafil,there may other drug which can affect the drug,which may lead to side effects.Drug interactions may change how your medications work or increase your risk for serious side effects. This document does not contain all possible drug interactions. Keep a list of all the products you use (including prescription/nonprescription drugs and herbal products) and share it with your doctor and pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval.

Tadalafil can cause a serious drop in your blood pressure when used with nitrates, which can lead to dizziness, fainting, and rarely heart attack or stroke. Do not use tadalafil with any of the following: certain drugs used to treat chest pain/angina (nitrates such as nitroglycerin, isosorbide), recreational drugs called "poppers" containing amyl or butyl nitrite.

If you are also taking an alpha blocker medication (such as doxazosin, tamsulosin) to treat an enlarged prostate/BPH or high blood pressure, your blood pressure may get too low which can lead to dizziness or fainting. Your doctor may start treatment with a lower dose of tadalafil or adjust your alpha blocker medication to minimize your risk of low blood pressure.

Other medications can affect the removal of tadalafil from your body, which may affect how tadalafil works. Examples include azole antifungals (such as itraconazole, ketoconazole), macrolide antibiotics (such as clarithromycin, erythromycin), HIV protease inhibitors (such as fosamprenavir, ritonavir), hepatitis C virus protease inhibitors (such as boceprevir, telaprevir), rifampin, among others.

Do not take this medication with any other product that contains tadalafil or other similar medications used to treat erectile dysfunction-ED or pulmonary hypertension (such as sildenafil, vardenafil).


What's the difference between Tadalafil powder and Sildenafil powder/Cialias VS Viagra?


Does Cialis work more quickly than Viagra?

Although both have a fast onset of action, Tadalafil works slightly faster than Viagra. While Viagra usually takes about 20-30 minutes, Cialis can work in 15-20 minutes. Cialis is also available as Cialis Daily, which is taken once a day, and will enable you to achieve an erection anytime throughout the day.

Does Cialis last longer than Viagra?

Cialis has a longer duration of action than Viagra, and can remain in the body for up to 36 hours. This has earned it the reputation of “The Weekend Pill”. This benefits you because you don’t need to pre-plan your dosage close to any expected sexual activity, but instead can utilise its effects up to 12, and sometimes 36 hours after taking it.

Does Cialis have fewer side effects than Viagra?

As both drugs work in the same way, they share many of the same side effects. These include face flushing, headaches and indigestion.  However, Viagra also has a few other effects that don’t seem to affect users of Cialis to the same extent, such as rash, visual disturbance and diarrhoea.  Headaches also occur more commonly with Viagra, but may last longer with Cialis.  If any of these affect you after taking a dose of Viagra, Cialis may be a better option.

Do I need to take more dose of sidenafil compared to tadalafil?

Cialis can be taken on an as needed basis, or daily.Generally, daily dosages are smaller than as needed doses.8 Typically, Cialis is taken as a 10mg starting dose, prior to sexual activity. The effects of Cialis will last around 36 hours. The dosage may be increased to 20mg if 10mg is ineffective or reduced to 5mg if side effects are intolerable.

Viagra is taken on an as needed basis, at a dose of 50mg, approximately 1 hour before sexual activity (although can be taken from 30 minutes to 4 hours before). The dose may be increased to 100mg if 50mg is ineffective or decreased to 25mg if side effects are intolerable.2 Viagra should only be taken once a day even though the effects wear off after approximately 4-5 hours. The main side effects are headache, flushing and indigestion.2 Rarely, color perception may be altered with Viagra. This side effect does not happen with Cialis.7

Conclusion: Which is Better – Cialis vs Viagra?

Cialis is a more modern, effective treatment for erectile dysfunction. Cialis appears to offer advantages over Viagra for most desirable attributes for an erectile dysfunction medication, including duration of action, onset of action, and side effects. However, Viagra is available at a substantially lower cost, as the generic medicine Sildenafil. Both treatments have their advantages, so weigh up the pros and cons carefully and make your choice.


Where to buy high purity tadalafil powder online?

When considering where to buy high purity tadalafil powder,you should think about many details,like bought tadalafil drug in country or bought overseas;which kind of which steroids supplier is reliable enough when bought outside,whether the purity is high enough;whether the delivery is safe;whether experienced in delivery,even to some remote areas,like Iran…If you bought it just for personal use,and use it not that often,you can just buy tadalafil tablets in the local shop.But if you are experienced user or steroids producer or manufactures,then buy tadalafil raw material online is a good choice.Thus,frist you should think about where can I find a reliable source supplier which can provide high purity tadalafil powder.If you already have,that couldn't be better.If you don’t have or you gonna change supplier.Then AAS may be your good choices.

What’s AAS raw company?

AASraw Biochemical Technology Co. was reorganized by a Shanghai based Biochemical Engineering Laboratory in 2008, which was built by 5 Chinese Ph. Doctors, who are majored at Chemical Engineering in University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.We supply 99% puirty steroid raw powder with good quality and pretty competitive price,fast delivery and safe payment.Main products:anabolic steroids raw powder, bodybuilding, fitness, fat loss, sex hormones, SARMS, PCT drugs, HGH, homebrew, ugl.Such as Testosterone enanthate 90USD/100g,high quality Clen HCL, sibutramine,ect.

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How to buy tadalafil powder from AAS raw company?

visit our website: buy high purity tadalafil powder?

Contact email:

Call or add whatsapp: +86 18928411063

Thanks for your Attention, See you next time!

Masteron/Drostanolone is a very popular anabolic steroid used for cutting cycle

Masteron/Drostanolone is a very popular anabolic steroid used for cutting cycle



1. What is Masteron?

Masteron is an anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) known by the pharmaceutical name of Drostanolone Propionate/Enanthate. It is also commonly referred to as Masto, Mast and Mastabol. The chemical structure of the compound is 2a-methyl-androstan-3-one-17b-ol. The steroid comes in several different forms that are either consumed orally or injected directly into the body.

