Trenbolone Acetate powder for sale: Where to buy Genuine Trenbolone Acetate powder online?

Trenbolone Acetate powder for sale: Where to buy Genuine Trenbolone Acetate powder online?



Trenbolone Acetate powder

Trenbolone acetate powder is an extremely powerful anabolic steroid and is considered the single greatest anabolic steroid by many performance enhancing athletes. This is one of the most versatile anabolic steroids on the market and can provide benefits quite unlike any other steroid. Trenbolone Acetate powder is also subject to numerous myths in the anabolic steroid world, but hopefully we’ll be able to dispel these myths and gain a firm understanding of the compound. Trenbolone Acetate powder is officially classified as a veterinarian grade anabolic androgenic steroid. The Trenbolone hormone itself was first created in the late 1960’s and the Acetate version would be sold under the names Finajet and Finaject.

Many athletes will buy trenbolone acetate powder to assist the bodybuilding.


Trenbolone Acetate powder Half Life

The only differences you’ll note between the above different forms are the half-lives, as well as their release times. Such factors are determined by which particular ester is bonded to the hormone structure of the parent. Esters which are attached to anabolic steroids barely change the properties or effects of the steroid, aside the half-life and release rate.

The main point in offering various esterified forms of the anabolic steroids is to give people what can be considered convenient and what’s more to their liking. Some individuals prefer fast-acting anabolic steroids having short half-lives, thus necessitating frequent injections. Others usually prefer longer half-lives, hence wanting longer estered steroids which require less frequent administration.

The base trenbolone hormone bears a half-life of around 6-8 hours, despite the fact that the base hormone isn’t used by most bodybuilders. Most athletes inject a trenbolone version on which an ester chain is attached. It’s not till plasma lipases in one’s blood stream cleave off that ester chain that Tren is free to interact with the androgen receptors in the muscle cells.

The half-life of the acetate-ester version is about 48 hours, while that of the enanthate version is around 5-7 days. Trenbolone-Acetate, or rather Tren-Ace, is quite popular since it has a small Acetate-ester bonded to it. This in turn, gives it the ability to act fast. Also, it gives you the option of ending the cycle quickly if any negative side effects appear and seem intolerable for you.

Once you stop administering Tren-Ace, the compound will clear the body rapidly within a few days. As a result, the half life will help to quickly end any unfortunate side effects. The Hexa-hydrobenzylcarbonate ester chain, or rather the Cyclohexyl-methylcarbonate, is the longest as it has an 8-10 day half-life.

It’s highly important that you understand that trenbolone acetate powder isn’t found as a human-grade anabolic steroid. Instead, it has been noted to be a veterinarian-grade hormone. It’s actually the very first hormone which helps bulk cattle up, which explains why it’s still used to date. It’s advisable that you use trenbolone acetate powder in a responsible manner, should you decide to purchase it because it does come with significant side effects. Click here to discover how you can avoid the side effects of trenbolone acetate powder.


What are the benefits of using trenbolone acetate powder in bodybuilding?

By carrying the Acetate ester, this gives trenbolone acetate powder an active half-life of approximately two days. Some data shows its active half-life to be a little less than three days, so forty-eight to slightly less than seventy-two hours would appear to be a good range. This, obviously, makes trenbolone acetate powder a fairly fast acting steroid and will require injections to take place somewhat frequently in order to maintain stable blood levels. trenbolone acetate powder carries several powerful traits that are commonly associated with numerous anabolic steroids. However, while it carries numerous common traits, it also carries them at a rate of power and efficiency far above and beyond most steroids. trenbolone acetate powder also carries one trait that largely separates it from the rest of the pack and is what’s largely responsible for making it such a valuable hormonal compound. Like numerous anabolic steroids, trenbolone acetate powder will greatly enhance protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in the muscle tissue. Protein synthesis refers to the rate by which cells build proteins; protein represents the primary building block of muscle. This will promote enhanced anabolism, as well as provide a strong protectant atmosphere during a caloric deficit. It will also largely promote a far greater level of recovery.


How long does it take to get results from Trenbolone Acetate powder?

The most awesome thing about Trenbolone Acetate powder is the INSTANT results you can get. Some guy on one of the more popular steroid forums even joked about adding 50kg’s to his benchpress within a day. But then added, “but no seriously the instant strength results are INSANE”.And he’s right. Most guys see instant strength gains within the first day or two.

But muscle gains and the fat loss will take a bit longer time. You can expect to see muscle gains within the first week and fat loss results within two weeks.HOWEVER, those gains ain’t loyal…. Users most often lose all their gains once they come off their cycle.

Trenbolone Acetate powder Results


Trenbolone Acetate powder Results For Muscle Building

So, how much muscle can you build on a trenbolone acetate cycle? Keep in mind that since trenbolone acetate powder is the superman of steroids, you will get the best overall results (muscle, strength and fat loss) but not necessarily the best individual results.

If your only goal is muscle building you might be better of with dianabol and if your only goal is fat loss you might be better off with clenbuterol.

However, Trenbolone acetate powder is still extremely anabolic and you can expect massive muscle gains within the first 30 days. You could gain up 15 – 20 lbs of muscle in the first 30 days while also losing body fat and increasing strength.

It’s worth to note that those 15 – 20lbs will most likely be pure lean muscle mass, as you will not put on any water weight like you would with Dbol and other muscle building steroids. The mass gains may be less but since you’re not holding on to any excess water weight, it’s likely that the lean muscle gains will be the same anyway.


Trenbolone Acetate powder Results For Fat Loss

I just want to make one thing clear. You always need to be in a calorie deficit if you want to burn fat, no matter what supplements you use. So if you eat like a pig every day and just take trenbolone acetate powder and expect the results to just roll in with no effort, you’re likely to get disappointed.

With that said, trenbolone acetate powder is extremely effective at creating ripped, vascular physiques quickly.

Perhaps the biggest weight loss benefit it has is that it gets rid of all excess water weight your body may be holding on to. When that happens you’ll instantly look and feel better. You’ll instantly be more ripped without cutting any calories from your diet since water loss is not the same as fat loss. Your abs will show and you arms will be more ripped.


Trenbolone Acetate powder Results For Strength Gains

Probably what you might notice instantly is that your strength levels increase significantly almost immediately. You can expect to bust through all your plateaus. What once felt too heavy now feels like those tiny pink dumbbells women in their 50s sometimes use.


Trenbolone Acetate powder online

Trenbolone acetate powder is an anabolic steroid which was originally used by vets and cattle ranchers to increase muscle growth and appetite in livestock production, usually as a pellet implanted between the skin and cartilage of the ear. It has been found to have a positive effect on body mass increase and fat burning when administered to humans. To increase its’ effective half-life, trenbolone is not taken raw, it is administered as an ester derivative in the form of trenbolone acetate, trenbolone enanthate, or Parabolan. Trenbolone compounds posses five times the androgen receptor binding affinity of testosterone. When metabolized, it increases the ammonium ion uptake of muscles, which results in an increased rate of protein synthesis. It also decreases the rate of catabolism and stimulates appetite, resulting in more bulk. Trenbolone acetate powder is often taken in cycles, for the purpose of either cutting weight or bulking up. These three are commonly used together:

Often referred to as ‘fina’ by users (as it was originally derived from a dissolution of Finaplix H pellets or trenbolone pills), trenbolone acetate is highly regarded by many body builders as the most versatile anabolic steroid. It is structurally similar to Deca Durabolin, and is known to protect lean muscle tissues from being burned up for energy during ‘cutting plans’, thus preserving muscle mass. Trenbolone acetate does not promote water retention, which means that every pound of weight you gain due to use of this supplement will be lean muscle mass. For best results, caloric intake should be raised slightly above maintenance levels.

buy trenbolone acetate powder from AASraw steroids powder.

How to buy trenbolone acetate powder online?

At present, there are many sellers of steroid powder on the Internet, price and quality are different.According to the questionnaire, we get customers high praise of more than 80% of the rare, in these businesses, there is a steroids powder supplier from China is outstanding, received a lot of customer feedback is good, is not only on the quality of the products, and customer service, is very good. This gives a lot of need to buy Trenbolone Acetate powder buyers provides a very good choice.

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Boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw oil: Top three most popular steorids for bodybuilding

Boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw oil: Top three most popular steorids for bodybuilding



Boldenone undecylenate/Equipoise overview

what is Boldenone Undecylenate/Boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw oilBoldenone undecylenate raw oil,the raw material of injection Boldenone undecyle nate,Boldenone undecylenate raw,also called Equipoise, is one of the most popu lar anabolic steroids for bodybuilding, Boldenone Undecylenate raw derived Equipoisefrom testosterone, which shows powerful anabolic and mild androgenic characteristics. Effects-wise, Equipoise is highly anabolic and mildly androgenic. This steroid is popular among bodybu ilders as it is known to facilitate a steady and consistent improvement in muscle mass and strength required for bodybuilding. Equipoise is known to provide extraordinary results when doubled with other steroids. This drug has become a favorite among the athletes these days with many of them considering it to be the perfect replacement for Deca-Durabolin. For men, the average dose is 400-600mgs per week,once a week,or 2-3 times a week,.Common side effects may include:oily skin, acne, increased aggression and hair loss.


What is boldenone undecylenate/Equipoise?  

When search for the best steroid to take, the most important aspects you pay attention to are how anabolic and androgenic it is. Equipoise is the steroid that greatly meet both requirements, being a strong anabolic steroids, with moderate androgenic side effects.

Boldenone Undecylenate, also known as Equipoise or EQ,and is also known as Ganabol, or Ultragan. is a veterinarian steroid developed by CIBA, to be a form of long-acting injectable dianabol.It was initially created as a veterinary anabolic steroid, but over the time has become one of the most demanded steroid among bodybuilders.

Boldenone undecylenate/Equipoise appears as a result of attempt to  produce a long-acting injectable form of  dianabol steroid. The main thing which was changed in Dbol for this purpose was 17-alpha-methyl group (is responsible for not being destroyed by liver when ingest dbol pills). Despite of their chemical similarities, dbol and equipoise acts absolutely different ways.

From chemical point of view, Equipoise is just a modification of testosterone molecule. And you are right guessing, that it presents the same anabolic properties as testosterone, while androgenic effects are quite low. This makes Equipoise more preferred among bodybuilders.

If you take a look on bodybuilding forums you will see that there are many people who kindly recommended to avoid the concomitant use of dbol and equipoise. This is because they're considered to be almost the same, and their stack may be dangerous. But this is a wrong approach and you have to know why. First of all, this misconception was triggered many years ago by Dan Duchaine in his books where he told that equipoise and dbol give the same results. After a time he rescinded his opinion, but it remain real for many of bodybuilders even nowadays. Dbol is a progestin and a 19-nor derived, while equipoise is a slightly modified molecule of testostosterone. That’s why boldenone undecylenate/Equipoise presents the characteristics of dbol, but is more anabolic and androgenic than it.

A great advantage of boldenone undecylenate/Equipoiseuse is that it has a long acting life, and thus is administered every 2-3 weeks. This is due to  undecylenate ester who was added to this injectable steroid.


How does boldenone undecylenate/Equipoise be produced?

Boldenone Undecylenate raw oil,A few interesting facts first about this compound: Equipoise was in fact developed in 1949, even before Dianabol (Methandrostenolone), making Equipoise technically the very first synthetic derivative of Testosterone even before Dianabol was ever thought of. Furthermore, Dianabol itself is actually Equipoise (Boldenone) with a methyl group attached to its 17-beta hydroxyl group on the steroid chemical structure (also known as C17-alpha alkylation) in order to allow it to become orally bioavailable in the body. Technically, Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) is actually C17-alpha alkylated Equipoise. It would have been considered an oral form of Equipoise, but the methylation at the 17th carbon atom changed enough of the properties of the compound that it was considered a totally different anabolic steroid analogue, and named Methandrostenolone (Dianabol). If pictures of the chemical structures of Equipoise and Dianabol were laid out side by side, one would easily be able to tell the exact same chemical structure between the two, with the exception of the methyl group affixed to the 17th carbon on the Dianabol chemical structure. It is very evident that these two anabolic steroids are essentially the exact same.

Although Equipoise was first developed in 1949, it was not until the 1960s when this compound would be finally released and marketed as Parenabol. Between 1949 and its release in the 1960s, Ciba had toyed around with Equipoise by attempting to affix different esters onto it in order to augment its half-life and release rates. The final conclusion was that it would be released with the Undecylenate ester attached to it, and the final preparation was that of Boldenone Undecylenate. Following the release of Parenabol, various clinical trials and testing of this compound was conducted in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the goal in mind to use it as a lean mass promoting and preserving anabolic steroid in order to treat individuals suffering from any condition in which wasting and weight loss were symptoms, as well as an osteoporosis treatment. Parenabol saw very little application or use following its release, and towards the end of the 1970s, it was removed from the market and discontinued.


 What’s Boldenone Undecylenate/Boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw oil?