Masteron is extremely effective at retaining muscle mass and body strength while losing unnecessary fat from the body. The steroid is commonly used by professional athletes and bodybuilders who prepare themselves for contests. It enables them to increase hardness and density of muscle in a short time period without contributing to fat increase.

Masteron has a half life of 1-2 days when used as Drostanolone Propionate, and 5-6 days for Drostanolone Enanthate. The normal range of a dose ranges from 50mg/ml to 200mg/ml.


2. What is Masteron Enanthate and Masteron Propionate?

Masteron Enanthate, which should be more properly known as Drostanolone Enanthate, is a long estered variant of Drostanolone. Drostanolone was originally marketed on the prescription drug market under the brand name Masteron, which was Drostanolone Propionate (a short estered variant of Drostalonone. The trade name of Masteron caught on very quickly across bodybuilding circles, and the two should really be referred to as “Drostanolone Propionate” and “Drostanolone Enanthate” due to the fact that the brand name Masteron is really a descriptor for Drostanolone Propionate, and only Drostanolone Propionate. However, the Masteron trade name has stuck permanently onto the lips of bodybuilders and athletes everywhere, and so the Enanthate variant of Drostanolone is now referred to all the time as Masteron Enanthate. Chemically, the difference between Masteron Propionate and Masteron Enanthate is very much the exact same as the difference between Testosterone Propionate and Testosterone Enanthate. The base hormone, which in this case is Drostanolone, is affixed with an Enanthate ester on its 17-beta hydroxyl group.

Masteron Propionate

Masteron Propionate is available in different forms, including tablets, capsules, injections and sprays. It is popularly used as pre-contest or cutting drug. It is known to increase performance, muscle size and function, stamina and aggression. It prevents the conversion of free testosterones and inhibits the formation of estrogen to yield these positive effects.

A great advantage of using this steroid is its ability to improve strength without increasing body fat. This allows athletes to improve their performance through weight classes without risking weight gains that shift them to higher weight categories. For this reason, Masteron has become one of the top cutting steroids on the market.

There is clear evidence to testify the abilities of drostanolone proprionate as an anti-estrogen agent. It results in a leaner physique with improved body metabolism and gives a hardening effect that cannot be achieved by many other steroids. For best results, athletes are advised to reduce their body fats naturally before consuming this compound for further benefits.

Masteron prevents the retention of water in the body, causing you to feel full and tight after pumping muscles in the gym.

The compound is stacked with other agents for best results. The compounds used for stacking vary depending on your body type and the results you desire.

Masteron Enanthate

Also called drostanolone enanthate, Masteron enanthate remains in the body for several weeks. It is regarded as one of the most effective steroids to reduce the retention of water. Its anti-aromatase and anti-estrogen effects are also responsible for increasing the bioavailability of other steroids in an anabolic steroid cycle.

It is particularly known for its ability to prevent the conversion of free testosterones and is stacked with other compounds for best effects.


3. Effects of Masteron

Without question, the effects of Masteron will be displayed in the most efficient way during a cutting cycle. However, for the effects to be truly appreciated the individual will need to be extremely lean. This is why the hormone will most commonly be found at the end of bodybuilding contest prep cycles as the individual should already be fairly lean at this stage. The added Masteron will help him lose that last bit of fat that often hangs on for dear life at the end of a cycle. It will also ensure his physique appears as hard as can be. Of course, the anti-estrogenic effect will simply enhance this overall look. For those that are not competitive bodybuilder lean, it is possible that the effects of Masteron may not be all that noticeable. The individual who is under 10% body fat should be able to notice some results and produce a harder, dryer look, but much over 10% and the effects may not be all that pronounced.

As a potent androgen, Masteron can benefit the athlete looking for a boost in strength. This can be a very beneficial steroid for an athlete who is following a calorie restricted diet in an effort to maintain a specific bodyweight necessary for his pursuit. The individual could easily enjoy moderate increases in strength and a slight improvement in recovery and muscular endurance without unwanted body weight gain.

As a bulking agent, the effects of Masteron will prove to be rather week. It is possible the hormone could provide gains in mass similar to Primobolan Depot, which won’t be that strong either, if the total dose was high enough. However, the relative gain in size will be very moderate with many anabolic steroids being far more suited for this period of steroidal supplementation. There are those who may wish to include Masteron in a bulking plan for its anti-estrogenic and fat loss effects. The latter would ensure they kept their body fat gain minimized during off-season bulking phases, but this isn’t reason enough to use it in this phase. Body fat should be controllable without it. As for the anti-estrogenic effects, off-season cycles are normally comprised of large amounts of aromatase activity due to high doses of testosterone. Progesterone activity is also commonly high with the addition of Nandrolone compounds and possible Trenbolone. Consider additional Anadrol or Dianabol and this estrogenic activity can become very pronounced. Unfortunately, while possessing anti-estrogenic effects, Masteron will not be strong enough to combat this level of estrogenic activity.


4. How Masteron works?

A derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), Masteron doesn’t convert to estrogen through aromatization. The anti-estrogenic characteristics of Masteron are considered to be primarily responsible for this. It is for this reason that Masteron qualifies as a highly effective drug for anabolic steroid users. Masteron inhibits the aromatase enzyme that converts free testosterones in the body to estrogen. Due to this inhibition, the body gets a larger amount of free testosterones, which are responsible for building muscle mass.

By inhibiting the production of estrogens, Masteron also yields other positive effects, such as excess water retention and bloating, resulting in a lean and dry body with very prominent muscles.

Despite its evident anti-estrogenic properties, Masteron must not be consumed in excess. It also has androgenic and anabolic properties that are known to inhibit the natural release of testosterone. After the recommended consumption, post cycle therapy is necessary to recover from the effects of Masteron and recover the natural cycle of testosterone production in the body.


5. The dosage of Masteron

The standard Masteron dose for adult men will normally fall in the 300-400mg per week range. Normally, this will mean an injection of 100mg every other day for a total of 6-8 weeks. This does not mean 6-8 weeks represents the total cycle, but this is a common time frame for the Masteron portion of a stack. Some may alternatively choose to split their dose up into a daily injection schedule, but every other day should suffice. If a Drostanolone Enanthate version is found, 1-2 injections per week will work, but such a version is somewhat rare.

For female breast cancer treatment, standard dosing calls for 100mg three times per weeks for 8-12 weeks. This will commonly lead to virilization symptoms that could be hard to reverse. However, no one can deny it’s still better than cancer. For the female athlete, 50mg per week should be more than enough for a total of 4-6 weeks. Some women may find doses closer to 100mg per week to be justified if they tolerate the hormone well. Doses of this range should be controllable for most women, but individual sensitivity must be kept in mind. Doses that go above the 100mg per week mark or beyond 4-6 weeks of use will more than likely produce virilization symptoms at some level.


6. Masteron Functions & Traits

Drostanolone Propionate is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived anabolic steroid. Specifically, Masteron is the DHT hormone that has been structurally altered by the addition of a methyl group at the carbon 2 position, This protects the hormone from the metabolic breakdown by the 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme, which is found in the skeletal muscle. It also greatly increases the hormone’s anabolic nature. This simple structural change is all it takes to create Drostanolone, and from here the small/short Propionate ester is attached in order to control the hormone’s release time. Drostanolone Enanthate can also be found through some underground labs, which does not have to be injected as frequently, but it is somewhat rare compared to the Propionate version. The majority of all Masteron on the market will be Drostanolone Propionate.

On a functional basis, Masteron is well-known for being one of the only anabolic steroids with strong anti-estrogenic properties. Not only does this steroid carry no estrogenic activity, but it can actually act as an anti-estrogen in the body. This is why it has been effective in the treatment of breast cancer. In fact, the combination of Masteron and Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) has been shown to be far more effective than chemotherapy in the treatment of inoperable breast cancer in postmenopausal women. This also makes it a popular steroid among bodybuilders as it could actually prohibit the need for an anti-estrogen when used in the right cycle. This will also prove advantageous during the cutting phase due to the hardening effects it can provide.

Masteron carries relatively low anabolic and androgenic ratings; however, these ratings are somewhat misleading. It’s important to remember DHT, the basis of Masteron, is five times more androgenic than testosterone with a much stronger binding affinity to the androgen receptor. This again promotes a harder look and can also enhance fat loss. Most all anabolic steroids are well-noted for enhancing the metabolic rate, but strong androgens have a tendency to directly promote lipolysis.

As an anabolic, Masteron isn’t well-known for promoting gains in lean muscle mass. It has never been used for muscle wasting in a therapeutic sense and will almost always be found in cutting plans among performance athletes. It can, however, promote significant boosts in strength, which could prove beneficial to an athlete who may not necessarily be looking for raw mass.


7. Masteron Reviews

In some performance enhancing circles, Masteron is viewed as a relatively weak anabolic steroid. This is largely due to the steroid having low mass promotion abilities, and many tend to equate quality steroids to their mass promotion characteristics. Some also tend to forget that while a steroid may be a quality one, it will not present notable benefits unless you are very lean. This tends to lead many to having a skewed perception of Masteron due to this improper thinking. This is a very valuable anabolic steroid, but you must understand the purpose of use and the benefits it can provide if such beneficial rewards are going to be gained. Understand that raw mass promotion is not the end all be all of progress; understand the total purpose of use of a steroid and when to use it and you will find Masteron to be a very valuable anabolic steroid.

Masteron Enanthate is a quality anabolic steroid and a great choice for a cutting cycle. However, if we were to rank it next to the Propionate version the Propionate version would win out. This is not because of the effectiveness of the two forms but the Propionate version is easier to control and there is more quality Masteron Propionate on the market.

Unfortunately Masteron (any form) often gets an unappreciated rating by some steroid users but this is because it’s not fully understood. Some steroid users gauge a steroid’s power only by what it can do in terms of adding raw size. If this is the only way you gauge a steroid it’s true Masteron will be disappointing. But if you can understand the importance and benefits outside of bulking that can exists with various steroids the Drostanolone hormone is one that’s in the top 20 if not the top 10.


8. Where to buy Genuine Masteron raw powder online?

You can find many Masteron powder source online, but it is hard to buy Genuine Masteron raw online. There are many sources selling fake products at the market. so when you buy Masteron raw material online, you need to choose an realiable source.


Oral turinabol powder: Do you know the facts about the steroid powder?

Oral turinabol powder: Do you know the facts about the steroid powder?



What is Oral Turinabol?

Oral turinabol raw powderOral Turinabol(Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, also known as ‘Tbol’ and Turinabol),belongs to testosterone series for bodybuilding(the same famous like testosterone enanthate ),is actually a modified form of Dianabol (Methandrostenolone), whereby it is actually a combination of the chemical structures of Dianabol and Clostebol (4-chlorotestosterone). Hence this is why the actual chemical name is 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone. The modifications to its chemical structure allow it to be non-aromatizable and to also possess a very low androgenic rating, which is likely why Turinabol has been nicknamed as a ‘mild Dianabol’.

Oral Turinabol (OT) is very similar in structure to methandrostenolone. The only difference, in fact, is the addition of a chloride atom at the C-4 position. Oral-turinabol has a reputation of being a very good steroid. The addition of the chloride atom removes the potential for aromatization by blocking access by aromatase and also reduces conversion to DHT. The main differences are that OT likely has a long half-life that makes up for its lower binding affinity and Oral Turinabol seems to have higher affinity for SHBG than methandrostenolone which can result in testosterone and estrogen being bumped into circulation.