Boldenone Undecylenate raw oil,the material of Boldenone Undecylenate,a kind of Yellow oil,it was normallt used to make BU injection,many steroids products supplier usually buy high purity Boldenone Undecylenate oil online, make it into all kinds of brand finished Boldenone Undecylenate.In market,the purity of BU range from 60%-99%,also the price is different depends on the purity,usually high purity with higher price,but in an overroll view,BU is an inexpensive steroids to choose for bodybuilding.the detail of the Boldenone Undecylenate raw are like:

Name: Boldenone Undecylenate
CAS: 13103-34-9
Molecular Formula: C30H44O3
Molecular Weight: 452.6
Storage Temp.: -20
Color: Yellow oil


What are some Boldenone UndecylenateBoldenone Undecylenate/ Equipoise trade names?



 How Does Boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise  Works?  

Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate) actually has What Is called an undecylenate ester chain instead of the 17AA compound which makes the Bodenone ingredient quite oil soluble with a syrupy consistency.

First off, equipoise does not aromatize like dianabol nor does it work as fast. Hence, if you are looking to put on 10 pounds of water in a couple weeks, then EQ will not help you. Next, it has no progestin properties at all, so it is different compared to deca durabolin in that way too. Though, you could argue that they have similar mild and slow acting properties.

Nevertheless, things are much simpler when it comes to comparisons. All you need to do is look at the stats on paper, and you will see that the closest thing to EQ is straight testosterone. The only exception is an added double bond at the carbon 1 and 2 positions, which is why equipoise is less androgenic and less estrogenic than testosterone. In fact, users will not notice severe estrogen type side effects on equipoise because it aromatizes very slowly (in theory, it converts into estrogen at half the rate of testosterone), making water retention and gynecomastia much less likely to occur.

Like all anabolic steroids, equipoise will increase nitrogen retention in muscles, enhance protein synthesis, raise IGF-1(insulin like growth factor 1), and inhibit muscle wasting hormones. Additionally, equipoise has gotten a reputation for increasing red blood cell count (RBC), but other anabolic steroids do the same, and I haven't seen any blood work evidence to say that using equipoise at a moderate dosage increases RBC any more than using testosterone for example. Nonetheless, the forum chatter you will read claims that it does raise RBC more than other steroids, so it is hard to argue with bro-science. Most probably, the main reason for such a reputation comes from the fact that users will run it for a longer period of time, which gives red blood cells more time to build up at higher amounts. Therefore, it would actually be a good idea to donate blood in order to alleviate this issue.

Chemical Characteristics of Boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise

As previously mentioned, Equipoise is a synthetic derivative of Testosterone where it has been modified at carbon 1 and carbon 2 on the steroid structure, where double-bonds have been added between these two carbon atoms. This is what is known as the modification that is responsible for reducing Equipoise’s affinity for interaction with the aromatase enzyme (the enzyme responsible for the conversion of androgens into Estrogen). As a result, its Estrogenic activity is regarded to be lower than Testosterone. Equipoise is Boldenone with the Undecylenate ester attached to it. Specifically, ‘Undecylenate’ is Undecylenoic acid, but once bound to Boldenone it is properly referred to in chemistry as an ester bond (or ester linkage). Undecylenoic acid is chemically bonded to the 17-beta hydroxyl group on the Boldenone structure.  The addition of this ester augments the hormone’s release rate and half-life to favor a longer window of release. The primary reason for the augmentation of its half-life and release rate is because once Boldenone Undecylenate enters the bloodstream, enzymes work to break the bond between the ester and the hormone, which takes a varying amount of time. The end result is that of the ester being removed from the hormone by these enzymes, and the result following this is pure Boldenone that is free to do its work in the body. This process of enzymes removing the ester from the hormone to which it is attached is what is responsible for the slower release rates. When the Undecylenate ester is attached to Boldenone, creating Boldenone Undecylenate, the half-life of Boldenone is now extended to 14 days, providing a slower release and activity of the hormone than the hormone otherwise would without this ester.

Medical Uses of Boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise

In terms of medical use, EQ is able to promote Erythropoietin (EPO) which stimulates growth of bone marrow. This is what leads to the increased red blood cell production and subsequently more hemoglobin. As mentioned above, the increase in red blood cells and hemoglobin is what causes the blood to become so oxygen rich which is highly beneficial during training and workout sessions. It is worth noting that EQ can also have an effect on electrolyte levels due to its high concentration of Mineralocorticoid properties.


The benefits of boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw

The benefits of boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw

The most of bodybuilders who used equipoise, report a slight but qualitative muscle mass gains. It is believed that the slow effect of the drug is associated with undecylenate ester, which was attached to the molecule of Equipoise. That’s why during Equipoise cycle muscle gains will be more slowly than in case of dbol, but more qualitative. This aspect is essential when designing the Equipoise cycle. Its length should not be longer than 10 weeks. Also, Equipoise can be reached in the body for a longer period of time. That’s why athletes who participate in competitions have to know this detail.Aside of slow, but high quality muscle gains, Equipoise increases muscle strength and appetite. It also positively affect the blood circulation. Elevated level of red blood cells improves the delivery of oxygen to the muscles. This makes this steroid attractive to athletes.common benefits of boldenone Undecylenate/ Equipoise raw include:

  • Enhance anabolism or tissue building capabilities
  • Inhibit catabolism
  • Retain health of lean muscle tissue
  • Promote protein synthesis
  • Boost red blood cell production


 Dosage of Boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw 

Dosage of Boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise rawStandard Equipoise raw doses will normally fall in the 200-600mg per week range,depending on the person’s own tolerance.It is a moderately long-lasting ester that peaks for most within several days after the injection. However, its benefits and activities can last as long as three or four weeks for some users.

Most men will find 400mg to be very well-tolerated and generally the minimal amount of EQ they’ll want to use. Many will also find 600mg per week to be extremely well-tolerated with side effects being extremely easy to control. However, such doses will increase estrogenic potential. Due to the long activity of the steroid, most men could easily get by with one injection per week, but splitting the weekly dose into 2-3 smaller injections will cut down on total injection volume. Further, some have reported side effects are even easier to control with a smaller more frequent injection schedule despite an extremely long half-life.

Regardless of the total dose, Equipoise should be used for a minimum of 8 weeks. This is a very common duration of use in cutting cycles. Many cutting plans will begin with 8 weeks of Equipoise with an additional 4-8 weeks without the hormone opting for non-aromatizing agents. During the off-season period of use, 8 weeks will again be the minimum, but most will find 12 weeks to be far more efficient. Bulking or cutting, you will find Equipoise to be an extremely versatile anabolic steroid that stacks well with all anabolic steroids.

In short,

For men, the average dose of Boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw is 400-600mgs per week,once a week,or 2-3 times a week, but you'd better no more than 1000mgs per week as long as cycle aids were used.

For women, the average dose of Boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise rawis 25-50mgs per week, 50mg of Equipoise per week is a standard dose.but you have to be very careful. If you see heavy side effects, discontinue EQ or lower dosages.


What is the half-life of boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw?

Boldenone undecylenate raw’s half-life, is very long—14 day. In addition, it can remain in the body for months or even years and is, therefore, not recommended for use during active sports seasons as the user is sure to test positive.


What are the detection times of boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw?

Because of the long ester chain bonded to equipoise raw, it can take as long as 6 weeks for the product to fully leave your body and up to 16-18 months for detection. Since the long ester chain basically becomes a type of long molecular lipid, some tiny fraction of each dose can actually be stored in your fatty deposits and sit there for months and slow-release significant enough amounts to be detected. Some of my clients have tested posted for boldenone 18 months after their last injection.


Stacking of boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw

Since equipoise is so mild, it should probably be stacked with something more androgenic (such as trenbolone, testosterone, or dianabol) in order to give it a kick. Besides, due to the slow action of this steroid, it is recommended to use something fast acting to make things work sooner.

The key to get the most out of equipoise is to run it for at least 10 or 12 weeks, with many guys going 14-16 weeks. If you do this, you must remember to run a very long PCT of 8 weeks or more, followed by an 8 week bridge.


Cycles of boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw

This is a sample 16 week Equipoise cycle:(just for referance)

Week 1-6

Dianabol 50mgs/ED

Equipoise 400mgs/week

Testosterone enanthate 400mgs/week

Aromasin 10mgs/ED

Cardarine 20mgs/ED

N2Guard 7caps/ED


Week 7-16

Equipoise 600mgs/week

Testosterone enanthate 400mgs/week

Aromasin 10mgs/ED

Cardarine 20mgs/ED

Ostabolic 25mgs/ED

N2Guard 7caps/ED


Side effects of boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw

Compared to other anaboloc steroids,Boldenone Undecylenate has less side effects,even though,it may do harm to your body.Equipoise aromatase in a low degree, 50% less than testosterone. Thus estrogenic side effects as gynecomastia,  water retention and increase blood pressure wouldn’t not occur in case of moderate dosage. However, if you want to keep estrogenic effects under control than adding Nolvadex to your cycle would be a good decision. Also, you can consider anti-aromatase drugs such as Arimidex, Femara, or Aromasin, but they may be not necessary since Equipoise is a quiet mild steroid.

Equipoise may have androgenic side effects too, such as oily skin, acne, increased aggression and hair loss. But, in most cases their occurrence is caused by use of high dosage. It also decrease the natural testosterone production.details about  Side Effects of Boldenone Undecylenate raw are like:


The Boldenone hormone does not aromatize heavily, but it is aromatized to estrogen nonetheless. This is due to the testosterone hormone’s interaction with the aromatase enzyme. Acording to people's different body condition,someone need to choose a PCT drug,while someone not.

For the people who need to combat the estrogenic side effects of Equipoise, an anti-estrogen medication is sometimes needed. The anti-estrogen medications you can choose include Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM’s) like Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) and Aromatase Inhibitors (AI’s) like Arimidex (Anastrozole). AI’s will prove to be the most effective as they inhibit the aromatase process and lower total serum estrogen levels.


Equipoise can produce androgenic side effects such as acne, accelerated hair loss in those predisposed to male pattern baldness and body hair growth. However, the overall androgenicity of this steroid is greatly reduced due to the structural nature that creates EQ in its double bond at the carbon one and two position. Such side effects of Equipoise are still possible, but they will be strongly linked to genetic predisposition, but most will find the threshold is fairly high.

Due to the androgenic nature of Equipoise, women may potentially experience virilization symptoms. Virilization symptoms may include body hair growth, a deepening of the vocal chords and clitoral enlargement. However, the low androgenicity will make this steroid possible to use for some women without such symptoms. At the same time, the extremely slow acting nature of the compound can make it difficult to control regarding blood levels, and alternative steroids may be preferred. Without question, individual sensitivity will dictate a lot. If Equipoise is used and virilization symptoms begin to show, use should be discontinued immediately at their onset and they will fade away. If symptoms begin to show and are ignored, the symptoms may become irreversible.


The relative cardiovascular strain brought on by Equipoise should be much less than many anabolic steroids, especially those of an oral nature. Boldenone does have the ability to negatively affect cholesterol ratios, particularly in its ability to suppress HDL levels. However, it should not be of an extreme nature, and should be well within the realm of control for most healthy adults. Of course, the introduction of an AI to combat estrogenic effects will potentially enhance the improper lipid profiles, and should be considered when planning your cholesterol management.

All those who supplement with Equipoise as with all anabolic steroids should keep a close eye on their cholesterol levels, and should ensure they are healthy enough for use before supplementation begins. A cholesterol friendly lifestyle will be very important and should protect most who use Equipoise. Ensure your diet is cholesterol friendly and includes plenty of omega fatty acids. Incorporating plenty of cardiovascular activity is also highly advised.


Like all anabolic steroids, Equipoise will suppress natural testosterone production. May lead to a low testosterone condition , it carries numerous possible symptoms and is extremely unhealthy. Once the use of Equipoise has come to an end and all the exogenous steroidal hormones have cleared your system, natural testosterone production will begin again. The revived production will occur on its own, but a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan is often recommended. A PCT plan will stimulate natural testosterone production and promote a more efficient recovery. It will not bring your testosterone levels back to where they were prior to anabolic steroid use, but it will provide an advantage. A well-planned PCT will ensure you have enough testosterone for proper bodily function while your levels continue to naturally rise. It should also significantly cut down the total time to full testosterone recovery; however, total recovery still may take several months post PCT.


Buying boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw oil online

When you consider or already decide to buy boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw powder online,you need to think about a few question like:what kind of purity do you want about boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw oil,for people use or animal use,in normal conditions pharmaceutical grade for- human-use can be 99% purity,it’s may a little expensive but worth for using.And you need to think about what price you can accept.In the market,the price of 99% purity boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw oil is around 1000USD/1kg,but just for referance,cause we all know that the price is also depends on the quantity and quality.Besides,when you choose the boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw oil supplier to cooperate, you need also think about some items like,what’s the passing ratio,what kind of shipping method for you to choose,whether they have the reship policy,what they will do if your goods was seized by customs,can they solve some problems for you?Is their service good?and so on…

After Considering all of these items,choose the suitable one to cooperate.