Oral turinabol powder history

Oral Turinabol was first released by Jenapharm out of East Germany in 1962. The steroid would enjoy a very high safety rating for decades not only among men but in women and even children in a therapeutic setting. This anabolic steroid(AS) was proven to be very effective in the effort to build or protect lean mass and bone mass without severe complications. However, Oral Turinabol would gain worldwide attention in the 1990’s when the East German steroid scandal became public knowledge.

From 1974 to 1989 what would be known as the East German Doping Machine had been successful in administering anabolic steroids to its Olympic athletes. Not only were they cheating but they were getting away with it as steroids like Oral Turinabol were, at the time, undetectable. State Plan Research Theme 14.25 as it was officially known would also make use of epitestosterone during this period in order to skew testosterone readings in drug testing.

When Oral Turinabol was discovered as being an integral part of the East German scandal Jenapharm would discontinue the product in 1994. Two years later the pharmaceutical powerhouse out of Germany Schering, makers of such steroids as Primobolan, Testoviron and Proviron would acquire Jenapharm but chose not to bring Oral Turinabol back to the market. Since that time this anabolic steroid has never been manufactured by a true pharmaceutical compounding entity and has become a strictly black market underground anabolic steroid.


What is Oral turinabol powder?

Oral turinabol raw ,the raw material of drug Oral turinabol,is a kind of White to powder,many ananboloc steriods products supplier usually buy high purity Oral turinabol raw powder,then make it into Oral turinabol tablets.In market,the purity of Oral turinabol is different,usually range from 60%-99% purity,with different price.

The detail of Oral turinabol powder as below:

Name:Oral turinabol

Appearence: White powder

Cas: 2446-23-3

Assay ≥98%

Solubility: Insoluble in water or alcohol, soluble in Acetic acid, ethyl ester

Loss on drying: ≤0.5%

Heavy Metal: ≤10ppm

Dosage: 5-80mg

Onset time:  20 minutes

Grade: Pharmaceutical Grade


What’s the common from of Oral turinabol powder?

 Oral turinabol powderIn the market,there are different form of oral turinabol,like Oral turinabol pills,tablets,and Oral turinabol capsule.They all comes from the Oral turinabol powder.You can easily buy some Oral turinabol tablets in local shop,maybe a little expensive or buy Oral turinabol powder online.That will be ok.


How does Oral turinabol works?

Oral Tbolworks as a modified form of Dianabol (Methandrostenolone); a combination of Dianabol and Clostebol (4-chlorotestosterone).While its general chemical structure is similar to Dianabol, it is a much milder hormone.While Tbol is weaker than Dianabol it still offers various benefits, without the side effects associated with steroids that increase oestrogen.This means that you can expect to see steady, if not spectacular lean muscle gains, without experiencing any bloating, water retention or gynecomastia.

On a functional basis the traits of Oral Turinabol are very simple. Like most anabolic steroids it should have a positive impact on protein synthesis and nitrogen retention, as well as in increasing red blood cell count. These traits are all important as they enhance the anabolic atmosphere of the individual. Protein synthesis in that protein is the primary building block of muscle and synthesis representing the rate by which cells build proteins, and nitrogen retention in that it represents an important part of lean tissue composition. A deficiency in nitrogen will lead to a catabolic state, where as a higher amount retained will promote a more favorable anabolic atmosphere. Then we have red blood cells, which are responsible for carrying oxygen to and through the blood. More red blood cells will equate to greater blood oxygenation, which in turn will equate to greater muscular endurance. All of these traits will also be tremendously beneficial in terms of the body’s ability to recover.


Benefits of Oral turinabol for bodybuilding

What’s the benefits of Oral turinabol for bodybuilding?let’s see it.

  • Results without weight gain (this is advantageous in sports where you are trying to make weight or compete in a certain weight class)
  • Tighter muscles without a puffy look
  • Increase in strength
  • Increase in lean muscle mass
  • Ability to strongly bind to SHBG
  • Increase in free testosterone
  • Low Side Effects

This steroid was beneficial to athletes as it led to an increase in lean muscle mass, without any significant water retention, or without a rise in oestrogen too.

While the muscle building benefits of Oral turinabol are less than other anabolic steroids like Dianabol, you will often find this steroid being used in “stacks” by bodybuilders.

The reason for this is that its can help increase free (active) testosterone levels thanks to it acting on the sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). This helps to enhance the benefits of the other steroids being used.


 What’s the advantages of Oral turinabol?

Because of Oral turinabol's distinct separation of its androgenic to anabolic effects, it is a weaker anabolic steroid than its parent hormone Dianabol. However, the assurance with Tbol is that with any apparent muscle building capability, it will present much less in the way of androgenic effects and absolutely no estrogenic effects (due to its inability to aromatize into Estrogen). Because of its fairly weaker strength than Dianabol, the doses required to elicit effects from Tbol are considered to be quite high (this will be explained shortly in the Tbol doses section of this profile).

In general, athletes and bodybuilders can expect steady and quality lean mass gains with no risk of any bloating, gyno, or any other estrogenic effects. Mass and strength gains are not known to be dramatic due to its lack of anabolic strength, but steady and quality lean gains that grow consistently over time can be expected. It is also used as an ideal cutting agent during periods of fat loss or pre-contest preparation due to its inability to convert into Estrogen. Oral turinabol’s capabilities really shine as an adjunct to other anabolic steroids when it is run (stacked) with other anabolic steroids due to its ability to bind to SHBG. Binding to SHBG allows more of the other anabolic steroids it is stacked with to be available to do their job, being uninhibited by SHBG, which is another advantage that it exhibits.


Oral turinabol and injectable turinabol in bodybuilding

The difference between oral and injectable turinabol is like with most of other steroids. Oral is easier to take but in theory it may be harmful to the liver, so one can sustain higher dosages of injectable version. Furthermore, injectable is slightly more detected. But, in general, this is a matter of personal preferences.

In bodybuilding turinabol can be called a rookie. Not surprising – in the past “pharmacological king” in Eastern Europe used to be relatively cheap methandrostenolone (dianabol). All turinabol smuggled from Eastern Germany was captured by light athletics coaches. Western Europe and USA even did not know that such product exists, at least no bodybuilders reported they ever used it. Situation changed not that long ago when this very useful drug has been given a second chance and had a stunning success on US market and short after that in all other countries.

What are the reasons of this success? At-first turinabol notably raises power. Secondly, as has been said, oral turinabol quickly leaves the body and not found in the urine within 6-8 days after end of usage. We have not heard about any positive doping tests for turinabol. However, it may be because such tests are simply not being made nowadays.

A positive feature of the drug can be considered as giving hardness to the muscles without any significant accumulation of water. Experience shows that using of turinabol is almost mandatory in contest preparation stacks. Also it copes with the task of protection of muscle mass against destruction after bulking cycles.

There is another feature of turinabol – it’s a «sex drug». This steroid fairly rapidly increase libido for men, sometimes too much, so desire of sex prevail over desire for trainings This property, as well as the ability just slightly inhibit the production of endogenous testosterone, makes it useful drug to take in moderate doses between the cycles of “heavy” AAS to maintain sex-drive.


Oral turinabol Doses and Administration

,the raw material of drug Oral turinabol powderOral turinabol has a low androgenic rating of 6 and an anabolic strength rating of 53, this makes it near perfect in terms of comparing side effects and gains. Due to such as low androgenic rating, acne, aggression, roid rage and strength increases are rare, but not non-existent. Compared to its parent hormone Dianabol, it’s a weaker anabolic and bodybuilders don’t see Oral Tbol as a mass gaining agent.

Recommend dosage of Oral turinabol

Oral turinabol posses roughly half the anabolic rating of Testosterone, so the common recommend dosage of Oral turinabol is in the range of 20-40mg per day. Oral turinaboldosages can exceed 40-80mg per day, but bodybuilders report side effects begin to rise, whilst gains remain constant.

Medical dosage of Oral turinabol

Medical doses of Oral turinabol are around 5-10mg per day and given to those with muscle wasting diseases. Female medical doses start at 1mg per day and can exceed 2.5mg daily (QC).

Dosage of Oral turinabol for bodybuilding

Beginner Oral turinabol doses is suggested at 20-40mg per day.

Intermediate users can use 40-60mg daily.

Advanced and professional bodybuilders can use 80mg per day, you’d better no more than 80mg/day, However, these more extreme doses can cause severe side effects and other androgens can be used with better gains.

Oral Turinabol For female?

East German female athletes took OT at 5-15 mg per day for two to six weeks at a time. Aside from obvious virilization, many of these female athletes also suffered liver disease, heart disease, infertility, psychiatric issues, and even death. Oral Turinabol is proven not to be a safe anabolic steroid for women. I am not saying these consequences are inevitable, but rather that it’s a proven fact that the incidence rate of such consequences is very substantial.So actually we don't recommend female to take this drug.


Turinabol Cycles and Uses(for reference only)

Oral Turinabol cycle

Tbol is often stacked in combination with other anabolic steroids, this is due to it being a mild compound and lowering natural testosterone levels in users. Turinabol isn’t the most anabolic or androgenic of steroids, therefore mass gaining agents are favoured over Tbol. This relatively mild anabolic is used during cutting phases, fat loss periods and pre-contest bodybuilding.

Turinabol cycles can consist of running the oral alone at between 40-60mg per day for 6-8 weeks. This will give a nice boost in strength, lean muscle and allow the steroid user to maintain muscle mass when in a calorie deficit. Preventing protein breakdown is a much-needed weapon when getting to sub 10% body fat is the goal.

Injection Turinabol cycle

More advanced stacks of Oral Turinabol can mean other compounds such as; Testosterone can be used for synergistic effects. Short and long estered Testosterone preparations can be used. Testosterone Propionate at 100mg injected every other day with Turinabol 60mg per day lasting 8 weeks is an excellent stack for lean muscle mass and dieting for the summer.

It should be noted that it is impossible to determine the optimal dosage without any data on the physiological indicators of an athlete, his experience in the use of anabolic and androgenic steroids, his ultimate goals and other factors.

Oral turinabol powder for bodybuilding

Stacking of oral turinabol

It’s good for performance sportsmen, powerlifters or bodybuilders on cutting stacks. But if serious fat-burn needed, it won’t help because it’s a steroid, not pure fat-burner.

1) Turanabol 35 mg/ ED for three weeks at the end of deca-dianabol-testosterone cycle to make a relief

2) Turanabol 50 mg / ED for 6 weeks with Parabolan (200 mg / w) and / or Stanozolol (150 mg /w) at the end of cycle for 2-3 weeks (possibly from the beginning of cycle)

3) Turanabol standalone cycle 50 mg/ED for 6 weeks. Lean mass / pre-competition stack.

4) During preparation stacks turinabol is often combined with trenbolone, oxandrolone or stanozolol. Very good results are obtained by combination with testosterone propionate.

5) The combination of oral turinabol + oxandrolone is too weak, it can be recommended only for women.

6) You can use oral and injectable turinabol during mass-gaining cycle in various combinations, for example with testosterone, nandrolone or a combination thereof, instead of methandrostenolone (dianabol). It is recommended for those athletes who want to get quality muscles.