How to buy high purity boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw oil from AAS?

AASraw Biochemical Technology Co. was reorganized by a Shanghai based Biochemical Engineering Laboratory in 2008, which was built by 5 Chinese Ph. Doctors, who are majored at Chemical Engineering in University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA..Main products:anabolic steroids raw powder, bodybuilding, fitness, fat loss, sex hormones, SARMS, PCT drugs, HGH, homebrew, ugl.When you decide to buy boldenone Undecylenate/Equipoise raw oil from AAS,the things you need to do is:

  • Visit our website,choose the products you want,and leave your contact and message on our wbsite,then submit,Our Customer Serviceswill reply you in 12 hours once received your message,then talk in details.
  • Just send email or send messages on whatsapp to people who work in AAS,like Christy,then talk in detail,about the purity,quantity,Shipping,address,choose the suitable payment,goods can be sent out within 12 hours after payment,after payemnt,you will get a tracking number,also our customer will keep you updated in time,then you just need to sit down comfortably,wait for your parcel.
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Buy Modafinil powder:A hot selling smart drug you should know!

Buy Modafinil powder:A hot selling smart drug you should know!


What is Modafinil?

Modafinil,Brand name:Provigil,is a kind of smart drug.

People buy Modafinil, used to treat excessive sleepiness caused by narcolepsy (a condition that causes excessive daytime sleepiness) or shift work sleep disorder (sleepiness during scheduled waking hours and difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep during scheduled sleeping hours in people who work at night or on rotating shifts).

Modafinil is also used along with breathing devices or other treatments to prevent excessive sleepiness caused by obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS; a sleep disorder in which the patient briefly stops breathing or breathes shallowly many times during sleep and therefore doesn't get enough restful sleep). Modafinil is in a class of medications called wakefulness promoting agents. It works by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the area of the brain that controls sleep and wakefulness.

Modafinil does not take the place of getting enough sleep. It should not be used to treat tiredness or hold off sleep in people who do not have a sleep disorder.


What is Modafinil powder?

Modafinil powder is the raw material of Modafinil,is a kind of White powder,most people buy Modafinil powder from Modafinil powder supplier,then make it into all kinds of forms,like Modafinil pills and injections.Details of Modafinil powder in AAS as below:


Name: Modafinil
Appearence: White powder
Cas : 68693-11-8
Solubility:soluble in acetone, ethanol, ethyl ether, ethyl acetate, insoluble in water
Loss on drying: ≤0.5%
Heavy Metal:≤10ppm
Dosage: 100-200mg
Onset time: 20 minutes
Grade: Pharmaceutical Grade


History of Modafinil

What is modafinil powder?Modafinil, which has been prescribed in the U.S. since 1998 to treat sleep-related conditions such as narcolepsy and sleep apnea, heightens alertness much as caffeine does. A number of studies have suggested that it could provide other cognitive benefits, but results were uneven.

In a meta-analysis recently published in European Neuropsychopharmacology, researchers from the University of Oxford and Harvard Medical School concluded that a drug called modafinil, which is typically used to treat sleep disorders, is a cognitive enhancer. Essentially, it can help normal people think better.

To clear up the confusion, researchers then at the University of Oxford analyzed 24 studies published between 1990 and 2014 that specifically looked at how modafinil affects cognition.

In their review, which was published last year in European Neuropsychopharmacology, they found that the methods used to evaluate modafinil strongly affected the outcomes. Research that looked at the drug's effects on the performance of simple tasks—such as pressing a particular button after seeing a certain color—did not detect many benefits.

Yet studies that asked participants to do complex and difficult tasks after taking modafinil or a placebo found that those who took the drug were more accurate, which suggests that it may affect “higher cognitive functions—mainly executive functions but also attention and learning,” explains study co-author Ruairidh Battleday, now a medical doctor and Ph.D. student at the University of California, Berkeley.


Advantages of modafinil powder

Modafinil powder,as the raw material of modafinil, is a smart drug, also known as a nootropic. It enhances your cognitive function in a variety of ways (more on that in a second). There are plenty of smart drugs, but modafinil stands in a class of its own for a few reasons,that's to say,here are some of modafinil advantages:

It’s not a stimulant.

Modafinil acts sort of like a stimulant, but it’s actually a eugeroic – a wakefulness-promoting agent. It doesn’t make you speedy or jittery like most classical stimulants do. Modafinil also doesn’t have a crash or withdrawal, the way many smart drugs do.

It’s not addictive.

In fact, modafinil can help people kick addictions.

very few side effects

It has few to no side effects. Modafinil is very safe. I’ve hacked my brain with neurofeedback so much that I don’t see much of a benefit from modafinil now, but I took it every day for 10 years and saw no problems of any kind with it during that time.

Works well

It works,Really well. Have you ever seen the movie Limitless with Bradley Cooper? It’s based on modafinil. This stuff gives you superhuman mental processing, with few to no downsides.


Modafinil powder works for Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterized by excessive sleepiness, sleep paralysis, hallucinations, and in some cases episodes of cataplexy (partial or total loss of muscle control, often triggered by a strong emotion such as laughter). Narcolepsy occurs equally in men and women and is thought to affect roughly 1 in 2,000 people. The symptoms appear in childhood or adolescence, but many people have symptoms of narcolepsy for years before getting a proper diagnosis.

People with narcolepsy feel very sleepy during the day and may involuntarily fall asleep during normal activities. In narcolepsy, the normal boundary between awake and asleep is blurred, so characteristics of sleeping can occur while a person is awake. For example, cataplexy is the muscle paralysis of REM sleep occurring during waking hours. It causes sudden loss of muscle tone that leads to a slack jaw, or weakness of the arms, legs, or trunk. People with narcolepsy can also experience dream-like hallucinations and paralysis as they are falling asleep or waking up, as well as disrupted nighttime sleep and vivid nightmares.

There are three types of narcolepsy:

Type 1: Narcolepsy with cataplexy

Type 2: Narcolepsy without cataplexy, which mainly involves excessive daytime sleepiness

Type 3: Secondary narcolepsyThis can result from an injury to the hypothalamus, a part of the brain involved in sleep.

Narcolepsy as a disease,has affect many people,their work,their life,Modafinil's come,do helped a lot people,by increasing your resistance to fatigue and improve your mood.Modafinil even improves brain function in sleep deprived doctors.

 Benefits of Modafinil powder

Benefits of Modafinil powder

For those that suffer from sleep disorders, it can be highly beneficial in allowing increased cognition and wakefulness. It provides these users with a sense of clarity, improving focus. This is especially true for patients suffering from narcolepsy.

Narcolepsy is caused by a dysfunction in wakefulness-promoting peptides. These peptides are known as orexins, which were mentioned above. When taking Modafinil, it is believed that these neurons become activated. This is thought to increase motivation as well.

Users have reported an improved mood. Dopamine is believed to play a small role within the method of action, so this could be related.

Provides 10-12 hours of wakefulness. This is why Modafinil should be taken in the morning (with the exception of shift work employees).

Users become more focused, making them more productive. This is related to the same effect as caffeine, except users do not experience any jitters. The effects also last longer than caffeine.

Studies have shown that Modafinil increases and retains cognitive function when users are in a healthy state against factors such as sleep deprivation. More research still needs to be conducted to verify these potential effects.

Since most of the benefits are associated with wakefulness, many students are taking this substance during competitive exams. This has been seen at some of the leading British universities. Consult your doctor about using Modafinil in a stack with more cognitive enhancing supplements.


Possible side-effects of modafinil powder

When Modafinil powder is used as directed, it is considered to be safe and and effective. No dangerous side-effects have been reported. However, there have been mild symptoms reported throughout normal use. If you experience these symptoms:headache, lack of appetite, nausea, weight loss, nervousness, and hypertension, speak with your doctor. You should also consult your doctor regarding any allergies you may have.

If you have some severe side effects,likePossible side-effects of modafinil powder

fever, sore throat, headache, and vomiting with a severe blistering, peeling, and red skin rash;

bruising, severe tingling, numbness, pain, muscle weakness;

easy bruising or bleeding;

white patches or sores inside your mouth or on your lips;

hallucinations, unusual thoughts or behavior;

depression, anxiety, aggression; or

chest pain, uneven heart beats.

please tell your doctor as soon as possible.

If you have any previous health conditions, you need to speak to your doctor before use. Heart conditions for example need to be discussed regarding stimulants. The same holds true for high blood pressure, liver problems, mental health issues, or addiction concerns.

Some medications may interact with Modafinil, increasing side-effects or changing how your medications work. Take a list of your medications into the doctor with you and ask how they will interact with Modafinil. It is better to be safe, knowing that you will not develop any complications.


What is the most important information I should know about modafinil powder?

You should not use this medicine if you have ever had an allergic reaction or skin rash while taking modafinil or armodafinil (Nuvigil).

Modafinil can cause skin reactions that may be severe enough to need treatment in a hospital. Stop taking this medicine and get emergency medical help if you have a skin rash or hives, blisters or peeling, mouth sores, trouble breathing or swallowing, fever, swelling in your legs, dark urine, yellowing of your skin or eyes, or swelling in your face.


Buy Modafinil powder Online

Are you ready to buy Modafinil powder for yourself or reselling? This is the best way to decide once and for all if this is something you want to do to better your life,no matter business or daily life.Luckily, it’s really easy to order Modafinil powder online,what's more,high purity modafinil. Once you purchase Modafinil powder on the internet and start making them into finished one,you'll found that you can produced bulk drug because of high purity,when you clients taking them on a daily basis, they’ll be able to tell if they’re really such a great cognitive enhancer as so many people have said already. If you really want a value, you might want to stock up on more than a single month’s supply.How to order?please visit our



The Benefits of Methenolone Enanthate powder for bodybuilding

The Benefits of Methenolone Enanthate powder for bodybuilding



What is Methenolone Enanthate?

Primobolan is an oral anabolic steroid that is a little unique compared to many oral anabolic steroids. Before we go any further, it’s important we distinguish the difference between Primobolan and Primobolan Depot. Primobolan Depot is an injectable version of the hormone that is attached to the large/long Enanthate ester. Primobolan is comprised of the same active steroidal hormone in Methenolone; however, it is attached to the small/short Acetate ester and designed for oral administration.

Primobolan is considered one of the safest anabolic steroids on the market and it carries an excellent safety rating to back this claim. In fact, this steroid has been used successfully to treat underweight children and premature infants without damage. It is also prescribed for osteoporosis and sarcopenia. However, the primary purpose of Primobolan is treating muscle wasting diseases and prolonged exposure to corticoid hormones. It has also proven to be extremely effective in treating malnutrition.

Playing an important role in therapeutic treatment plans, Primobolan is a very popular anabolic steroid among performance enhancing athletes. However, the injectable Depot version is far more popular as the oral version packs a much weaker punch. For bodybuilders, injectable Methenolone Acetate is the preferred form but a quality injectable Acetate version is very difficult to find. Further, the Methenolone hormone itself, while limited in oral form is one of the more commonly counterfeited anabolic steroids out there. It is also fairly expensive in many underground markets. This hormone is well-known for being one of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s favorites. How much truth is in that only he can say, but the story is enough for many to make inaccurate assumptions about his feelings on the hormone and how he used it. That we do know. It’s also been enough to keep the demand for this steroid fairly high, as well as plague the market with counterfeits.

An important note on demand; the demand for this steroid is also high due to its very female friendly nature. This is one of the few anabolic steroids women can use with a high rate of success. Steroids like Primobolan and Anavar carry very low virilization ratings making them perfect for female use.


What is Methenolone Enanthate powder(Primo E)?Buy High Purity Methenolone Enanthate powder online

Name: Methenolone Enanthate/Primo E

Appearence: White or off ,white or light yellow crystalline powder

Cas: 112809-51-5

Assay: ≥99%

Solubility: Insoluble in water or alcohol, soluble in Acetic acid, ethyl ester

Loss on drying: ≤0.5%

Heavy Metal: ≤10ppm

Dosage : 2.5mg

Onset time: 20 minites

Grade: Pharmaceutical Grade


What does Methenolone Enanthate powder do?

In medical fiel, methenolone is utilized to treat individuals suffering from conditions in which muscle wasting and severe weight loss is a symptom. Other uses include: an immunostimulant for individuals fighting infections, wasting conditions, an adjunct to countering the effects of prolonged corticosteroid therapy, and the treatment of osteoporosis as well as sarcopenia (the loss of muscle as correlated with aging). Primo, like Anavar, as proven to be so mild in its negative effects that it has also been utilized in children as well as infants in order to promote weight gain in premature born infants without any indications of ill effects or toxicity. One can easily see where the allure of this anabolic steroid comes from within the athletic and bodybuilding community, as it is a compound that exhibits weak androgenic effects with very little to no side effects.