PCT is needed after most of these courses.


Oral turinabol half life

The half-life of Oral turinabol in the scientific literature after IV administration is 16 hours; however, the oral turinabol half-life is not necessarily the same. Generally half-life for oral administration is longer than that of IV administration, however, in this case it could actually be shorter due to first pass metabolism and reduced peak plasma levels compared to the IV dose. Another paper suggests a fairly short half-life. A good estimate is at least eight hours for the half-life of this steroid with the likely true value between 12 and 20 hours. The fact that metabolites of this steroid can be detected for a long time after cessation argues for a longer half-life.


Side Effects of Oral turinabol

Turinabol is known as one of the mildest anabolic steroids, it is often placed in the same category as Anavar and Primobolan.Using this steroid will not affect your oestrogen levels, so is one of the safest steroids for women to use.

While safer than many steroids, using Oral turinabol is not without risk. Here are some of the potential side effects of Oral turinabol you may encounter:

  • Suppression of natural testosterone production
  • Increased LDL (bad) cholesterol
  • Decreased HDL (good) cholesterol
  • Fertility issues/Lower sperm count
  • Increased stress on liver
  • Possible hair loss
  • Acne
  • Increased body hair growth

Just because a steroid has the potential to cause side effects does not necessarily mean you will experience them. We all react to drugs and medications differently.

Suppression of Natural Testosterone

Like many anabolic steroids, their use can lead to your body producing less testosterone. Sometimes your levels will return to normal once the steroid cycle has ended, but this is not always the case.

Low testosterone can lead to a number of issues including an increase in body fat and less muscle mass. You may also encounter sexual issues too, such as lower libido and lower sperm production.

Effects on your Cholesterol

Using Oral turinabol can cause an increase in LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol. This can increase the amount of plaque deposited in your arteries, which can lead to complications such as heart attack and stroke.

If you currently suffer from high cholesterol levels then using an anabolic steroid is not recommended.


You can reduce the risk by using the following steps:

  • Eating more fatty fish (omega-3 fatty acids)
  • Supplement with fish oil
  • Limit your intake of saturated fat
  • Reduce your intake of sugar
  • Increase cardio
  • Get your cholesterol checked
  • DO NOT supplement with other oral steroids
  • Increased Risk of Liver Damage

Many anabolic steroids are hepatotoxic, and Oral turinabol is no different. Using it can increase the amount of stress on your liver.This does not necessarily mean you will damage your liver through its use, but if you do not have a healthy liver to start then this steroid is best avoided.It is also recommended to avoid consuming excess amounts of alcohol, and to ensure your cycles do not exceed the recommended time.


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No one will tell you 10 facts about Trenbolone Acetate

No one will tell you 10 facts about Trenbolone Acetate

What Is Trenbolone Acetate?

Trenbolone is one of the most potent and powerful steroids available. What’s more, it is also one of the most versatile since it works well in bulking and cutting cycles alike. If you are considering Trenbolone Acetate in your next cycle, make sure you understand how to use it responsibly to keep yourself safe.

In a chemical sense, Trenbolone Acetate is a slightly modified version of nandrolone, the parent molecule in Deca Durabolin. As such, you can expect many of the same actions. However, Tren Acetate carries a couple of modifications that make it incredibly popular. First, this product does not aromatize, or convert to estrogen in the bloodstream. This is great news for those who are particularly sensitive to the androgenic effects of steroids. Second, it carries a short ester which means it begins working soon after use. It has an active half-life of just under three days, so every-other-day dosing is best.

 If you are considering Trenbolone Acetate in your next cycle, make sure you understand how to use it responsibly to keep yourself safe.

How Does Trenbolone Acetate Work?

IGF-1 is a naturally occurring hormone that is protein based. It is extremely powerful and has strong anabolic properties. It plays a crucial role in the recovery and rejuvenation of muscle tissue. The effects of this protein based hormone are obviously powerful in just about every cell in the human body.

It strengthens and aids in the recovery of muscle tissue, cartilage, central nervous system, ligaments and tendons, and pulmonary system.

Apart from boosting the production of red blood cells, trenbolone acetate is probably the only compound that is capable of spiking the production of IGF-1 hormone. As a result, it aids in boosting muscular endurance and promotes faster rate of recovery.

Apart from this trenbolone acetate also inhibits the glucocorticoid hormones, which have the opposite effect of anabolic steroids. Also known commonly as stress hormones, glucocorticoid hormones are known to cause muscle tissue deterioration and promotes fat build up. By using trenbolone acetate, the effects of glucocorticoid hormones are kept in check.

What is trenbolone acetate used for?

Tren Acetate behaves like many other anabolic steroids. It enhances your body’s ability to synthesize protein and it helps your muscle tissue retain more nitrogen. When your body is able to create proteins more quickly, and when the building blocks for those proteins (namely nitrogen) are available in abundance, you can experience muscle growth on an epic scale. Aside from this, Trenbolone Acetate will also work to promote insulin-like growth factor, which is responsible for repairing and rejuvenating tissues throughout your body. It also increases red blood count significantly; with more red blood cells, you can better oxygenate your muscles and provide them a prime environment for growth.

How to Use Trenbolone Acetate?

Trenbolone Acetate was first available as the veterinary product Finaject, which is no longer available. Steroid users have also extracted trenbolone acetate from Finaplix cattle implants using conversion kits. Currently, various non-pharmaceutical preparations are now sold by underground labs (UGLs), and many users purchase powdered trenbolone acetate and make their own injectable preparations.

The solubility of trenbolone acetate in vegetable oil is 50 mg/mL. Where solubility enhancers such as benzyl alcohol or benzyl benzoate are used, concentrations of 75-100 mg/mL can be achieved, and these are typical of underground lab preparations. A disadvantage, however, of concentrations higher than 50 mg/mL is that there can then be increased prevalence of “tren cough” — a brief but severe coughing fit lasting perhaps one minute after injection, often accompanied by profuse sweating. However even at the higher concentrations, for most users this is only an occasional problem, not occurring with every injection. While it is a reason to consider limiting concentration if making one’s own preparation, it is not enough reason to rule out pre-prepared trenbolone acetate products at 75-100 mg/mL.

Trenbolone is a steroid having the advantages of undergoing no adverse metabolism, not being affected by aromatase or 5alpha-reductase; of being a very potent Class I steroid binding strongly to the androgen receptor; and having a short half life of approximately one day. This last property makes it very useful for short cycle, as the transition from anabolically-effective blood levels to levels low enough for recovery is rapid.

Fifty milligrams per day of trenbolone acetate is a good dosing for someone on his first cycle or who is as yet less than, say, 20 pounds over his natural limit; while 100 mg/day may be preferred by the more advanced user who has already gained more than this. In a few cases, doses as low as 35 mg/day may be preferred due to to a user having unusual sensitivity to the drug with regard to night sweats or excessive CNS stimulation.

While these may appear to be rather low dosages — and for any other injectable they would be low doses as a sole Class I androgen — trenbolone is about three times more effective per milligram than most injectables at the androgen receptor. Thus, 50 mg/day trenbolone, combined with an effective dose of a Class II steroid such as 50 mg/day of Dianabol, makes for a highly effective stack despite the total milligram amount per week being modest.

Trenbolone is among the most effective androgens in aiding fat loss. But contrary to some claims, there is no special role of the acetate ester: other esters of trenbolone are equally effective.

The dosage of Trenbolone Acetate

The average Trenbolone Acetate dose varies based on your cycle and stack. During an off-season bulking cycle, most bodybuilders find that 50mg every other day is comfortable and effective. Some men tolerate up to 100mg every other day with no issues, and they find that this does offers the best results for them. During a cutting cycle, people tend to push the envelope a little more with Tren and utilize doses even higher than 100mg every other day, but not everyone can tolerate these as the risk of side effects increases. No one should ever use more than 200mg every other day, even if they seem to tolerate it well.

Trenbolone Acetate Cycle

A Trenbolone Acetate cycle may be the single most exciting anabolic steroid cycle any man could ever plan. This is a highly powerful and tremendously versatile anabolic steroid that is far more effective than numerous other steroids stacked together. While that is appealing, we have a bit of disappointing news for some; some will not be able to handle a Trenbolone Acetate cycle. Some men do not tolerate the Trenbolone hormone very well and while that may not be fair it’s simply the way it is. However, most men will enjoy this hormone, and with a well-planned Trenbolone Acetate cycle truly anything can be achieved.

Basic Cycles for Trenbolone Acetate

Trenbolone acetate is one of the widely available and easiest to control of all the Tren forms and therefore one of the best recommended. When using this steroid, you do not necessarily have to use Trenbolone Hexahydrobencylcarbonate or Trenbolone-Enanthate to achieve the best results although you are free to make use of them.

Acetate form is the most efficient and Tren A cycle you can adopt while you are dieting, or during growth period. However, it is also equally effective during both periods. Amazingly, Trenobolone acetate can be used by performance enhancers during many cycles no matter the purpose.

Although this is referred to as a basic cycle, the fact of the matter is that it is very effective and doesn’t in any way imply weakness. This cycle will be ideal for a beginner not to mention that it will also be extensive than what most of them will ever need.

This basic cycle will always involve the use of testosterone since Tren hormone is normally suppressive of the production of natural testosterone. In fact, we recommend the use of testosterone during all Trenbolone cycles to supplement the low amounts of the natural form in the body.

During the basic cycle, the right dosage should be 50mg each day, every alternating day. This can be adjusted to 75mg every alternating day if your body shows tolerance of the 50mg dosage. In normal cases, the right duration for use is normally 8 weeks although 12 weeks are also acceptable regardless of the dose used. Be aware though, the higher the dose the higher the risk of significant side effects so you should read this article to learn how to avoid all side effects of Tren A.

However, if you are to use the steroid for 12 weeks, it is always good to have some experience using the hormone or be involved in some competition or very specific purpose. The steroid stacks perfectly well with Dianabol and testosterone during the cycle when you have no any particular activities. Tren can also stack well with testosterone or other anabolic steroids including Anavar and Winstrol during the cutting phase.

Advanced Trenbolone Acetate Cycles

If you have experience with steroid, an advanced cycle will be good for you. It begins with 100mg every alternating day but in most cases, it is possible to adjust the dosage levels to 100mg each day during the usage period.

It is however not advisable to use Trenbolone acetate every day if you are an off-season athlete as this will only result in some added physical stress which is not necessary. However, you can use the daily doses of 100mg during a diet and especially close to your competitions.

The best Trenbolone cycle for off-season will be 100mg every alternating day and can be combined well with Testosterone and Dbol. An overlapping method is recommended for advanced users, which means you can supplement with Deca-Durabolin and testosterone for 12 weeks.

Deca should be withdrawn by week 12 and you can stick with Testosterone and Trenbolone only. There are endless options when it comes to cutting Trenbolone acetate cycle or dieting and this can be really exciting. The best advice is to always choose the right option suitable for you and use the steroid as recommended.

What Results Can You Expect From Trenbolone?

The meteoric rise in Tren’s reputation is particularly remarkable considering it is constantly being compared to the reliable old fallback of testosterone. Clinical research has shown that Trenbolone outperforms testosterone in almost all parameters of comparison.