In bodybuilding field,many athletes and bodybuilders take methenolone enanthate/methenolone enanthate powder to gain lean muscle mass.Methenolone enthate is very popular option particularly for athletes leaning out and attemptiong to maintain as much muscle as possible during calorie restriction. Many competitive bodybuilders would not consider a pre-contest stack with our the addition of methenolone. Methenolone enanthate is a moderately ananbolic with an extremely low androgenic profile.The anabolic effects are comparable with DECA durabolin, althought the androgenic side effects are considerable less. The gains that you will get on a cycle of primo will be a slow gain in quality muscle. You can expect to keep the gains for a few months after finishing your cycle. 


The Benefits of Methenolone Enanthate powder

If ever there was a steroid that can be considered “perfect” (or as perfect as can be), it would be Primobolan. It’s considered to be the safest and least suppressive anabolic steroid, has few side effects and is extremely effective. So why isn’t Primobolan used by everybody? The reasons may lie in many of the misconceptions surrounding this incredible drug.

Primobolan does not give fast gains, or more accurately, does not cause a quick increase in water retention, therefore it’s considered “weak”, yet in terms of building solid muscle, it’s one of the most effective steroids available. Because Primolan has little to no side-effects it is also used by older athletes and females.

Most users are of the opinion that Primobolan is best used in cutting cycles. It is unlikely that Primobolan will contribute in any major way to muscle tissue growth but it is a brilliant steroid when it comes to preserving your prevalent muscle tissue. Primobolan has also gained the reputation of being one of the rare anabolic steroids which can directly initiate fat loss in users. This is a trait it shares with many other anabolic steroids but its effects have been known to be more direct.

The biggest benefit of Primobolan has to be its safe nature when being administered to anabolic steroid users from the fairer sex. Almost, all the steroids out there have severe complications on females, but the likes of Primobolan and Anavar are generally well tolerated by them. For females who use steroids, Virilization (Development of sexual differences) is the biggest concern. With responsible use, this can be avoided by all users. If symptoms start to show, then simply discontinuing with the steroid will eradicate their presence. Women love Primobolan because it is one of those steroids through which they can enjoy the effects of anabolic steroids and not have to deal with the nasty complications steroids generally come with. There is however, no turning back from Virilization once its effect sets in permanently, so one should always be on the lookout for alarming signs.


Buy Methenolone Enanthate powder online

You can find many Methenolone Enanthate powder source online, but it is hard to buy Genuine Methenolone Enanthate powder online. There are many sources selling fake products at the market. so when you buy Methenolone Enanthate powder online, you need to choose an realiable source


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Buy Masteron Propionate powder for bodybuilding:6 facts you should know!!!

Buy Masteron Propionate powder for bodybuilding:6 facts you should know!!!



Buy Masteron Propionate

Masteron Propionate is an anabolic androgenic steroid that has the scientific name of Drostanolone Propionate derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The difference is that Masteron has been changed slightly by adding a methyl group which protects the hormone from breakdown by the enzyme 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase found in skeletal muscle. The added benefit of a methyl group is that boosts the anabolism of the hormone which promotes growth in the muscles. The Propionate ester is then attached which controls the release time and creates the most well-known form of Masteron. However, Drostanolone Enanthate can still be found in various underground markets.

The name Masteron derives from the 1970’s where a company called Syntex manufactured the steroid under that name and brought it to the market. Though, they also delivered the compound under other names likes Masteril, Drolban, and Metormon but Masteron stuck through the ages. They also developed Oxymetholone, which is more commonly known as Anadrol, at the same time in 1959.Originally the drug was created for use with breast cancer patients in postmenopausal women. It worked to calm the patient and provide comfort though they were in an inoperable stage. Soon enough bodybuilders started using it for effects when cutting which is where it has remained,and it turns out strong effects.


Buy Masteron Propionate powder

What is Masteron Propionate powderMasteron Propionate Powder, is a kind of white crystal powder.As the raw material of Masteron Propionate ,Masteron Propionate bulk powder is one of  hot selling among the steroids ,not only because of Masteron Propionate powder cost,but also beacuse of high purity of Masteron Propionate raw,yeah,if I buy Masteron Propionate bulk powder for sale,or lab use,I prefer to buy Masteron Propionate raw online,choose a reliable Masteron Propionate powder supplier and keep stable relationship.Details of Masteron Propionate bulk powder description in AAS as:

Name: Drostanolone/Masteron Propionate

CAS: 521-12-0

Molecular Formula: C23H36O3

Molecular Weight: 360.53

Melt Point: 114-120°C

Storage Temp.: RT

Color: White crystalline powder


Masteron propionate powder is popular among the bodybuilders

Masteron/Drostanolone propionate is usually made into injections,and widely used by athletes in bodybuilding to preserve muscle mass and strength during “cutting phase”.

Drostanolone is often used by runners and athletes who are willing to stay in the same weight category (to avoid mass gain).

Masteron is popular in bodybuilding as it doesn’t cause water retention and has mild diuretic effect, which, in turn, helps to get rippling muscles.

Drostanolone may be interesting for those athletes who are eager to increase muscle hardness and density. The product is usually used shortly before a competition.

Drostanolone makes it possible to achieve the best possible muscle forms. Its fat-burning properties contribute to the process as well.

Experience has shown that a cycle of Masteron can reduce fat mass by 5-7%.

Masteron enhances physical performance while maintaining weight and reducing fat mass. This effect of drostanolone especially attracts powerlifters.

The product can be used along with a diet to lose weight while maintaining muscle mass and suppressing catabolism


Benefits of Masteron Propionate powder

The basic benefits of Masteron-Propionate are relatively simple; a leaner and harder physique. It is important to note this level of hardness in-which it can provide will not be of a significant nature if a physique has a thick layer of fat covering it; yes, this steroid will promote fat loss to a degree but it will not on its own make a fat physique ripped to the bone. Masteron is most beneficial when we are already in a lean state, when body-fat is already low; not only will it help unburden you from some of that last hard to lose fat but make the physique harder in appearance than without. To be specific, when speaking of low body-fat and the use of this steroid we’re speaking of 8% or lower with 6% or lower being far more optimal.

While hardness and the bit of fat loss it can promote are two fantastic traits in their own right it is by far hardly the most interesting benefit. By its nature Masteron-Propionate actively inhibits the aromatase process to a degree. No, Masteron does not aromatize in the first place but it appears to weaken the aromatase effect of many other anabolic steroids, such as testosterone. As we have discussed Masteron hardens on its own but it is the anti-aromatase effect that really brings out this trait, for it is the aromatase effect that causes estrogen buildup and it is a buildup of estrogen that can often make a physique soft.

 Benefits of Masteron Propionate powder

How to make Masteron Propionate injection with Masteron Propionate powder?


Masteron Propionate powder recipe

Most regular Masteron Propionate supplier usually buy Masteron Propionate powder online,and process it,make their on brand.Some new Masteron Propionate manufacturer maybe not familiar with how to make it.No worry,when you buy Masteron Propionate powder from AAS,the recipe can be provided for you to make your own products.We've done many test,and it turns out that it works well.Now let's know about it.

100mls @ 100mg/ml

10g powder

37.5ml EO

37ml GSO oil

3ml BA (3%)

15ml BB (15%)


60mls @ 150mg/ml

9g powder

25ml EO

14.5ml GSO oil

1.8ml BA (3%)

12ml BB (20%)


100mg/ml – 250ml

25 gram masteron propitiate powder(20ml)

175 ml GSO oil

5 ml BA (2%)

50 ml BB (20%)

Masteron Propionate powder recipe

The recipe above is for references,for exactly what kind of product do you want,you can adjust according yourself. And one thing you need to know is you need to makesure the material you use is of high purity,the powder,the oil,BB,BA, all things you need to attention.


How to choose a reliable Masteron Propionate powder supplier?

Trough the peroid of chatting with our clients,she told me something,I bet this maybe helpful for you.You can have a try.

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Thus,found AAS company,a profession 17-Methyltestosteron powder supplier,with high quality and good service.

AASraw Biochemical Technology Co. was reorganized by a Shanghai based Biochemical Engineering Laboratory in 2008, which was built by 5 Chinese Ph. Doctors, who are majored at Chemical Engineering in University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA..Main products:anabolic steroids raw powder, bodybuilding, fitness, fat loss, sex hormones, SARMS, PCT drugs, HGH, homebrew, ugl.According what I knew,When you decide to buy Masteron propionate powder  from AAS,the things you need to do is:

1.Visit AAS website,choose the products you want,and leave your contact and message on AAS wbsite,then submit,AAS's Customer Serviceswill reply you in 12 hours once received your message,then talk in details.

2.Just send email or send messages on whatsapp to people who work in AAS,like Demi,then talk in detail,about the purity,quantity,Shipping,address,choose the suitable payment,goods can be sent out within 12 hours after payment,after payment,you will get a tracking number,also AAS customer service will keep you updated in time,then you just need to sit down comfortably,wait for your parcel.

3.AAS was a company in china,For safety,if you have friend in China,you can also let your friends visit their company,talk in detail,and get the goods you want.

Buy high purity Masteron propionate powder ,please visit        


Buy Genuine Trenbolone Acetate powder online

Buy Genuine Trenbolone Acetate powder online



What is Trenbolone Acetate powder?

Name: Trenbolone Acetate
Appearence: Yellow powder
Cas:  10161-34-9
Assay: ≥98%
Solubility: Insoluble in water or alcohol, soluble in Acetic acid, ethyl ester
Loss on drying: ≤0.5%
Heavy Metal :  ≤10ppm
Dosage: 35-150mg
Onset time:   20 minites
Grade: Pharmaceutical Grade
Usage: Trenbolone Acetate is one of the most powerful anabolic steroids with a great performance enhancement capacity especially for athletes and bodybuilders.


What is Trenbolone Acetate and Why is it So Popular?

Trenbolone Acetate is the short estered variant of Trenbolone, and it tends to be the most popular esterified variant among bodybuilders and athletes. Trenbolone is also available on the anabolic steroid black market in two other formats: Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, and Trenbolone Enanthate. Trenbolone Acetate is a short-acting variant that exhibits a half-life of 3 days, and must be injected every other day at the very least in order to experience desired performance and physique changes. In comparison, Trenbolone Enanthate exhibits a half-life of approximately 7 – 10 days, and Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate expresses a half-life of approximately 14 days. Trenbolone Acetate tends to be the most popular among the three variants not only due to its widespread availability (especially in the form of Finaplix pellets), but also because its faster acting nature allows users to start and stop use of the drug very fast, with only a matter of days before the hormone completely clears from the body. This is commonly desired by most bodybuilders and athletes due to the fact that Trenbolone is regarded as an intermediate-advanced level anabolic steroid that carries with it potential side effects unseen in other anabolic steroids. It has therefore been labelled as a ‘harsh’ anabolic steroid, and those who use it for the first time normally elect to do so cautiously by utilising Trenbolone Acetate, and if various side effects become too concerning or prominent, the cycle can be halted and Trenbolone Acetate would clear from the body fairly quickly. This is different from the Enanthate or Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate variant, where clearance from the body can require 2 weeks or even longer (for the Hex variant) before the hormone totally clears out of the body.

This hormone is revered for its ability to be utilised for pretty much any goal: strength gaining, bulking, mass gaining, lean mass gaining, cutting, fat loss, etc. Trenbolone exhibits an anabolic rating of 500, which is 5 times the anabolic strength of Testosterone. It also exhibits an androgenic rating of 500, also 5 times the androgenic strength of Testosterone. This makes Trenbolone Acetate a very powerful and formidable anabolic steroid to be respected, where high doses are not required to elicit positive results. Trenbolone Acetate can be utilised to gain large amounts of muscle mass without the water retention and bloating (provided the user is utilising low doses of other aromatizable compounds, and is eating a caloric surplus). It can also be utilised to lean out the physique and shed body fat faster than any other anabolic steroid if the user engages in a caloric deficit and appropriate training regime. Because of Trenbolone’s extremely potent nutrient partitioning capabilities, it can be used to effectively put on significant mass or be used to cut body fat, and is considered an essential addition to pre-contest cycles. It is often referred to as “the nectar of the Gods” due to its incredible capabilities.

Tren Acetate tends to bring with it an aura of intimidation to many users, however. This is due to the lore and legend surrounding some of its unique and often termed“harsh”side effects. This will be covered very shortly, but it should be established here and now to all readers that although there is some truth to Trenbolone’s legend of being a ‘harsh anabolic steroid’, there is much exaggeration and myth surrounding many of these claims and stories as well.


How Does Trenbolone Acetate Work and How is it Best Used?

As previously mentioned, Trenbolone Acetate is perhaps the most versatile anabolic steroid next to Testosterone itself. It can be utilised in any cycle type, and compliments any other compounds very well. It should always be utilised with Testosterone, however, as its Progestogenic activity can cause impairment of the libido and other proper functions that Testosterone is responsible for governing. Therefore, many users who elect to use Tren Ace on its own commonly experience sexual dysfunction and anorgasmia (the inability to orgasm). Testosterone even at a TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) dose of 100mg per week should suffice in assisting the body supportively during Tren use.


Benefits of Trenbolone Acetate powder?

1. Trenbolone Acetate can give you amazing size and strength gains in just a short period of time.
Using trenbolone regularly can give you several benefits. These benefits include amazing size and strength gains in just after a short period of time. You will notice that your body mass and muscles will continuously grow over time. You will definitely have more strength and a better body shape.

2. Trenbolone Acetate can be used during the bulking and cutting cycle.
You don’t need to worry about which cycle are you in because trenbolone works even if you are doing the cutting and bulking cycles. The growth in your body can be quickly seen if you use trenbolone while doing both cycles.

3. The components of Trenbolone Acetate can help you burn more fat.
Before you can increase your muscle and body mass, it is important to reduce first your body fat. Reducing the body fat can help you have better body shape.

Also, it will be easier for you to workout if you have lesser fat. Fortunately, trenbolone has the potential to help you in burning fat quickly.

4. Trenbolone Acetate is highly anabolic and androgenic.
Unlike other steroids which are only anabolic, trenbolone has the potential of giving you the benefits that both anabolic and androgenic steroid can give.

Because of this, you will surely experience drastic positive changes in your body. The positive changes are normal and will not harm your body.

5. Trenbolone Acetate can help you in your diet.
Being in a diet can be hard to other bodybuilders and athletes. But with the help of trenbolone, dieting will be very easy.

Even if you have a better appetite through trenbolone, you will still have the capacity to take control of your diet and body shape. Dieting can make the process of bodybuilding quicker and more successful.

Indeed, trenbolone is the most preferred steroid today. The benefits that it can give can greatly help athletes and bodybuilders.


Basic Cycles for Trenbolone Acetate

Trenbolone acetate is one of the widely available and easiest to control of all the Tren forms and therefore one of the best recommended. When using this steroid, you do not necessarily have to use Trenbolone Hexahydrobencylcarbonate or Trenbolone Enanthate to achieve the best results although you are free to make use of them.
Acetate form is the most efficient and Tren A cycle you can adopt while you are dieting, or during growth period. However, it is also equally effective during both periods. Amazingly, Trenobolone acetate can be used by performance enhancers during many cycles no matter the purpose.

Although this is referred to as a basic cycle, the fact of the matter is that it is very effective and doesn’t in any way imply weakness. This cycle will be ideal for a beginner not to mention that it will also be extensive than what most of them will ever need.

This basic cycle will always involve the use of testosterone since Tren hormone is normally suppressive of the production of natural testosterone. In fact, we recommend the use of testosterone during all Trenbolone cycles to supplement the low amounts of the natural form in the body.


Advanced Trenbolone Acetate Cycles

If you have experience with steroid, an advanced cycle will be good for you. It begins with 100mg every alternating day but in most cases, it is possible to adjust the dosage levels to 100mg each day during the usage period.

It is however not advisable to use Trenbolone acetate every day if you are an off-season athlete as this will only result in some added physical stress which is not necessary. However, you can use the daily doses of 100mg during a diet and especially close to your competitions.

The best Trenbolone cycle for off-season will be 100mg every alternating day and can be combined well with Testosterone and Dbol. An overlapping method is recommended for advanced users, which means you can supplement with Deca-Durabolin and testosterone for 12 weeks.

Deca should be withdrawn by week 12 and you can stick with Testosterone and Trenbolone only. There are endless options when it comes to cutting Trenbolone acetate cycle or dieting and this can be really exciting. The best advice is to always choose the right option suitable for you and use the steroid as recommended.


What the Dosage for Trenbolone Acetate?

Unlike other body building products that are available in the market today, Trenbolone Acetate is quite unique because it does not cause water retention. Also, it doesn’t cause buildup of fats. It’s for this reason that athletes and body builders have always considered using it.

If the right Trenbolone Acetate dosage and cycles are adhered to, there are many benefits that you stand to achieve. To start with, it’s among the best cortisol antagonists that you can use. This is why you gain a lot of mass after just using a small amount of it. This is what every person who wants to build body mass would want, right?

But what’s the right Tren A dosage? Well, this is something that you should know before you commence using it. If you want to achieve the best effects that this product has to offer, there is nothing better to do than taking the recommended dosage. With this, you can be pretty sure that you will be on way to achieving your body building goals perfectly well.

The minimum daily Trenbolone Acetate dose is 50 to 100 mg. However, professional users can take as much as 150 mg per day. In some very special cases, for instance where the user is showing some possibility of sensitivity,35 m is the recommended amount.

By working closely with your health, you will be able to know how much dosage can help you achieve your desired body building goals.

However, for most of the users, an amount of 50-78 mg is highly recommended per day because it’s able to offer awesome results especially when you stack it several other anabolic steroids. Those who use a higher dose of 150 mg per day, the main reason is to enhance the amount of stimulation which takes place in the body, therefore leading to mass gain and strength.

However, the maximum gain in strength and mass is kept at optimal level if a dosage of 100mg per day is taken. In scenarios where a lower dosage is taken, another anabolic steroid is taken because this will help in ensuring that an effective cycle is achieved. You can talk with your h healthcare experts and they will advise you on the best Trenbolone Acetate dosage depending on your body building goals.


Trenbolone Acetate raw materials Reviews:

Trenbolone is without a doubt one of the most beneficial anabolic steroids on the market. When we consider the therapeutic benefits of Nandrolone, or even Testosterone, it may not quite match up but on the basis of raw power and physique transformation Trenbolone Acetate is the king. No steroid will be as beneficial when cutting, not even close, and when bulking it is nothing short of fantastic. While Tren is beneficial during cutting and bulking phases, if you’re only going to use it in one phase always choose cutting. Many will actually need to limit their Trenbolone Acetate use to one phase due to the harshness of the compound in some men, especially when we consider cardiovascular strain. However, solid responders who are in excellent health should find they can use the steroid during both phases with a high level of success.


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You can find many Trenbolone Acetate powder source online, but it is hard to buy Genuine Trenbolone Acetate powder online. There are many sources selling fake products at the market. so when you buy Trenbolone Acetate powder online, you need to choose an realiable source


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Methenolone enanthate

Methenolone enanthate – anabolic, modified dihydrotestosterone. It is characterized by the addition of a double bond between carbons 1 and 2, which helps to stabilize the 3-keto group and anabolic increases, the addition of 1-methyl group that protects against steroid metabolism in the liver. In use Primobolan depot enantatny ester attached to methenolone enanthate through 17-beta hydroxyl group (17b-hydroxy-1-methyl-5a-androst-1-en-3-one), the chemical formula C20H30O2. Esterified steroids are not as polar as free, they are absorbed less quickly from the injection site. Once in the bloodstream, and the ether is cleaved in the blood is free methenolone enanthate. The development objective of esterified steroids were an extension of the therapeutic effect after the injection, injection is not able to exercise as often when compared with injections of steroids available. Enantatny ester is used to slow the absorption. Methenolone enanthate absorbed into the blood for a couple of weeks. Methenolone – a mild anabolic steroid, it has low androgenic, no estrogen. It is believed that the anabolic effect had slightly less than that of nandrolone. In cases where it is necessary to increase the amount of muscle and increase dryness on drying, it is advisable to apply the active drug.


Methenolone enanthate Powder Specifications:


Name: Methenolone Enanthate powder/primo EBuy high quality Methenolone enanthate powder from szob steroids raw powder.

Appearence: White or off ,white or light yellow crystalline powder

Cas: 112809-51-5

Assay: ≥99%

Solubility: Insoluble in water or alcohol, soluble in Acetic acid, ethyl ester

Loss on drying: ≤0.5%

Heavy Metal: ≤10ppm

Dosage : 2.5mg

Onset time: 20 minites

Grade: Pharmaceutical Grade


Application Methenolone enanthate powder


Admission for men


Using the drug for medical purposes, is considered to be a maximum dose of 200mg daily. Standratnaya dose for improving body – 400-600 mg per day for 6-12 weeks. This dose is sufficient for the appearance of sensitive anabolic effect, but expect a large growth of the mass should not be. At doses of 600 mg and above, there are very noticeable side effects. Primabolan good use for the purpose of drying. Due to the mild action Primobolan, it is usually combined with other drugs. On drying combined with Halotestin or trenbolone. Such a mixture increases the volume of the muscles and improves their appearance in general. In competing athletes are not widely used combination of flavoring agents. In addition, it is used in combination frank zane now with testosterone or boldenone courses, whose purpose is to set the masses.


Reception for Women


For women, there are restrictions when taking Primobolan. Not recommended for use during pregnancy and immediately before conception. Athlete may be used in 50-100mg without signs of virilization. Should not expect instantaneous weight gain, it will be a slow but steady. Some women are recommended to take in combination with primabolan Turinabol (10 mg daily) or anavar for sale oxandrolone (10-20mg per day), to increase the effectiveness of the course. Then we must be sure that the total dose will not be very high.

Application Methenolone enanthate powder in man or women

Methenolone enanthate powder side effects


Methenolone enanthate powder attributed to anabolic androgenic but the likelihood of side effects is present. This may be an increased level of oily skin, acne, hair growth on the body and face. It is possible that the cause of their appearance will be a high level of received doses. Anabolic steroids can lead to deterioration of loss of hair of male type. It is to remind women about the likely effects of AAS virilizuyuschih: deepening of the voice, irregular periods, changes in the structure of the skin, facial hair growth, and clitoral enlargement. Methenolone enanthate powder is very mild steroid significant androgenic side effects can occur only at high doses. Women are often used to improve the body Methenolone enanthate powder.


Methenolone enanthate powder is not classified as hepatotoxic drugs. If research has not been able to cause noticeable abnormalities in hepatic parameters, stress, taking the drug at therapeutic doses. At present there is some steroid ability to resist metabolism by the liver. It has been a case of death from liver failure in elderly patients who took the drug, but it is possible that this is the only case.


AAS can have adverse effects on blood cholesterol. For example, reduction of the “good” HDL cholesterol, shift the balance towards the risk of atherosclerosis. Relative impact AAS lipids is dependent on the dose, the route of entry, steroid type and level of resistance to hepatic metabolism. Methenolone enanthate powder have a stronger negative effect on the hepatic management of cholesterol than testosterone and nandrolone, since he had no flavoring structure, but the effect is not as strong as that of 17-alpha alkylated drugs. AAS can have an adverse effect on blood pressure and triglycerides, reduce relaxation of vascular endothelium, cause hypertrophy of the heart ventricles, which potentially increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. To reduce the load on the cardiovascular system, it is advised to minimize the intake of saturated fat, cholesterol, and simple carbohydrates during the course of the AAC. It is also recommended to take supplements, such as fish oil, lipid Stabil and similar products.


All AAS in doses which are necessary for building muscle, leading to inhibition of endogenous testosterone production. If you do not use testosterone stimulating drugs, testosterone come to your usual level for 1-4 months after the course. It is noted that prolonged application of hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism can develop into secondary and there is a risk that require medical intervention. Primobolan depot, if it is taken at a dose of 100-200mg little effect on the endogenous production of testosterone. Inhibition of testosterone during use Methenolone enanthate powder may be weaker than with other drugs. It is possible that a long period of recovery after a course may not be required.

Where to buy Methenolone enanthate powder online?


You can find many methenolone enanthate powder source online, but it is hard to buy Genuine methenolone enanthate powder online. There are many sources selling fake products at the market. so when you buy methenolone enanthate powder online, you need to choose an realiable source.


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2 Fast And Safe Delivery:

1) Parcel can be sent out in 24 hours after payment. Tracking number available

2) Secure and discreet shipment. Various transportation methods for your choice.


3 We Have Clients Throughout The World:

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2) Market feedback and goods feedback will be appreciated, meeting customers' requirement is our responsibility.

3) High quality, competitive price, fast delivery, first-class service gain the trust and praise from the customers.


4 Three Principles

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2)Never change: The product will always maintain high purity, will not change,High quality is the culture of our company.

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Natural source Orlistat powder for weight loss—An amazing fat loss drug you should know!!!

Natural source Orlistat powder for weight loss—An amazing fat loss drug you should know!!!




What is orlistat?

What is orlistat?Orlistat,also known as Xenical as orlistat brand name for generic Orlistat ,which  is used in the treatment of obesity. It has the same effects for fat loss like sibutramine, clenbuterol, Orlistat prevents your body from absorbing the fat from the food you eat. By reducing the amount of fat that is absorbed, Orlistat can help you to lose weight more easily.. Because Orlistat supplement helps people lose weight it can help prevent the medical conditions associated with excess weight and obesity. Obesity is strongly associated with type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea, which can cause further health problems. Losing excess weight is one of the most common pieces of advice from physicians when it comes to improving overall health and longevity.In market,there are different kinds froms of orlistat,normally like tablet form,capsule form,powder form,ect..


Why we choose Orlistat for a healthier lifestyle?