Its anabolic effects materialize at much lower doses, resulting in a far greater volume of new lean mass, and also seem to give the body the ability to retain muscle mass when faced with a calorie deficit. Both these results can be attributed to Trenbolone’s ability to bind with the Androgen Reactor (AR) at three times the rate of testosterone. It also enhances nitrogen retention and protein synthesis in muscles.

Tren increases metabolism and seems to have a superior fat-elimination ability as well, including that against visceral adipose tissue. Results in eliminating fat are proportional to the dosage taken. Tren is widely recognized as the best fat stripper ever created.

Also absent are the myriad of side-effects compared to testosterone. Elevated hemoglobin levels and red blood cell counts have not been observed. Other common side-effects like bone de-mineralization and an enlarged prostate are also conspicuously absent.

The other advantage that Trenbolone has is that it does not react to form estrogen, thus bypassing all the complications that arise with it like the development of breasts, acne and oily skin.

Trenbolone cannot be taken orally because it is only available commercially as a supplement for veterinary purposes. To be used safely by humans, Tren has to be extracted from the original pellet form and converted for human use by adding non-toxic binders. When properly done, this renders the Tren safe for injection into humans.

Tren is taken as part of a ‘cycle’ known as the Tren Cycle. A ‘cycle’ is a combination of drugs taken for their compatibility and for their complimentary effects. The Tren Cycle obtains excellent results in that it is very effective at both promoting muscle mass and stripping excess fat.

The control and tweaking of the Tren Cycle assists individuals to emphasize the former or latter according to their own needs. There are variants of the Cycle, from Basic to Advanced, catering to athletes with different tolerances and their desired Trenbolone results.

Tren is recommended only for men and women should avoid it. Males should start with it only if they have taken anabolics before. The standard dose is between 50mg and 100mg every other day. 100mg is the most common and about the maximum requirement for anyone. Higher doses are usually used in the cutting phase.

The right dosage and cycle of trenbolone acetate that make bodybuilding get a good trenbolone acetate results.

What are the benefits of Trenbolone Acetate?

One reason that you should consider using Trenbolone Acetate is because of its many n benefits which consist of the following:

Increasing muscle strength: High androgenic effects leads to faster growth of muscles and mass.Fat Burning: It also assists in burning calories and eliminating fat cells by binding to the fat cells.Improving stamina: The androgenic effect helps in cutting while at the same time improves your stamina.

No aromatization: The steroid doesn’t turn into estrogen hence no muscle cells will be burned.

Efficient: You require a smaller dose of Trenbolone compared to other alternatives. You can also vary the types depending on personal desires. For instance, Tren A (Tren Acetate) has a shorter half-life (3 days) compared to Tren E (Tren Trenbolone Enanthate).

Although Trenbolone may be found in oral form, you will experience the best results by going for the injectable variant. This is because it is quickly and easily absorbed into the body and will start working almost immediately. The risk of some of it being lost in the digestive system is minimized.

The recommended dosage for Trenbolone Acetate is between 300mg and 700mg weekly. Like any other steroid or bodybuilding supplement you should only go for natural and legal Trenbolone as this reduces any chance of side effects.

What Are the Possible Side Effects of Trenbolone Acetate?

Part of using Trenbolone Acetate successfully involves understanding and avoiding its side effects, when possible. These side effects can be divided into mild and more severe.

  • Aromatization – Though estrogenic side effects like gynecomastia may seem anything but mild, they are easy enough to mitigate by using an aromatase inhibitor like Arimidex during your cycle. This is a requirement.
  • Oily skin and acne – Not all men will experience these side effects, and many of those who do find that the acne is not bothersome. It cannot be mitigated, but you can treat it with over-the-counter products containing ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
  • Baldness – This is another side effect that cannot be avoided for some men. It is important to note that Trenbolone Acetate baldness does not affect everyone – it only affects men who are genetically predisposed. More clearly, Tren can speed or facilitate pre-existing hair loss, but it does not directly cause it.
  • High blood pressure – Tren and steroids like it have the ability to significantly increase your blood pressure. Though this is not a problem if you are otherwise healthy, men who already have high blood pressure should avoid Trenbolone Acetate.
  • Insomnia – Some men will experience insomnia, and this may range from mild to severe. For example, while some men may be able to use diphenhydramine for a day or two in order to get to sleep, other men may find no relief at all for days. This is a matter of personal tolerance, and it can be avoided by lowering your dose.
  • Night sweats – Some men may experience night sweats due to hormonal changes, and this is usually a telltale sign of an abundance of estrogen. Using an aromatase inhibitor may prevent it.
  • Sexual problems – When used in high doses or over long periods of time, Trenbolone may cause erectile dysfunction or lack of libido. For some, lowering the dose relieves these symptoms. For others, Tren is simply not tolerated at any dose.

Trenbolone acetate is one of the most popular, most powerful, and most loved anabolic steroids available to mankind. It fits well in almost any cycle or stack, and its results are incomparable. However, it is important to note that Tren is not for beginners; you should only use it if you have a good deal of experience with cycling anabolic steroids.

Where to Buy Trenbolone Acetate raw powder online?

Trenbolone Acetate raw powder is an extremely popular anabolic steroid, and should be found very easily on the anabolic steroid black market without any effort. It is also so common and easily manufactured that it should be obtained for very reasonable prices.Trenbolone Acetate raw powder exists as both human-grade pharmaceutical grade products, as well as underground lab (UGL) grade products on the market. The differences are obvious here, with quality control being the main issue, and that pharmaceutical grade Trenbolone Acetate raw powder is usually more expensive for obvious reasons.

Trenbolone Acetate raw powder can be purchased from online sources and vendors, as well as the traditional in-person transactions (i.e. ‘gym-dealers’). Prices may vary. Pharmaceutical Trenbolone Acetate raw powder can be found for USD4500-USD6000/kg.When you select the powder.Sample orders can be ordered to test the product so you can save a lot of time and money.