Nowadays,obesity becomes a commom problem,and If you are overweight you are at greater risk of developing health problems such as type 2 diabetes, raised cholesterol, raised blood pressure, coronary heart disease, osteoarthritis, obesity-related cancers and joint pain.In order to fat loss or keep slim,we usually exercise or take fat loss drug..Most people may tried exercise before,with less effect.So Making small but positive changes to your diet and lifestyle can help you to lose weight and reduce the risk of developing these health problems.As a fat loss drug,Olistat works by preventing enzymes (lipases) from breaking down fat in the gut and allowing it to pass through the body undigested. This in turn reduces the number of calories absorbed by the body.It’s a kind of sourc from natural plant,has less side effects compared to others,orlistat,with resonable diet, we can have a healthy life.that’s why so many people loves it and buy Olistat.


What’s the brand name of Olistat?

Xenical and Alli are the brand name for generic Orlistat . Xenical is manufactured by Roche and contains the active ingredient Orlistat 120mg. Alli is a brand name for Orlistat 60mg and is an over the counter medication. Alli is half the strength of the prescription-only medication Orlistat 120mg ,Alli ,and Xenical.Medically there is no difference between them, Orlistat is generally available at a lower price.


What is orlistat powder?

Orlistat powder is the raw material powder of orlistat,is a kind of white powder,99% purity.As we all know, no matter what kind of medicine, have some side effects to the body, while most of the medicine reducing weight is very big to the harm of human body, orlistat as a natural herbal extract, compared with most diet pills on the market, orlistat almost no side effects, of the least damage to the body, so orlistat powder is a good choice.Details of orlistat powder as below:

Name:orlistat powder

CAS: 96829-58-2

Molecular Formula:C29H53NO5

Molecular Weight: 495.7

Melt Point: 50 °C.

Storage: 2-8°C.


Is orlistat powder effective?

Is orlistat powder effectiveOrlistat powder has been extensively studied over many clinical trials. In clinical trial data, the average weight loss with Orlistat in comparison to placebo with diet, was 50 percent higher. So if you could lose 6 kg on a regular diet, you could lose up to 9 kg with Orlistat. Furthermore, it was shown that those taking Orlistat maintained weight loss better than in the placebo group. To get maximum effectiveness from Orlistat, one capsule should be taken with each main meal (a maximum of 360mg a day), before, during, or up to 120mg(a capsule) hour after each meal. If you miss a meal or the meal does not contain any fat,                                                              you do not need to take it.


How does orlistat powder work?             

Orlistat powder acts locally in the gut (intestine).how does orlistat work?fat loss orlistat works by preventing enzymes (lipases) from breaking down fat in the gut and allowing it to pass through the body undigested. This in turn reduces the number of calories absorbed by the body. At  the recommended dose of 120 mg three times a day, Orlistat reduces fat absorption by 30 percent.Although Orlistat is an effective weight loss medicine, it is not a miracle weight loss orlistat. …Orlistat is effective in preventing fat absorption from your diet which will help reduce you total calorie intake. It is advisable to cut down your dietary calories by about 500 calories per day.


Orlistat powders Mechanism of action

Orlistat powder works by inhibiting gastric and pancreatic lipases, the enzymes that break down triglycerides in the intestine. When lipase activity is blocked, triglycerides from the diet are not hydrolyzed into absorbable free fatty acids, and instead are excreted unchanged. Only trace amounts of orlistat are absorbed systemically; the primary effect is local lipase inhibition within the GI tract after an oral dose. The primary route of elimination is through the feces.

Orlistat was also recently found to inhibit the thioesterase domain of fatty acid synthase (FAS), an enzyme involved in the proliferation of cancer cells but not normal cells. However, potential side effects of Orlistat, such as inhibition of other cellular off-targets or poor bioavailability, might hamper its application as an effective antitumor agent. One profiling study undertook a chemical proteomics approach to look for new cellular targets of orlistat, including its off-targets[citation needed]. Orlistat also show potential activities mycobacteria and Trypanosoma brucei parasite (See further reading).


What 's the benefits of orlistat powder?

What 's the benefits of orlistat powder

Orlistat powder is usually used for making Orlistat pills,orlistat capsule,to make a unique medication for fat loss. Benefits of orlistat powder allows a person to lose 20% of the body weight at the expense of adipose tissues. As a proven weight loss drug, Orlistat has an irrefutable advantage over other weight loss drugs in terms of recurring weight gain after cessation of treatment. because of its superior mechanism of action as compared to unapproved herbal medications, acts as a preventive measure against weight gain, as well as works favorably and considerably reduces the seriousness of diseases like hypotension, diabetes, atherosclerosis and cholesterol.

During clinical trials for Orlistat weight loss pills, more than 30,000 people participated in the study. Since its approval, more than 13.5 million people has taken Orlistat and lost excessive weight. Orlistat is registered as a weight loss medication in 149 countries in the world. Orlistat powder benefits include:

  • • Reduces body mass by more than 20% at the expense of body fat  
  • • Helps you learn how to count calories
  • • It gives you a feeling of well-being
  • • Its positive results provide confidence and joy to users
  • • It provides long-term sustainable results


  How should I use orlistat powder?  

This medication comes with patient instructions for safe and effective use. Follow these directions carefully. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions.

Orlistat is only part of a complete program of treatment that also includes diet, exercise, and weight control. Your daily intake of fat, protein, and carbohydrates should be evenly divided over all of your daily meals. Follow your diet, medication, and exercise routines very closely.

The recommended dosage of Orlistat is one 120mg capsule three times a day with each main meal containing fat (during or up to 1 hour after the meal).                            

If you skip a meal or you eat a meal that does not contain any fat, skip your orlistat dosage for that meal.

The fat content of your daily diet should not be greater than 30% of your total daily caloric intake. For example, if you eat 1200 calories per day, no more than 360 of those calories should be in the form of fat.

Read the label of all food items you consume, paying special attention to the number of servings per container. Your doctor, nutrition counselor, or dietitian can help you develop a healthy eating plan.

Your doctor may recommend you take vitamin and mineral supplements while you are taking orlistat. This medication can make it harder for your body to absorb fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, E, and K. Follow your doctor's instructions about the type of multi-vitamin or mineral supplement to use.

Take your vitamin or supplement at bedtime, or at least 2 hours before or after you take orlistat.

Store at room temperature away from moisture and heat. Keep the bottle tightly closed. Throw away any unused orlistat after the expiration date on the medicine label has passed.

Keep track of the amount of medicine used from each new bottle. Orlistat is a drug that may be misused as a weight-loss aid, and you should be aware if anyone is using your medicine improperly or without a prescription.


Common dosage of orlistat powder

Orlistat was oral used as a capsule and a nonprescription capsule.The recommended dosage of Orlistat is one 120-mg capsule three times a day . Take orlistat during a meal or up to 1 hour after a meal. If a meal is missed or does not have fat, you may skip your dose. Follow the directions on your prescription label or the package label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Take orlistat exactly as directed. Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor or stated on the package.


Before you use orlistat powder

Check the information.If you have anyone of following symptom,you are not allowed to take it:

You are allergic to orlistat or any other medications.

You are taking medications that suppress the immune system such as cyclosporine  (Neoral, Sandimmune).

You have had an organ transplant or you have cholestasis (condition in which the flow of bile from the liver is blocked) or malabsorption syndrome (problems absorbing food)

You have or have ever had an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia, diabetes, kidney stones, pancreatitis (inflammation or swelling of the pancreas), or gallbladder or thyroid disease.

You are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are breast-feeding. Do not take orlistat if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.

side-effect orlistat. orlistat powder


When you take orlistat powder

Divide the amount of daily fat, carbohydrates, and protein

While you are taking weight loss orlistat, you should avoid foods that with more than 30% fat.

When eating meat, poultry (chicken) or fish, eat only 2 or 3 ounces (55 or 85 grams)  for a serving, lean cuts of meat is ok. with more grains, fruits, and vegetables. Replace whole-milk products with nonfat or 1% milk and reduced- or low-fat dairy items.

Take a daily multivitamin that contains vitamins A, D, E, K, and beta-carotene

Orlistat blocks your body's absorption of some fat-soluble vitamins and beta carotene. Therefore, when you use orlistat you should take a daily multivitamin that contains vitamins A, D, E, K, and beta-carotene. Read the label to find a multivitamin product that contains these vitamins. Take the multivitamin once a day, 2 hours before or 2 hours after taking orlistat, or take the multivitamin at bedtime.


After you use orlistat powder

Keep this medication in the container, tightly closed, Where out of reach of children.

Store it at room temperature and away from excess heat, moisture (not in the bathroom), and light.

The best way to dispose of your medication is through a medicine take-back program instead of flushing this medication down the toilet.


What’s the side-effect of orlistat powder?

Every coin has its two sides,even though orlistat powder is pretty effective,it can also have some side-effect,common side effects of orlistat powder include:

  • Abdominal or stomach pain or discomfort
  • back pain
  • difficulty with moving
  • gas with leaky bowel movements
  • inability to hold bowel movement
  • increases in bowel movements
  • loss of bowel control
  • oily bowel movements
  • oily spotting of underclothes


Orlistat VS Sibutramine 

Mode of action

Sibutramine works by suppressing appetite, involves suppression of appetite by acting on nervous system and the brain to make the stomach believe that it is full,enhances satiety.

Xenical through its fat-blocking mode of action works non-systemically in the gastrointestinal tract, not requiring entry into the bloodstream or brain. It prevents the absorption of dietary fat by inhibiting the key enzymes needed for converting dietary fat to its absorbable form.

Weight loss efficacy

Orlistat may be slightly less effective than sibutramine in reducing body weight. Although orlistat and sibutramine undoubtedly produce weight loss, the effect is modest. Neither orlistat, nor sibutramine is able to induce large weight reduction in a majority of obese people.

Extra health benefits

Orlistat may be more powerful in improving blood glucose control.

Orlistat promotes a significant reduction of total cholesterol levels6.

Orlistat therapy is associated to a mild reduction in blood pressure

Sibutramine can increase blood pressure and heart rate4 In obese patients with hypertension, sibutramine appears to increase blood pressure only if patients do not reduce caloric intake.

Side effects

Two drugs have disparate tolerability profiles. Sibutramine is generically better tolerated than orlistat1. However, sibutramine is contraindicated in people with coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, stroke, or inadequately controlled hypertension or those receiving psychiatric drugs.

The most common side effects with orlistat are oily stools, flatus and fecal urgency. And with sibutramine side effects are headache, dry mouth and anorexia. Sibutramine can also increase blood pressure and heart rate.


FA&Q Area

Q1 :Do I need to lose weight?

A1:If you feel hungry all the time although eat a lot,if you feel tighten when dressing yourself,if you feel really tired even move,if you always feel Self-abasement about your figure,…….then maybe you need to think about lose fat.

Obesity is unhealthy because excess weight puts more strain on your heart.It can raise blood pressure and cholesterol and can lead to diabetes. Losing weight is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of heart problems and other diseases.

Q2:How can I lose weight?

A2:There are usually 3 normal ways to lose fat,diet plan,exercise plan,fat loss products.

For diet plan,usually are Eatting a high-protein breakfast;Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice;Choosing weight loss-friendly foods (see list);Using smaller plates;eating less or even nothing,

For exercise plan, usually walking after meal;running every morning;running every evening;going to Fitness Room……

For the first two ways,I bet many people done that before,but seldom succeed,if you are a persistent person,you can try that,but for most people,taking some fat loss products seems to be a better way.Cause it can:

Reduce your appetite significantly.

Make you lose weight quickly, without hunger.

Improve your metabolic health at the same time.

Q3:What kinds of fat loss products should I take?

A3:In market,there are different fat loss products,some can lose weight quickly but also have severe side effects,some are of little effects,just lose water in your body and will rebound.Also there are some from the natural sources,with no side effects,Orlistat is just this kind of products,some people take Orlistat with Orlistat powder,which is amde of the natural sources.

Q4:Is Orlistat powder easy to use?

A4:Orlistat powder is different from the other forms,it’s of high purity and easy to use,if you are fat loss products manufacturers,you can add the Orlistat powder to the coffee,candy,and other things,if for personal user,we can also just take it.Most people buy Orlistat powder online and add it to coffee or take it directlly after meal.

Q5:Where can I buy the high purity Orlistat powder?

A5:It’s hard to buy Olistat powder in shop,You can buy Olistat powder source online.Less purity Olistat powder will have less effect,even dangerous,so buy high purity Olistat,99% Olistat,choose a reliable supplier is a must.If you already have,you can buy,take it easily.If you don’t know,the following I recommend,you can have a try–buy high purity Orlistat powder from AASraw company.

Olistat powder online for fat loss


Price of Orlistat and Olistat powder

Orlistat price,Just like what we said before,in market,there are different forms of orlistat,tablet form,capsule form,powder form,pill form,are in different price,commonly used is orlistat 120mg, market price of 120mg capsule is 380 Rupee/120mg,that is 58USD/1g,market price of tablets,normally 12 weeks (252 tablets)=£149.99= 201.68USD

But for powder,99% purity powder,for example ,in 99% purity steroidssupplier SZOB 40USD/10g,10g,which can make thousands of tablet,pills,what a amazing truth!


Buying Olistat powder online

When you consider or already decide to buy Olistat powder online,you need to think about a few question like:what kind of purity do you want about Olistat powder,for people use or animal use,in normal conditions pharmaceutical grade for- human-use can be 99% purity,it’s may a little expensive but worth for using.And you need to think about what price you can accept.In the market,the price of 99% purity Olistat powder is around 1000USD/1kg,but just for referance,cause we all know that the price is also depends on the quantity and quality.Besides,when you choose the Olistat powder supplier to cooperate, you need also think about some items like,what's the passing ratio,what kind of shipping method for you to choose,whether they have the reship policy,what they will do if your goods was seized by customs,can they solve some problems for you?Is their service good?and so on…

After Considering all of these items,choose the suitable one to cooperate.


How to buy high purity Olistat powder from AAS

AASraw Biochemical Technology Co. was reorganized by a Shanghai based Biochemical Engineering Laboratory in 2008, which was built by 5 Chinese Ph. Doctors, who are majored at Chemical Engineering in University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA..Main products:anabolic steroids raw powder, bodybuilding, fitness, fat loss, sex hormones, SARMS, PCT drugs, HGH, homebrew, ugl.When you decide to buy Olistat powder from AAS,the things you need to do is:

1.Visit our website,choose the products you want,and leave your contact and message on our wbsite,then submit,Our Customer Serviceswill reply you in 12 hours once received your message,then talk in details.

2.Just send email or send messages on whatsapp to people who work in AAS,like Demi,then talk in detail,about the purity,quantity,Shipping,address,choose the suitable payment,goods can be sent out within 12 hours after payment,after payemnt,you will get a tracking number,also our customer will keep you updated in time,then you just need to sit down comfortably,wait for your parcel.

3.AAS was a company in china,For safety,if you have friend in China,you can also let your friends visit our company,talk in detail,and get the goods you want.

Buy Dutasteride Powder Online: Uses,Dosage, Side effects

Buy Dutasteride Powder Online: Uses, Dosage, Side effects



1. What is Dutasteride?

Dutasteride 丨Dutasteride powder is a synthetic 4-azasteroid compound that is a selective inhibitor of both the type 1 and type 2 isoforms of steroid 5 alpha-reductase, an intracellular enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT. Dutasteride Powder usually sold under one brand name of Avodart, is a oral medication used primarily to treat enlarged prostate in men, This is a condition that causes you to have an enlarged prostate. Dutasteride powder helps to control your symptoms, decrease urinary retention, and reduces your risk of needing surgery. it can also be used to treat scalp hair loss in men, excessive hair growth in women, and as a part of hormone therapy for transgender women.

Dutasteride is chemically designated as (5α,17β)-N-{2,5 bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl}-3-oxo-4- azaandrost-1-ene-17-carboxamide. The empirical formula of dutasteride is C27H30F6N2O2, representing a molecular weight of 528.5 with the following structural formula:

Dutasteride is a white to pale yellow powder with a melting point of 242° to 250°C. It is soluble in ethanol (44 mg/mL), methanol (64 mg/mL), and polyethylene glycol 400 (3 mg/mL), but it is insoluble in water.

Each AVODART soft gelatin capsule, administered orally, contains 0.5 mg of dutasteride dissolved in a mixture of mono-di-glycerides of caprylic/capric acid and butylated hydroxytoluene. The inactive excipients in the capsule shell are ferric oxide (yellow), gelatin (from certified BSE-free bovine sources), glycerin, and titanium dioxide. The soft gelatin capsules are printed with edible red ink. Dutasteride is sometimes given with another medication called tamsulosin (Flomax). Be sure to read the medication guide or patient instructions provided with each of your medications.


2. What is the use of Dutasteride powder?

Dutasteride powder prevents the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body. DHT is involved in the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Dutasteride powder is used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in men with an enlarged prostate. Dutasteride powder helps improve urinary flow and may also reduce your need for prostate surgery later on.

What is the use of Dutasteride powder

Dutasteride powder is sometimes given with another medication called tamsulosin (Flomax).

Usual Adult Dose for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia:

0.5 mg orally once a day

Use: Treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in men with an enlarged prostate to reduce the risk of acute urinary retention (AUR) and BPH-related surgery.

Dutasteride Raw powder comes as a capsule to take by mouth. It is usually taken once a day with or without food. Take Dutasteride raw powder at around the same time every day. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Take Dutasteride raw powder exactly as directed. Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor.

Swallow the capsules whole; do not open chew, or crush them.

Your symptoms may improve after you have taken Dutasteride raw powder for 3 months, but it may take 6 months or longer for you to see the full benefit of Dutasteride raw powder. Talk to your doctor about how you are feeling during your treatment.

Dutasteride raw powder may control your symptoms but will not cure your condition. Continue to take Dutasteride raw powder even if you feel well. Do not stop taking Dutasteride powder without talking to your doctor.

Ask your pharmacist or doctor for a copy of the manufacturer’s information for the patient.


3. What Should I Take Dutasteride powder dosage?

You should only take the dose as recommended by your doctor. Do not change the dutasteride dosage without consulting your doctor.

Effectiveness of Dutasteride has been evaluated at different daily dosages, ranging from 0.01mg, 0.05mg, 0.5mg, 2.5mg, and 5.0mg per day. It was found that by using 0.5mg per day of Dutasteride patients achieved a significant reduction in DHT concentration compared to those using 5mg of Finasteride. In non-comparative clinical trials, chronic therapy with dutasteride (0.5 mg daily) for up to 2 years in patients with BPH resulted in median reductions in serum DHT of 93%.4. In contrast, therapy with finasteride (5 mg daily) suppressed serum DHT concentrations by approximately 70% for up to 4 years in patients with BPH. Please consult the results here.

Dutasteride powder is very effective in small doses. DHT inhibition is close to 90% at a daily dose of 0.5mg, In addition, the level of DHT suppression is not significantly greater between 2.5mg and 5.0 mg.

  • For Treating Hair loss

          Dutasteride powder, at 2.5mgs/day is roughly 1.5x more effective than Finasteride at 5mgs/day, at treating hair loss (both           halting it as well as regrowing it).

         Dutasteride Powder, In addition, It can be used successfully at that same dose to treat prostate enlargement, and a                     lesser known effect of Dutasteride (again, at that same dose) use is to treat Acne caused by an overabundance of                       androgens in the body

For anyone considering using Dutasteride powder to combat their male-pattern baldness, below charts should come in handy. The first one shows the amount of DHT inhibited by Dutasteride powder in concentrations of .1mg per day, .5 mg per day, and 2.5 mg per day. .5 mg per day is the dose prescribed to BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) sufferers and is often the dose taken by hair loss sufferers. 

What Should I Take Dutasteride powder dosage

The next chart shows the amount of DHT inhibited by Dutasteride powder on different dosing schedules. The lines are kind of hard to see so I’ll list them here:

  • Purple line: 1.5 mg per day (3 Avodart pills) for 10 days and then .5 mg per day thereafter
  • Blue line: .5 mg per day
  • Green line: .5 mg per day for 2 days, then take one day off, then repeat
  • Red line: .5 mg every other day
  • Black line: Finasteride (Propecia/Proscar 1 mg per day) equivalent.

What Should I Take Dutasteride powder dosage

As you can see, loading with 1.5 mg per day and then taking .5 mg per day thereafter inhibits the largest amount of DHT the fastest. You can achieve the same rate of inhibition with taking .5 mg per day from the start but it will take time to build in your system to its maximum levels of inhibition.When we started Dutasteride (and discontinued Finasteride) we can went ahead and took the loading method. Nobody have no any side effects with Dutasteride powder thus far other than a brief shedding period that lasted about a month-and-a-half starting at around the two month mark. Our most clients using Dutasteride for about a year-and-a-half now with great results.


4. Function of Dutasteride powder 

A- Used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, enlarged prostate, improve urination.
B- Reduce acute urinary retention and surgical risk
C- Can also be used to treat male pattern baldness (androgen alopecia) can promote hair growth and prevent continue to hair loss.

Dutasteride, along with Finasteride is a 5-alpha-Reductase inhibitor which are a group of drugs with anti-androgenic properties which inhibit the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It's usaully marketed pharmaceutically as Avodart, Avidart, Avolve, Duagen, Dutas, Dutagen, Duprost. For unknown reasons, early clinical trials for dutasteride were abruptly ceased in 2002, then continued later.

This is the same chemical found in Proscar and Propecia and is used in the treatment hyperplasia and androgenic alopecia.

Because these drugs reduce levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) they are used to prevent and treat hairloss. It is most commonly used to treat enlarged prostate glands.


5. How does Dutasteride Powder works ?

Dutasteride belongs to a class of drugs called 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors. A class of drugs refers to medications that work similarly. They’re often used to treat similar conditions.
There is a hormone in your blood called dihydrotestoterone (DHT), which causes your prostate to grow. Drugs like dutasteride prevent the formation of DHT in your body, causing an enlarged prostate to shrink.

Dutasteride raw powder is a synthetic 4-azasteroid compound that is a selective inhibitor of both the type 1 and type 2 isoforms of steroid 5 alpha-reductase (5AR), intracellular enzymes that convert testosterone to 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Type I 5a-reductase is predominant in the sebaceous glands of most regions of skin, including scalp, and liver. Type I 5a-reductase is responsible for approximately one-third of circulating DHT. The Type II 5a-reductase isozyme is primarily found in prostate, seminal vesicles, epididymides, and hair follicles as well as liver, and is responsible for two-thirds of circulating DHT.


6. What is the half life of dutasteride powder?

The terminal elimination half-life of raw dutasteride powder is approximately 5 weeks at steady state. The average steady-state serum dutasteride concentration was 40 ng/mL following 0.5 mg/day for 1 year.


7. What are the side effects of Dutasteride powder?

1)More common side effects
The most common side effects that occur with dutasteride include:

  • trouble getting or keeping an erection (may continue after stopping dutasteride)
  • ejaculation problems (may continue after stopping dutasteride)
  • decrease in sex drive (may continue after stopping dutasteride)
  • enlarged or painful breasts. If you notice breast lumps or nipple discharge, talk to your doctor.

If these effects are mild, they may disappear within a few days or a couple of weeks. If they’re more severe or don’t disappear, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

2)Serious side effects

  • allergic reactions. Examples include:
  • prostate cancer. Symptoms may include:
  • swelling of your face, tongue, or throat:
  • increased prostate-specific antigen (PSA) concentrations:
  • increased urination frequency:
  • difficulty starting urination:
  • peeling skin:
  • painful/burning urination:
  • weak urine flow:
  • difficulty in having or maintaining an erection:
  • blood in the urine or semen:
  • painful ejaculation:
  • frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs:

This is not a complete list of dutasteride powder side effects. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.

8. Warmings on Dutasteride powder

Dutasteride powder should never be taken by a woman or a child. Dutasteride powder can be absorbed through the skin, and women or children should not be permitted to handle Dutasteride raw powder capsules.

Although Dutasteride raw powder is not for use by women, this medication can cause birth defects if a woman is exposed to it during pregnancy. Dutasteride powder capsules should not be handled by a woman who is pregnant or who may become pregnant.

Do not chew, crush, or open a Dutasteride raw powder capsule. Swallow the capsule whole. Dutasteride powder can irritate your lips, mouth, or throat if the capsule has been broken or opened before you swallow it.

If a woman accidentally comes into contact with this medication from a leaking capsule, wash the area with soap and water right away.

Before taking Dutasteride raw powder, tell your doctor if you have ever had an allergic reaction to this medication, or to a similar medicine called finasteride powder (Propecia, Proscar).

Using Dutasteride powder may increase your risk of developing prostate cancer. Your doctor will perform tests to make sure you do not have other conditions that would prevent you from safely using Dutasteride raw powder.

Do not donate blood while taking Dutasteride powder and for at least 6 months after your treatment ends. Dutasteride raw powder can be carried in the blood and could cause birth defects if a pregnant women receives a transfusion with blood that contains Dutasteride powder.


9. How Does Dutasteride Powder Help with Hair Regrowth?

Men who suffer from male pattern hair loss or BPH both have a high level of the hormone that is known as dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. This hormone is produced from your body’s natural testosterone by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase.

AASraw Biochemical research has shown that men who have substantial hair loss and those who have BPH both have higher levels of this enzyme in their scalp or bloodstream.

Alternatively, men who do not have either of these conditions have much lower levels of the enzyme present.

Dutasteride works by preventing the effects of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, which blocks the formation of DHT. That pauses a trigger element in the development of hair loss in men, as well as the development of BPH.

It helps to increase the number of scalp hairs and fills in the thin areas.

The results of taking Dutasteride will vary from one person to the next. Typically, users do not re-grow back all the hair that they have lost.

While DHT is a condition that occurs gradually, taking Dutasteride can help to delay the process of hair loss.

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10. Dutasteride and finasteride comparisons

Dutasteride and finasteride are very similar Powder, the following table lists is their features.




treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia

treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia*

Is a generic version available?







0.5 mg

5 mg

How do I take it?

by mouth

by mouth

How often do I take it?

once daily

once daily

Do I take it for long-term or short-term treatment?

long term**

long term**

How do I store it?

between 68°F and 77°F (20°C and 25°C)

between 68°F and 77°F (20°C and 25°C)

*Finasteride can also be used to treat male pattern hair loss.
**Treatment usually continues for the rest of your life.


11.Dutasteride vs Finasteride, Which Raw Material Powder Is Better?

The importance of dual 5a-reductase inhibition in the treatment of male pattern hair loss.

Olsen E. et. al.


In the study, 416 men with male pattern hair loss (MPHL) ages 21 to 45 years old, were randomized to receive dutasteride 0.05, 0.1, 0.5 or 2.5 mg, finasteride 5 mg, or placebo daily for 24 weeks. The results of the study showed that dutasteride increased hair counts in a dose-dependent fashion and dutasteride 2.5 mg was superior to finasteride 5mg at 12 and 24 weeks.

Although testosterone is the major circulating androgen, to be maximally active in scalp hair follicles it must first be converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by the enzyme 5?-reductase. The importance of DHT as a causative factor in male pattern hair loss is shown by the absence of this MPHL in men with a congenital deficiency of the type 2 5?-reductase enzyme. A type 1 5?-reductase, which also metabolizes testosterone to DHT, differs in its location and amount in different tissues. In the skin, type 1 5?-reductase is the principal isoenzyme in sebaceous and sweat glands. There is no recognized genetic deficiency of type 1 5?-reductase in humans to assess its role in MPHL.

Dutasteride (Avodart) inhibits both type 1 and type 2 5?-reductase and is approved at the 0.5-mg dose for treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It is about 3 times as potent as finasteride at inhibiting type 2 5?-reductase and more than 100 times as potent at inhibiting the type 1 5?-reductase enzyme.

Dutasteride caused scalp and serum dihydrotestosterone levels to decrease and testosterone levels to increase in a dose-dependent fashion. Whereas 5-mg finasteride decreases serum DHT by about 70%, dutasteride can decrease serum DHT by more than 90%.

Dutasteride vs Finasteride, Which Raw Material Powder Is Better


In this phase II, dose-ranging study, 2.5-mg dutasteride was superior to 5-mg finasteride in improving scalp hair growth in men between ages 21 and 45 years with MPHL as judged by target area hair counts, expert panel assessment, and investigator assessment at 12 and 24 weeks.

In a test area at 24 weeks, results showed:


-32.3 hairs

Finasteride 5mg

75.6 hairs

Dutasteride 0.1 mg

78.5 hairs

Dutasteride 0.5 mg

94.6 hairs

Dutasteride 2.5 mg

109.6 hairs

Dutasteride 2.5mg vs. 0.5mg

The 2.5-mg dutasteride dose was consistently superior to 0.5-mg dutasteride in promoting scalp hair growth. The 2.5-mg dose was also better than the 0.5-mg dose at suppressing scalp DHT (79% vs. 51%), whereas it was only marginally better at suppressing serum DHT (96% vs. 92%). This difference in the dose-response of serum and scalp DHT to inhibition with dutasteride is likely to be due to the greater contribution of type 1 5?-reductase to scalp DHT concentrations.

Finasteride 5mg vs. Dutasteride 0.1mg

5 mg finasteride suppressed scalp DHT to a similar degree as 0.1 mg dutasteride group (41% and 32%, respectively). Many of the clinical effects (hair count changes, global panel assessment, and investigator assessment) were also similar in these two groups, supporting the similarity in scalp suppression between 5-mg finasteride and 0.1-mg dutasteride.

Adverse Effects

Both dutasteride powder and finasteride powder were well tolerated in this phase II study, and no new safety concerns have arisen in any of the phase II and phase III studies of dutasteride given at doses up to 5 mg daily (the 5-mg dose was used in a phase II study for BPH).

There were no significant differences in side effects, serious adverse events, or withdrawals due to adverse events among any of the treatment groups, including placebo. In total, 11 subjects withdrew because of adverse events: 3 were in the placebo group (irritable bowel syndrome and impotency), 7 in the dutasteride 0.1 mg group (decreased libido, malaise and fatigue, mood disorders, skin disorders, injuries caused by trauma, and gastrointestinal- and neurology-related complaints) and 1 in the dutasteride 0.5 mg group (gastrointestinal discomfort and pain).

Decreased libido was noted in:

  • 2 subjects in the placebo group

  • 2 subjects in each of the 0.05-mg and 0.1-mg dutasteride groups

  • 1 subject in the 0.5-mg dutasteride group

  • 9 subjects in the 2.5 mg dutasteride group

  • 3 subjects in the finasteride group

Of the 9 subjects with decreased libido in the 2.5-mg dutasteride group:

  • 4 resolved while receiving therapy

  • 1 resolved within 3 weeks

  • 1 resolved within 8 weeks of stopping drug therapy

  • 1 subject, decreased libido continued after therapy had been stopped and was presumed by the subject to be unrelated to the trial or drug therapy

Concerning possible sexual adverse events, there was no evidence in the present study that either dutasteride powder or finasteride powder was associated with impotence. However, 9 men in the 2.5-mg dutasteride group complained of decreased libido, compared with 1 man in the 0.5-mg dutasteride group and 3 men in the finasteride group. As with previous studies with finasteride, this adverse event was characterized as either mild or moderate in severity and often resolved with continuation of the medication. In the 4-year follow-up of the phase III trials in BPH, dutasteride (0.5 mg) was well tolerated and the incidence of the most common sexual adverse events was low and tended to decrease over time.

The only subject to develop gynecomastia was in the placebo group.


Duration of Effects

The serum half-life of finasteride is 6 to 8 hours. Dutasteride has a serum half-life of approximately 4 weeks, and this long half-life was evident in the persistent suppression of DHT with the 0.5-mg and 2.5-mg doses after dutasteride treatment was stopped. Because of this long half-life, men being treated with dutasteride should not donate blood until at least 6 months past their last dose to prevent administration to a pregnant female transfusion recipient.


12. Are there more risks with Dutasteride than Finasteride ?

The answer is possibly. Buy Finasteride raw powder only blocks the type 2 isoenzyme of 5-alpha reductase, where Dutasteride blocks both the type 1 and type 2 isoenzymes of 5-alpha reductase.

There is a genetic model of patients without type 2-5 alpha reductase. There is a small group of the human population that has a genetic defect which causes them not to produce type 2 5-alpha reductase. These people live healthy lives without any increased disease risk (In matter of fact, they do not experience male pattern hair loss, their prostates do not enlarge, and they do not develop prostate cancer). Furthermore, Finasteride powder has been taken by humans going on 20 years without seeing any long term side effects. Therefore, the medical community feels very comfortable blocking type 2 5-alpha reductase, which again is what Propecia® does.

There is no genetic model of humans not having type 1 5-alpha reductase. There are type 1 5-alpha reductase receptors throughout the body, including the brain. The medical community does not know the implications to long term suppression of type 1 5-alpha reductase. Therefore the medical community does not know if there are long term implications to suppressing type 1 5-alpha reductase, which Dutasteride blocks.

Buy Testosterone enanthate powder for bodybuilding, testosterone enanthate powder supplier

Buy Testosterone enanthate powder for bodybuilding, testosterone enanthate powder supplier


1. What is testosterone enanthate powder

Testosterone enanthate powder is the material of testosterone enanthate. testosterone enanthate powder always used to make oil testosterone enanthate . Testosterone enanthate powder is white crystalline powder, with CAS No. 315-37-7. Testosterone enanthate/testosterone enanthate raw material is also well know as test E, testosterone E, testo E.

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Name testosterone enanthate,test E, testo E                                                                                                                                                Testosterone enanthate powder
CAS No. 315-37-7
Molecular Formula C21H28O3
Molecular Weight 400.59
Melt Point 34-39℃
Storage Temp 2-8℃
Color White crystalline powder
Purity >99%
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Testosterone Enanthate raw material  is one of the oldest forms of testosterone ever made available and is further by-in-large the most popular and commonly used testosterone of all time. Very powerful, equally androgenic as it is anabolic Testosterone-Enanthate is one of the most versatile anabolic androgenic steroids ever synthesized and well-suited for almost any purpose. Athletes from all walks of life regularly supplement with Testosterone-Enanthate as this is a steroid that will bring about all the attributes commonly associated with and desired through anabolic steroid use. Moreover, even though it is very popular and in high demand, as most steroids that are highly sought after are generally high priced Testosterone-Enanthate is both fairly cheap and in high supply across the board. 

2. How does testosterone enanthate work?

Testosterone Enanthate is typically injected directly into the muscle tissue. This can be done via the glutes, the quads, the delts, or even the calves. With that said, it is generally suggested to inject testosterone into the largest muscle group possible, meaning the glutes or quads would be your best option. Once Testosterone Enanthate is injected into the muscle, the testosterone is slowly released from the ether over a period of a week to ten days, and from that point, it becomes usable testosterone within the body. Because of this exogenous testosterone, your overall testosterone levels will be much higher than baseline while using Testosterone Enanthate.

Higher than baseline levels of testosterone causes your muscles to grow and repair faster than they normally would. You should get stronger from doing the same workouts, and you will probably find that it doesn’t take you as long to recover from a hard workout as it did before.

3. Testosterone enanthate for bodybuilding 

Testosterone-Enanthate benefits are nothing short of perfect and certainly nothing short of amazing. Through the use of Testosterone Enanthate we create a perfect environment apt for bringing forth the attributes of increased muscle mass and strength, as well as an improved metabolic rate due to the increase in tissue as well as the steroids control over fat promoting hormones(testosterone enanthate benefits). Further, because testosterone is imperative to repair and recovery after intense activity, when our levels are increased through the use of Testosterone-Enanthate we readily speed this process up as well as give it greater efficiency. 

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It is a common misconception, many who supplement with Testosterone Enanthate powder assume they will add piles of lean tissue to their frames simply because use is active; unfortunately it does not quite work this way. While some lean tissue may indeed be gained simply through use, in order to really see a change you must feed the body but this is good news. By its very nature, through testosterone supplementation we increase the effectiveness of our food and the efficiency in-which it performs. As this is true for those who are looking to gain the same principles apply to those who are seeking a leaner physique. To lose body-fat we must be in a calorie restricted state, below maintenance; often, because the body needs energy in order to function it will take what it needs through existing muscle tissue when stores become too low. By supplementing with Testosterone-Enanthate while on a calorie restricted diet we readily create an environment apt to preserving this tissue, thereby increasing metabolic activity; not to forget, as mentioned, testosterone will block muscle wasting hormones and as they are highly present when dieting this is simply an added benefit. 

4. How to use testosterone enanthate correctly 

What must be first understood is that Testosterone is an anabolic steroid that possesses moderate Estrogenic activity through its moderate level of interaction with the aromatase enzyme (the enzyme responsible for the conversion of Testosterone into Estrogen). Factors such as these must be taken into consideration when determining Testosterone Enanthate doses. Testosterone enanthate doses may include: 

In the medical field, Testosterone Enanthate is primarily utilized for the treatment of androgen deficiency in adult males (hypogonadism or andropause). Testosterone Enanthate dosages for such a condition as determined by prescription guidelines are that of 50 – 400mg administered every 2 – 4 weeks.

For the purpose of physique and performance enhancement, Testosterone Enanthate doses most usually administered weekly at the very least (as opposed to administered every 2 – 4 weeks as outlined by prescription guidelines). However, Testosterone Enanthate doses should ideally be administered twice per week, with each dose spread evenly apart (Monday and Thursday, for example). This is to ensure the most stable optimal peak blood plasma levels of Testosterone is achieved, as single weekly injections will often produce wild peaks and valleys in blood plasma levels, which often result in more pronounced side effects among impaired potential gains. Beginner Testosterone Enanthate doses are in the range of 300 – 500mg weekly, especially for a very first anabolic steroid cycle. Even the lowest end of the range, 300mg, will provide some dramatic improvements in physique and strength provided that the beginner’s nutrition and training is properly adjusted and strict. Intermediate Testosterone Enanthate doses will generally land within the range of 500 – 700mg weekly, with no requirements of venturing any higher than 500mg most of the time. Some intermediate users have been known to venture slightly higher, but this should never usually be necessary if the individual’s nutrition and training components are properly structured. Advanced Testosterone Enanthate doses do not usually rise higher than the intermediate doses, but can be seen as high as 700 – 1,000mg weekly or more. However, it is very important to remember the key point that higher doses and excessively high doses are not the definition of an advanced anabolic steroid user of any type. Remember that increased Testosterone Enanthate doses will always correlate with an increase in aromatization and increases in the severity of side effects.


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